Why Organizations Leverage The WELL Portfolio Program

Why Organizations Leverage The WELL Portfolio Program

The WELL Portfolio program helps companies leverage the evidence-based strategies in WELL - the world’s leading health-focused building standard - across their properties to support and enhance the well-being of their team, their visitors and their customers. By applying wellness principles at scale, WELL Portfolio members accelerate the health, happiness and mindfulness of more people, and make a powerful statement to the world about their commitment to support human health. 

Because your properties are diverse, we’ve designed WELL Portfolio to reward participants for making incremental improvements across their portfolios. Whether your project is pursuing WELL Certification or simply applying select principles from the WELL Building Standard, the result is a positive impact on the people who experience your buildings. 

All of your efforts add up to your WELL Portfolio Score, which you can use to publicize your progress, advance your ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) goals, and, in conjunction with our comprehensive reporting dashboard, benchmark against other companies around the globe participating in the WELL Portfolio program. WELL Portfolio is a cost-effective approach designed to help you improve your properties over time, publicize your achievements and increase the value of your spaces - all by focusing your efforts on improving the health and well-being of the people who work in and visit your buildings everyday. 

Value At Every Step 

Participating in WELL Portfolio unlocks a suite of digital tools and hands-on support that can help you measure your progress and improve outcomes over time – so you can make the highest possible impact on your building’s value and the well-being of the people who visit, work, live and learn in your spaces.

 Enhance your company's value

  • Identify and apply valuable design, operations and policy-based strategies that can add value to your buildings and your organization through the 10 health-focused concepts that anchor the WELL Building Standard.
  • Assess your performance and improve your WELL Portfolio Score over time by optimizing your facilities, operations and policies.
  • Improve your ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) by reporting WELL Portfolio performance data. 

Improve financials 

  • Increase revenue by attracting and retaining employees and tenants through organizational and building improvements.
  • Reduce costs by applying health and wellness strategies at scale and identify efficiencies. 
  • Demonstrate to investors that your properties have increased in value and/or can attract longer-term tenants through portfolio-wide analysis, benchmarking and reporting.

 Advance your commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR)

  • Accelerate the positive health impacts of WELL through a portfolio level approach.
  • Make significant contributions to the global movement to advance buildings that protect, support and enhance human health.
  • Use your WELL Portfolio Score and metrics to showcase your commitment to your employees’ health and well-being to key stakeholders, investors, ESG and CSR reporting systems.

 Position yourself as a leader

  • Receive ongoing recognition as you achieve various milestones.
  • Benefit from complimentary International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) membership and leverage additional marketing and education perks. 
  • Demonstrate your company’s commitment to health by publicizing your participation in WELL Portfolio using IWBI’s many public relations templates, social media channels and marketing resources.
  • Redefine best practices in real estate and employee health and well-being. 

Let me know if you want to evaluate the value of WELL Portfolio and receive estimated subscription cost based on the size of your portfolio. Send request for portfolio quote to Stephen.brown@wellcertified.com /

https://www.wellcertified.com/portfolio (WELL Portfolio Landing Page)

?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5IfUe6j59w (WELL Intro Video)

https://www.wellcertified.com/zh-cn/sdgs (WELL Aligns With UN Global Compact SDG's)

https://www.rejournals.com/there%E2%80%99s-no-better-roi-than-investing-in-people-20191008 (ROI Story About Investing In People)



Stephen Brown (WELL Faculty)的更多文章

