Why Organisations Need Strategy? - 4 Reasons
Daniel Ling
CEO & Founder, Emerge Creatives Training Co | Head of UX Design | Author | ex-Lazada, DBS, OCBC and Income
4 Reasons What Happens Without Strategy
Other than 'Design Thinking', I would like you to remember the next word- 'Strategy' ????
While Design Thinking solves complex problems inside-out, Strategy Thinking overcomes challenges forward-back.
47% of you voted that "Strategy" mean to navigate future situations and that's exactly so.
We have learned that navigating future situations will be uncertain and complex- that's why we need a clear Strategy Action Plan to ensure we don't fall victim to the future.
Organisationally, there are 4 reasons why do we need strategy. Without strategy:
A: We lack clear vision and focus to navigate through challenges.
Organizational: Similarly, businesses without a clear strategy may struggle to define their purpose and direction. This can lead to confusion among employees, making it difficult to prioritize tasks and adapt to changes in the market.
B: We are unable to have a clear path to win competition, complete complex tasks and achieve ambition.
Organizational: In a competitive business environment, having a clear strategy is crucial for outperforming competitors, tackling complex projects, and realizing ambitious growth targets. Without a strategic roadmap, businesses may struggle to differentiate themselves and stay ahead of the competition.
C: We will lack morale and purpose and have unclear organizational structure.
Organizational: Without a clear strategy, employees may feel disconnected from the organization's mission and goals. This can result in low morale, reduced productivity, and high turnover rates. Additionally, an unclear organizational structure can lead to confusion about roles and responsibilities, hindering collaboration and efficiency.
D: Resources and funding will not be properly allocated to the right areas.
Organizational: Businesses must allocate resources strategically to invest in areas that drive growth and innovation. Without a well-defined strategy, resources may be misallocated, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for growth.
This is applicable to also on a personal level.. but we will deep-dive at a later stage about personal strategy..
That's Why Organisations Are Looking for the Ultimate Strategist!
Companies are not just looking for complex problem solvers, they are looking for the ultimate strategist and planners to solve future challenges.
So for someone who has strategy means that he will have the understanding and know-how to navigate and overcome future challenges- be constantly asking key questions- and make plans for it.
Here's the ingredients of some who is a strategist and knows the Strategy Action Plan!
1?? Tactics to win the competition ?? ??
What are your actions in view of competition?
Do you know their strengths and weaknesses?
What are the opportunities and threats?
2?? Plan to overcome complex tasks ??? ???
Do you know who or where to extract resources and info?
Are you ready to work with experts in this area?
Are you able to collaborate with stakeholders?
Do you know the steps to overcome?
3?? Mission to achieve lofty goals ?? ??
Are you clear on the vision and the mission?
Are you aligned with everyone else about the future?
Do you know the steps to achieve the goals?
4?? Ability to navigate future situations or scenarios ??? ???
Are you able to forecast and make plans?
What will you do in the better future?
What will you do in the worse future?
Will you be asking those questions for your future?
"Strategists" Are Charging Thousands To Navigate Future
Are so-called “strategists” or consultants charging thousands to your organisations to plan your future?
Bain & Co
Don’t get me wrong.. these companies are awesome. I love them. I work with consultants in my companies. I have friends working there.
Some important skills in view of Digital Transformation for the future:
Critical Thinking (Strategy Thinking)
Entrepreneurship (Think Business Model)
Future Thinking (Forecasting and Anticipate)
Collaboration (Working with Others)
But what if you are able to learn the Strategy 5 Step Action Plan yourself?
What if you can send your entire team to understand the framework, tools and process?
What if you can be empowered with effective mindsets of an entrepreneur or intrapreneur to solve real-world business strategy?
Over the next few months- as a consultant and strategic practitioner in the Finance and Tech industry- I will be spilling the beans on what are the secret thinking process of the Strategy Action Plan.. please stay tuned!
Last Words
I will be adding more articles on Design Thinking throughout the year. Articles of Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test will be added periodically to give my readers a broader insights to Design Thinking.
Check out more articles via my blog:
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Instagram- @designthinkersgroupdtv
About the Author
Daniel Ling is a regional Design Leader, and certified Design and Agile Coach with 15 years of experience in the financial and e-commerce tech space- who moulded himself to be a “designer in a business suit”- strong in the Design Thinking process and yet relevant to the industry. He is proficient in the digital and transformational space- in the area of design leadership and management, research, strategy planning and coaching.
How to sign up for his WSQ Certification Courses:
WSQ Design Thinking: https://www.emerge-creatives.com/wsq-design-thinking-certification-course
WSQ Entrepreneurship Business Planning: https://www.emerge-creatives.com/entrepreneurship-business-planning
Where to get Complete Design Thinking Guide for Successful Professionals?
Download PDF Digital Copy here: https://payhip.com/b/hM4U
Purchase from Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1514202735
Download eBook from Apple Store here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/complete-design-thinking-guide/id1022432207?ls=1&mt=11