Why Only Working On & In Your Business is Not Enough to Get Breakthrough Results

Why Only Working On & In Your Business is Not Enough to Get Breakthrough Results

This is going to crush the myth that it’s only about working longer, harder and smarter on and in your business as the best and only way to get breakthrough results.

Working longer, harder and smarter on and in our business is important but not the most important influence in getting breakthrough results

For sure we all have to work on and in our business for results to happen, however only doing this is:

  1. Limited (as it’s not the most powerful influence on what creates results)
  2. Not a guarantee of breakthrough results (there’s plenty of people who work hard, long & smart on their business and still experience stagnant growth)
  3. Likely to cause burnout and overwhelm leading to serious health problems or injury.

Case and point: The Golden State Warriors NBA team

The Warriors had the top players, the top coaches, the top form going into the NBA finals against the Toronto Raptors this year.

Clearly they'd worked long, hard & smart on and in their game, making them strong favorites to win the NBA title for the third consecutive year.

Despite this they still couldn’t overcome the Toronto Raptors…namely because injuries to top players allowed the Raptors to get the better of them.

The top Warriors players who were injured had the biggest influence on creating an historical three-peat championship wins, unfortunately they weren’t able to protect themselves in the process of achieving and weren't able to achieve the outcome.

The journey and process to achieving the outcome overshadowed them and the outcome wasn't obtained.

I had a similar experience as a athlete

I did all the training and some, the promising results, an Olympic gold medal winning coach who said if I kept up my progress I could make the Olympics, and despite this I still fell short of qualifying for the world junior championships by a couple of seconds and got intensely sick and burned out for 6 months and never recovered.

There was something I was missing beyond just working/training harder, longer and smarter that has taken me a couple of decades to more fully understand and figure out.

The Dangers of Working Longer, Harder and Smarter

Lets assume, like most CEOs, you really want a breakthrough result for your business because growth has plateaued and stagnated for the last year or two or five with slow, similar or declining results.

You feel stuck having tried every way possible to work longer, harder and smarter on and in the business but nothing has enabled you to really breakthrough to next level results without feeling like you are slowly or quickly getting burned out or overwhelmed.

You may have reached a point where having to work longer, harder and smarter on and in your business using the “just power through it” mentality:

1. Makes you nauseous because you realize it’s not sustainable and is already causing imbalances in your health and relationships.

2. Has caused fatigue and tiredness due to overworking and overwhelm making you feel more pressure, tension and stress which then makes you feel unhappy limiting your ability to perform at your best leading to less performance bonuses.

3. Which has real potential consequences of causing:

  • high blood pressure
  • anxiety
  • stroke
  • heart attack
  • life threatening disease
  • unhealthy addictions
  • suicide
  • loss of relationships or even marriage
  • missing being a part of your kids’ lives and

Any of these will lead to not feeling truly fulfilled in your work or life.

When Throwing In the Towel Creeps In

When nothing is really making a significant difference then that feeling of wanting to throw in the towel creeps in.

Leading a stagnant organization can result in key players, partnerships and customers defecting to the competition causing a drop in performance and your reputation being diminished or attacked which could result in loss of that position and difficulty in finding a new one.

The worst-case scenario is being asked to step down when you feel you have so much more to give.

When you know you have more to give but not sure how to access more energy, clarity and creativity to create a breakthrough result then you have a mental capacity problem.


Every breakthrough result or change we've seen has started with a breakthrough on the inside in terms of the leader first working on themselves to have better energy, capacity, clarity and creativity.

Research below shows a business can only grow based on how well the leaders are developing, enhancing and utilizing their and others potential.

The Center for Creative Leadership in 2009 said that based on numerous in-depth studies:

“organizations who invest in leadership development perform better than those that don’t.”

A Harvard Business Review article called “Maximizing Your Return On People” found a strong correlation between leadership skill and bottom line:

“Companies with higher scores for their investment in human capital delivered stock returns that were five times higher than companies with less emphasis on human capital.”

It starts with making and allowing your brain to function at a World-class level

From being a full-time meditating monk for 10 years I learned the brain functions better during the day when we get up before 6am, 5am ideally, so long as we haven't gone to bed at 3am lol.

Good quality sleep and meditation = working on yourself, because through the neuroplasticity of the brain it changes during these resting activities to form better neuronal connections.

Check out this new book World-Class Brain. Here's a summary of the book:

"The brains of world-class performers are different from the brains of average performers. No surprise there. But what is surprising is that regardless of whether these top performers are athletes, musicians, or CEOs, their brains share one feature that makes them stand out: More integrated functioning. A world-class brain works in a more coherent, relaxed, wakeful, and efficient way."

  Harald S. Harung PhD., Author World-Class Brain

The Double Catch 22 for Being Able to Successfully Exit in 5-10 Years

You probably want to be able to exit your business in the next 5-10 years with a great windfall so you have the enviable option of being able to move on to something new with greater reputation or even stop working altogether so you can pursue other passions that will expand your fulfillment and joy in life.

The catch 22 is you don’t feel like you can do this until you’ve reached a certain milestone that will give a profitable valuation and return to you and your shareholders.

The catch 22 to this catch 22 is that achieving this is contingent on how well you’re developing, enhancing and utilizing your full potential.

You Have X-Factor Prowess, do you have the It-Factor Breakthrough Influence?

Now don’t get me wrong, you clearly have great prowess to lead a significant organization otherwise you wouldn’t be in that position, however wouldn’t it be even better if you could activate even more of your X-Factor prowess to more easily inspire breakthrough results happening sooner than latter?

It’s only correct that you:

  • get paid what you're truly worth for creating a bigger better business
  • enjoy a quality lifestyle waking up every day knowing you’re on track.
  • have full support from your family and team to achieve your next breakthrough result in less time
  • know your health is protected so you won’t suffer from burnout or overwhelm.

This is completely possible because when you work on enhance yourself and others, the most powerful influence on and in your business, you’ll:

1. Have greater mental capacity, stability and agility to handle anything that comes your way because you’ll feel more settled and less stressed by time and people

2. Attract more of the right deals at the right time with the right people.

3. Have greater team cohesion, engagement and support reducing staff turnover and improving morale.

4. Close bigger better deals faster resulting in breakthrough results and growth of revenue, profit and share price.

5. You'll be enhanced by others even more so!

All these benefits are a reflection of you activating more of your X-Factor so you have "It Factor" influence, like Michael Jordan, to naturally and easily create breakthrough results.

Business performance primarily reflects how well the you, the leader, the trusted It Factor influence, is developing and performing.

Transforming Stagnation & Frustration into Breakthrough Results & Fulfillment

We’ve helped over 50 CEOs and executives over the last two decades turn feelings of burnout, overwhelm, frustration and stagnation into breakthrough clarity, confidence, results and fulfillment.

See new mavericks.com/casestudies

What did it take?

A very simple process of applying more profound knowledge, techniques and technologies to have greater mental capacity, stability, agility & insight to activate more of their X-factor so they had "It Factor" influence to:

  • Purify negativity, blocks, stresses and vices in themselves and others to have better energy, clarity and creativity
  • Be more settled to see how to attract more support from team and marketplace.
  • See even better opportunities
  • See the bigger picture to be more in tune with what is required

If you want the next level development and support beyond just relying & trying to work longer, harder & smarter on and in your business and instead want to make the wise move of investing in maximizing your potential to get breakthrough results and get paid what you’re truly worth without burning yourself out then I would love for you to book a call with us to find out how.

Schedule a Breakthrough Results call

There is a better way, I promise.

We’ll give you the deeper knowledge and approaches, you’re not currently aware of, to start getting the breakthrough results and progress you’re looking for right away.

It’s Not Your Fault

It’s not your fault you thought only working longer and harder on and in your business is what creates breakthrough results, for sure this is an important part of the process but it’s not the most important primary and powerful influence…that my friend… is YOU!

When you’re developing more mental capacity, stability, agility & insight you’ll more simply create breakthrough results without creating stress for yourself and others.

If you want to change your circumstances and results it’s your responsibility to take charge and make that change.

We have a proven way to help you in the most proficient way.

This is only possible when you take the first step and book a call today to find out how:

Schedule a Breakthrough Results call

ps For more insiders intel in getting breakthrough CEO results please feel free to join our new BREAKTHROUGH CEO RESULTS group here on LinkedIn.

Graham L Doessel

Armstrong Doessel Stevenson Lawyers - ADSLaw.com.au || Commercial Law / Litigation | Wills, Estates, Probate | Business Law, Leases and Debt Recovery | Credit Reporting Law || MyCRALawyers.com.au | Credit Repair |

5 年

Interesting article Raamon... I resonated with the "throw the towel in" creeping thoughts... This is one of the most satisfying but least financially rewarding businesses I have ever been in and I have thought so many times about moving back into more financially rewarding businesses... But then I get stuck on why I started the business, and I keep pushing through. We help so many people and I will find a way to to make more money out of it... (I've identified one way, just need to make it work...)? So yes, I've been there and I will keep pushing through :-)



5 年

Raamon my inspirational friend. You are on top of it Raammon.?

Bruno Kongawoin

Director – Lightbent Images & Photography ? Corporate Headshot & Portrait Photographer Perth

5 年

Fantastic article Raamon Newman. As it's been said "quality over quantity. At times people work harder and longer at their own peril just to subsist. Attracting more of the right deals at the right time with the right people is the way.

Louise Bedford - ??? Host of Talking Trading podcast

Louise is a best-selling author of six sharemarket books, behavioural finance expert & authority on candlestick charting.

5 年

Top article, Raamon Newman. Re: "Likely to cause burnout and overwhelm" - this is exactly what I'm finding with so many of my friends. They're working harder & harder, & wearing themselves out in the process. I'm about to email a few of them this article to give them an alternative viewpoint.

Brett Warren

Director | Property Strategist | Author | Speaker

5 年

Such a comprehensive article Raamon Newman. At our presentations we always so hands up who works hard? Hands up who is wealthy. They don't usually correlate!

