Why Only Authenticity Can Change the World...
Jovana Jovanovic, MBA
I write about trauma and personal empowerment // Background in project and program management in social innovation and impact // Advocate of Trauma-Informed approaches // Advocating for flexible work for working parents
If there was one gift I would want to give to every single one of us it would be the ability to realise how easy and how incredible it is to be authentic.
Authenticity feels like peacefulness, power and energy - all at the same time. It's the energy of life vibrating through our entire being. Yet, at the same time we feel peaceful and present. We no longer search and question, because we know our own answers. When we do stumble upon a question we cannot immediately answer, we've learned to tune in and listen. Most importantly, we've learned to TRUST our own intuition and gut.
Authenticity is our home.
I don't want to exhaust my privileges with my access to your time and your mental space, but this is the topic I simply cannot and will never stop talking about. The amount of knowledge and wisdom that comes with knowing ourselves deeply is absolutely incredible. The fact is - all of us have the ability to tune in deeply within. All of us have all the answers that matter to us.
But too often life takes us in a different direction. The learnings we get, the conditioning and the traumas throughout our early years move us further away from the deep connection we all have with our core selves. By the time we're adults very few of us remain able to hear our own voice first and foremost before all the other voices. Our voice is the only one that matters - it's the deep internal knowing of WHO we are, WHAT we seek, what brings MEANING to us and what is our PURPOSE in this life.
It makes no mistakes. We simply know it. We don't question it. It doesn't make 5 year plans, but it also doesn't question where we're going. Because it's the clearest message you have ever heard.
Throughout our lives many of us start to get confused by the many voices we've been taught to hear that often come before our own. The voices that were created out of fear, out of self-protection, the voices that criticised us, or the voices that wanted us to do things that we weren't aligned with. We internalise all of these and mistaken them for our own. It's no wonder so many of us feel like major parts of ourselves are missing even though we're fully formed adults, have many accomplishments, have done everything by the book - yet, something's not right. We feel lost. We lack meaning. We lack purpose. We experience anxiety. High functioning depression. Lack of motivation. In short - we feel lost. And we are lost - because most of the things we chased were not the things that mattered to us.
To top it all off we live in a highly materialised world in which we're constantly bombarded by the idea that life is all about external - material goods, houses, cars, expensive hotels, etc. Young people are experiencing this lack of meaning and purpose because TikTok tells them to find joy they should be travelling every day and making thousands doing just that. It's fine - this truly is someone's authentic expression. But it is NOT the answer for all of us. And that is the ENTIRE point of this all. We don't all seek the same stuff. You have to find yours!
We've all at least once come across someone living a simple life who is more content than everyone else we've ever met. Happier than the people who have millions and live in mansions...Funny, isn't it :). That person has found their inner voice. And they're doing what brings meaning to them. So they're at peace. I am 100% certain that the meaning for every human being lies in finding their own voice and following it. This internal voice will always work in favour of the higher good. It will always have empathy, understanding, compassion, humility. This inner voice, even when it works in the material world - does so for the good of the greater collective. It does so for all the right reasons, for all the right values.
Somehow, us adults, we seem to have forgotten the simple yet important life values we teach to our children. The values of integrity, loyalty, courageousness, honesty, trust, etc.. We've become spineless in our pursuit of the external, material security. As if all that will ever be able to protect us from what awaits us all. There is no security. Life itself is to be lived. It isn't a path of striving for security. It's a path of striving to bring about a meaningful change, have a meaningful contribution and through that leave your impact on the world.
All wrong things that happen come from us forgetting the unity of all people, of all that exists and the importance of our planet. From forgetting the right values and chasing the wrong stuff. They come from our greed and our fear.
This post may sound a bit aloof-y to some (or many) of you. And I get it. Once we're so stuck in this material world and the systems we've created it's hard to step out of it. It's all 'nonsense' or gibberish, if you will. But here's the thing. I was on that other side as well. I know very well the feeling of being lost, lacking meaning and trying to find it in travel and expensive 'things', in other people and their journeys, striving for just one second to feel deeply alive, inspired and motivated to live a life of meaning.
My coming to this point didn't happen because I knew I was on a search for my authenticity. It happened simply because I was trying to survive a depression that was intent on killing me. It happened because there was a very faint voice within that I could barely identify underneath of all the other voices. And that little voice told me I could persevere and to just keep pushing forward no matter how hard it got. It told me 'I got you'. This faint voice was all I had in the darkness of my own mind. It was my own voice. Telling me to hold on and to find it. But it was so faint that it felt like it was buried underneath a ton of other baggage I've adopted through life - defence mechanisms, conditioning, the voices of others. I didn't know that this little voice was going to be my saving grace. I had no idea that once I worked through all my baggage what was going to be left is that voice - but this time loud and clear. My own voice. Stronger than ever.
Me. Beneath all of it. Strong. Peaceful. At home. Within.
I want everyone to find this within. It will be all the answers that you seek.
This above is the most important reason I do the work I do.
While I'm creating more accessible (and affordable) options to help many people, right now I'm also offering a small group online coaching programme starting this fall. Early bird discount ends TODAY!
The program's fee indicates your commitment and desire to truly embark on this journey. My energy and knowledge are not ever expanding and are here for anyone willing to hear and do the work. I help guide you on that journey by sharing all of my knowledge, insights, research and tools to help you find your own voice. It's the best thing you'll ever do!
I don't have the answers you seek - YOU have them. I help navigate you towards them, provide education as to what might be standing in your way and insights into how you can overcome this. This work is usually difficult, it's not a walk in the park. But those who embark on it already have a great urge to so and know that they have to undertake it...
So, sign up today and let's start this journey together!