Why No One is Showing Up for Your Digital Transformation
Because everyone seems to be talking about digital, I previously outlined the three elements required for a true digital transformation: a new customer experience, a new business model, and a new value creation model. These three elements are the outputs of a successful transformation. However a digital transformation requires the right inputs as well: C-suite support, digital technology, and careful prioritization.
All of these ingredients are important but the right culture might be the ultimate x-factor. One of my favorite quotes is “culture eats strategy for breakfast” but in this digital economy it might be more appropriate to say that culture is the secret sauce in digital success. I believe the three most important cultural characteristics we can cultivate to encourage and sustain successful digital transformations are:
- Risk Tolerant: A September 2015 McKinsey survey uncovered a strong positive link between digital performance and a risk-taking culture. This type of culture not only understands that exponential rewards come with increased risk, but that failure (at least fast failure) is a powerful learning opportunity. Just like learning to ski, bike, or skateboard – if you never fall down, you’re not going to get any better.
Tips: As a manager, you already know to reward successful outcomes, not just hard work. It’s also important to ensure you don’t punish failure; in fact give room for some experimentation and document what doesn’t work for others. As an individual, I’ve personally found the writing of John William Gardner inspiring - work up your “courage to fail.” - Rapid: A digital culture values speed over perfection. The oft-cited phrase “No plan survives contact with the enemy” applies to products and customers as well. Rather than spending inordinate amounts of time researching a market and developing a complete product, a digital culture embraces a minimal viable product with rapid iterations. This goes beyond a first-mover advantage leading to higher market share; digital cultures operate at a higher frequency than more traditional businesses (e.g. weekly product releases, hourly sales forecasts, 30 min response times to customer inquiries).
Tips: As a manager, consider your KPIs. If you only set yearly targets, you cannot measure progress monthly or even weekly. And make sure you measure performance appropriately: a grading system that value speed over perfection considers 85% attainment as good performance. As an individual, let go of your perfectionism. Good enough is good enough. - Receptive: Digital transformation requires change and established companies are naturally resistant to change. Just like humans are designed to fight off foreign bodies like infections, organizational antibodies often arise to combat new initiatives. Digital cultures thrive on feedback, even feedback which is contrary to conventional wisdom. This is why startups are prone to pivot and large companies know that strategy shouldn’t be static.
Tips: As a manager, you should be hiring people with diverse backgrounds; heterogeneous groups are more likely to be receptive to new ideas. Be sure to practice management by walking around – you don’t even have to leave your desk. And, of course, consider yourself – you likely have an open door policy but do you have an open mind policy as well? As an individual, be a life-long learner – at any level of the organization, never stop being a student. Especially as a student of your customers.
So, embrace a digital culture – be brave, be fast and be open. It’s the key to being successful in the digital economy.
Do you have any additional tips you can share for cultivating the cultural characteristics required for a successful digital transformation?
Follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my personal blog, Manage by Walking Around.
blog writer
8 年Great article, Jonathan! I really learned a lot, and I don't think this important topic is being discussed enough. I especially agree with what you wrote about resistance to change (reminded me of this: https://change.walkme.com/7-emojis-change-management/) - People naturally resist change, and managers should be attentive in order to successfully implement change.
CEO Devoteam ALPS | N Platform CENTRAL director | Member of the GROUP ExCo
8 年Jonathan Becher nice piece! Culture is probably the hardest DX factor to get right and what I would qualify as one of the unfair start ups competitive advantages vs traditional players....I wrote about this recently...https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/digital-transformation-3-reasons-least-go-back-culture-bernolle?trk=pulse_spock-articles
Founder of Blackbird e-Solutions LLC (Soccer Marketing!) & The Soccer Handbook (Helping Youth Clubs & Coaches!)
8 年I've found that even when organizations and leaders believe they want to make change to be more "digitally" minded they still fight the change. Maybe they are not even conscious of the fight. I also definitely agree that culture is what will ultimately define if an organization is successful with a digital transformation or not. That means the whole team has to embrace not only the mindset, but the tools as well. To move from a traditional organization to a digital organization means everyone needs to move more quickly and efficiently. Without everyone using the right tools this transformation will likely never take place.
Thinking Partner to High-Profile Leaders with a Focus on AI / Stragegist & Mentor To High-Performance Teams / Internationally Published / Podcaster: "Stories About Stories" / Join my Conscious Leadership Newsletter
8 年Understanding where any given individual is within the culture of the organization, including the social and professional costs and opportunities associated with bringing truly new ideas, is key. Once understood, giving incremental degrees of permission to ask "stupid" questions, offer ideas that are from far afield from that of the current culture, and giving explicit guidelines about where there is permission to fail - all without internal cultural penalty - can free up enormous amounts of new contribution. Excellent article. I'll be taking it with me to a meeting in Geneva next week.