Why on-premise IT is the same as having a baby.
It takes time and effort to make.
It hurts to obtain.
You can touch it.
You can lose it.
You can carry it.
You must maintain it.
You must keep it in good health.
It needs feeding.
It can fall over.
It can get hurt.
Its temperature needs to be right.
It needs love.
It needs tidying.
It needs keeping safe
It can get full.
It can get tired.
It needs attention.
It needs teaching.
It is hard to change.
Having lots are hard to manage.
You can’t take them places without a fuss.
Sometimes they don’t play well with others.
It is yours forever.
Cloud IT on the other hand is nothing like having a baby, it:
Does not take time or effort to make.
Does not hurt to obtain.
You cannot touch it.
You cannot lose it.
You carry it with you everywhere but weighs nothing.
It keeps itself in good health.
It does not need feeding.
It is very hard to hurt.
It maintains its own temperature.
It does not need love.
It does not need tidying.
It keeps itself safe.
It can't get full.
It never gets tired.
It needs no attention.
It teaches itself.
It is easy to change.
Having a lot is easy to manage.
You can take it anywhere without a fuss.
It plays well with others.
You can relinquish it whenever you want.
Yes they are cute and nice to have but why would a business want a baby?