Why old habits die hard ??
Why old habits are hard to break BUT can be broken ---
If you want to ?????♀?
How many of you have, perhaps like us too stood in front of you "vice" aisle having "THE" conversation with yourself
Yes get it, you deserve it ??
No, I promised myself NO ??
Go on, one won't hurt ??
No, it won't happen, I'm being "good" ??
Pfhhttt! seriously you kidding me, your gonna fail so why just not have it now, you can work out extra later! ??
No, I'm walking away! ??
This is what happened the other week to one of our beautiful FreedomFighters at the ice cream aisle
Sometimes old habits die hard, most of us think that we can take a magic pill and POOF our old habits and beliefs will be gone like magic
Uh Ah no way
You have to work at them ALL THE TIME until the become a distant voice
Sure you can DECIDE you want to change in an instant But sometimes the change is a process
That could be 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, 10 years, depends on how much you exercise the NEW muscle of habits and behaviour you have put into place
You cannot do anything JUST ONCE and it is changed forever NOTHING
If you don't use it you lose it!
But why are some old habit hard to die?
Because sometimes our subconscious mind does not accept or understand the notion that you no longer do this thing anymore
There can be guilt attached for what it has done to you, if it's overeating there may be an overarching feeling of guilt now that you have become awake to the fact of what you had been doing
AND because of this, there is a reluctance to STOP IT
It's like a kid who does not want to admit that it has done anything wrong SO digs it's heels in
You know the one, you are in another room, and you hear a crash, you run in and the lamp is on the floor, there is no one there except a kid and the ball it was holding
Did you do that? ??
NO! ?????♀?
You clearly know they did, so you press the situation, the kid will either cough to it OR no and kick up a fuss being adamant they did not do it
Call it ego, call it not wanting to be wrong, it does not matter
What does matter is how you approach this time
Do you scold yourself for getting you in this situation and say
"You should have known better?"
Do you just say "Hey it's all cool, you only did what you knew what to do with the information you had at the time, it's now time to change it"
Our FreedomFighter had not eaten for emotion for months and months since doing F90 so how comes she is back in front of the freezer having this conversation with herself?
(F90 is our life-changing online program for people who are ready and committed to taking back control of their habits)
Good question because surely doing a program where you get rid of habits and behaviours will rid that forever?
The thing is I personally still believe that these habits and behaviours ARE STILL THERE
The main difference is how loud the voice (emotion) is and how in control of it you are
When you work on it every day the voice becomes very very quiet, you can control that which leads to FREEDOM
If you stop working on it the voice becomes louder and louder, then you become trapped to it
Just like weight loss you cannot expect to take a magic pill and it all to go away, we cannot reach inside your head and take out a chip which is the part of you that seeks comfort in food!
It's there and it WAS a part of how you behaved in certain circumstances
She posted this to SHOW how strong she was, she had the distant voice and it started to get louder and louder BUT she pushed it back and remembered all her coaching from F90 and used all the tools we gave her and decided she did not want to be THAT person anymore, so what did she do?
?? I walked so proudly out that shop and the craving has gone ??????
(^^her words^^)
Frikin amazing if you ask us!