Why nRTE poultry stuffed with political stuffing is important. Only a mere one (1) gram or 0.0022046226218 lb. sample is needed
Simply put.
When FSIS officially schedules / test nRTE poultry - via a future FSIS Directive of infamy - with all that stuffy stuffing as an adulterant - a domino effect shall occur with eventual / specific serotypes of genus salmonella being declared as adulterants - along the usual time consuming regulatory continuum byroads of prevention.
History clearly reveals that USDA / FSIS can be tough regarding their declarations of adulterants.
History shows that all of the six (6) NON- O157:H7 STECS (O103, O111, O121, O145, O26 and O45) were charged / convicted as adulterants in one (1) fell swoop day.
History does have an uncanny propensity of repeating itself.
Raw poultry's pandora box is on the very cusp of opening.
Cut out the chicken fat.
Look at raw poultry's feathered raw facts.
The fact stats involving raw poultry and associated sickness is staggering in the USA.
Others and I have listed all the numbers many times in previous LinkedIn and Meatingplace.com blogs regarding the rather rote estimations posted by FDA, USDA and CDC, etc., regarding raw poultry and that darn gram-negative genus salmonella.
But are the charts and stats accurate?
The stats are more than likely worse than what they appear.
Not everyone reports their sickness.
Non specific and specific meat / poultry trade magazines that others and I consume - like Consumer Report - knows about the deadly toxins caused by salmonella - among many other respected periodicals.
A poultry gate?
So too - the 27 countries that make up the EU.
The EU won't buy USA poultry.
For openers, USA poultry allows chlorine as that last chance science-based pathogenic intervention - among other nibble / enticing tidbits.
A measured GRAS approved chlorine application is way too tardy in selected raw poultry's slaughter HACCP flow charts of 2022.
Damn well they are.
Like cow and hog roving huffed mammals - eschewing pathogens needs to be addressed all of the way up stream.
One does not need to be Phi Beta Kappa or a Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out - despite selected ego-politico driven scientists / politicians opinions here, there and everywhere.
It'$ all part of their game.
The Good News?
Salmonella is preventable - in similar terms - as the 1996 pathogenic E. coli ruling has keenly demonstrated with raw beef.
Look again at selected EU countries who were really tackling salmonella since the 20th century.
Look what happened by declaring E.coli O157H:7 / six (6) NON-O157 STECs as USDA branded adulterants have accomplished.
The USDA sledgehammered the beef industry towards more science-based interventions at the get-go in '96.
It was needed.
Back then in '96 not one (1) trade association bitched about the mega reg.
All for one and one for all in '96.
It had to be done.
Not true in 2022.
The Mega Reg of 1996 statistics indelibly evinces --- truncated recalls and incidences of people (ie. kids) becoming ill or dying from pathogenic strains of E. coli regarding raw beef.
Bad news concerning raw poultry and the uproar of the sheer pittance of the proposed 0.0022046 lb sampling of salmonella?
It'$ going to co$t the poultry indu$try a lot of mojo to get it done right.
A lot.
The poultry industry has known this the entire time - that their dice - was coming up snake eyes.
And down the road of time - your chicken cost per pound shall be priced accordingly - right back at 'ya.
Get it?!
A clever / cunning double-double 'money caper' if there ever was one.
Thought of the Day
Had the sheer amount of monies that has been poured, dumped and strewn down the - black rabbit hole over the decades - generated by special interest groups, selected trade associations, lobbyist, congress and the like - today's USA poultry industry could have been leaps and bounds ahead of truncating biological hazards in raw poultry than it presently is in 2022 - while - contemporaneously exporting poultry to the EU - and more importantly - having lost loved ones still with their still grieving parents in 2022 and beyond.
Proof of needed corrections of raw poultry needed?
The present comment period in the final days of its extended Federal Register run - for and against - nRTE poultry with all the stuff.
It's high time.
Hey Duke?
Every single piece of raw chicken - possibly laced with salmonella toxins has had a USDA Approved and Inspected bug on each and every wholesomeness box that was ever shipped to the general commerce.
There is not a true kill step CCP for raw meat.
Raw poultry or beef.
{ Radiation? }
{Naw - the Radura labeling requirement is sheer kryptonite to the labeling glancing consumers.}
Who and what is saving little Johnny Quest and giggling Michelle Ann presently?
Mom and dad's cooking / handling / BBQing the raw poultry properly.
A thin pathogenic line - at times
That is -
Title: Mom / Dad / You / Her / Him / Restaurant Chef - CCP 1 (B) Biological.
Cooking internal temperature of all raw poultry to 165 degrees F., or higher with a calibrated thermometer.
Salmonella is omnipresent in USA poultry.
Unlike beef, toxic serotypes of salmonella can enter into the inner meat of your delicious drumsticks and flying BBQ wings.
But some like the skin still attached.
Not too unlike a bite from a surprised Western Arizona sidewinder rattlesnake - in heat
Present pathogenic interventions (HACCP / CCP / CP / Prerequisite / SSOP / SPS' / GMPs, etc.) at poultry slaughter - don't always work.
The stats don't / won't lie away anymore.
The dangers of salmonella is now in bright and flashing regulatory neon red lights in latter 2022.
The pending results are a sure CNN, Fox News and BBC special report.
Selected poultry lobbyist fabricate not only the chicken that crosses the street to get to commerce, but selected Trade Associations moon dance around the salmonella facts with their expensive consultants and full time Associates whose specialty is being Hollywood in Washington DC.
They were good.
It worked in the pa$t.
No ma$ - okay - Robert 'O' Duran?
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time. Whether Lincoln actually said that is highly debatable in 2022 - so remains raw poultry in 2022 - highly debatable.
Consumers remain as discombobulated on salmonella as they are with today's poultry and beef labeling.
Organic too.
GMO's - included.
So too the omnipresent and rather hilarious labeling on poultry packaging - "Never Ever Growth Hormones."
Add in all those creative cage freedom chicken labeling claims too - will ya' Wilbur?
It all sounds and appears so dong-gone countryside al fresco - all highlighted on a 100% recyclable egg carton in 2022 at your local friendly neighborhood grocery store.
A feel good aftertaste - like Dr. Seuss, Charlie Brown and surely Mr. Rogers.
Selected cage-free projects on your smart big screen pixel / neuron brain - "Free Willy" for the uninformed and easily gullible public who just want some tasty and safe El Pollo Loco and feel good afterwards.
Tell me what is the true-blue meaning of cage free represent(s)?
Is there one or a variety of more general loose-end protocols that constitutes true-blue cage Emancipation Proclamation freedom labeling statements?
Close your eyes and pull out of a beaver skin top hat that Lincoln so favored - the one you pick that appeals to you.
Keep picking until you find one.
There's so many to choo$e from.
And I refrained from mentioning the long, rocky, winding and well-referenced historical red asphalt highway of OSHA / ergonomics, and poultry.
It's way too detailed to include in today's LinkedIn blog.
Perhaps - in a bit.
Timing is everything.
I wonder if attorney Mr. Bill Marler might consider getting involved on the O$HA end concerning poultry's acute / chronic OSHA related woes? {Not immigration and the shortage of worker woes just yet.{}
General Marler and his hired cadre rustlers have been doing a hell-of-a job and a sheer kick-butt job on food safety awareness since '09.
If Marler did jump to OSHA, we could meet at a beach I know in Kaui - that much quicker.
So we can - shoot the E.coli - over a couple of double-double Dr. Pepper's on the rocks - with plastic straws - not them fake 100% recycled organic GMO-free ones.
Realtor Associate @ Next Trend Realty LLC | HAR REALTOR, IRS Tax Preparer
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