Why now is the time to attend: CPL, support and building your networks

Why now is the time to attend: CPL, support and building your networks

In the age of online events and stretched workforces, it has become even easier to cancel that lunch and learn session or to duck out of the conference you told yourself you’d make.?

You book on to an event with the best intentions of going, you know you need this learning time for connection, reflection and to recuperate from the day-to-day pressure.? But - the work stacks up and your time gets squeezed, so that short space for your own personal development suddenly drops off the priority list.?

As a social worker, putting other people first is often what makes you good at your job. But, allowing yourself the opportunity for learning, networking and personal growth is what will make you great! This time to step away from your day-to-day work to connect with others, discuss important issues and get inspired, creates mutual benefit for you and those you work with.??

When I started out in the events industry, 15 years ago, I believed that events were a luxury, a nice to have, but now with experience and insight I know, on reflection, how important they are in helping us thrive in our careers.?

When we rush from one thing to the next it can be difficult to build relationships within our work environment. Participating in online or in person events will allow you to network and be part of a wider community. This in turn creates opportunities to gain more knowledge, forge new partnerships, and connect with experts or other likeminded colleagues who can support you.??

Learning and training events are also a great way to hone your skills and improve your practice. You will have noticed that since June 2024 there has been an update to the CPL requirements from the SSSC. So, there’s even more reason for you to take advantage of the learning opportunities on offer. You can find out more about the SSSC requirements here.??

To support our members and non-members, SASW has shaped its programme of events around the 7 core learning elements to make it even easier for you to demonstrate your continuous professional learning. We offer a range of forums and community of practice style events which are an ideal way to find support from your peers, as well as gain priceless insights and guidance practice. Our diverse range of special interest groups can also help foster a sense of community that is often lost in our new hybrid ways of working.??

So now is the time to get inspired! By embracing the power of participation, you can share passions, troubleshoot problems and come away with a new energy for what you do.??

Book an event!

To access a range of online events which are free to our members click here.??


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