Why Nonviolent Communication matters for team building and team effectiveness?

Why Nonviolent Communication matters for team building and team effectiveness?

Some years back I had the privilege of mentoring and working closely with a youth group, Team DIPTI (Digital Innovators Platform for Tackling Inequality). Having the best of students from top colleges, the members were charged up and motivated to reach out to different marginalized groups and help in their work. The group was helping poor organizations and groups working with people who were suffering from extreme poverty, disabilities and marginalization. Each member of the team came with their own expertise- with backgrounds in social work, information and technology, education, medicine, and management. To many of us, Team DIPTI was meant to succeed and effectively contribute to the goal with which it was set up. We kept on motivating the team members and helped them with interesting projects. But almost eight months down the line, the team split due to internal conflicts and within a year, it ceased to exist.

Individuals who are part of team may have great potential themselves but when it comes to working as a team, they falter. They may be able to work brilliantly as individuals but when they have to work together with others, they have difficulties. It accentuates when team members come from different backgrounds, cultures and identities. Each member comes with their own set of ideas, principles and belief systems. With these differences, if team members are not able to work together smoothly, the team may fall apart.

In the context of Team DIPTI and many other teams which I had the privilege of knowing closely, one of the challenges is the creative tension which emerges due to presence of diverse personalities. For instance, Team DIPTI had young people from diverse backgrounds like engineering, doctors, social work, etc. All their ways of thinking and approaching a problem was different and such cases needs constructive management of these diversities.

Emergence of dysfunctional communication due to diverse reasons like ego clashes led to irreversible differences amongst some team members of Team DIPTI. Work virtually comes to a halt in most of these cases of toxic communication. Further, as I realized as different team members tried to interpret the objectives of Team DIPTI in their own way, there was misalignment of the aims and objectives. This is one of the most common challenges to team building.

In a team there are always members with varying skills sets and abilities. It was also true of Team DIPTI. Due to this there was no proper engagement amongst different team members. Instead of working collaboratively and cooperatively, many team members started working in their own way leading to breakdown to a participatory culture and the work as a cohesive unit. Here again there was a breakdown of the communication ecosystem. Also, I could realize that the stress in the relationship amongst some members of the team impacted the entire team and led to the burnout syndrome. They were no longer able to think out of the box. Another important point is the functioning of leadership. Those who took up the leadership to take up projects and implementing them were not able to reach out to all other members with clarity nor were able to bring together the conflicting members. This was the beginning of the disintegration process.

The failure of Team DIPTI to realize its potential in the backdrop of the amazing quality of its members reminds me of Lencioni's five dysfunctions of a team. These dysfunctions outlines the common obstacles that prevent teams from reaching their full potential. These dysfunctions are: absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results. Each dysfunction builds on the previous one, creating a vicious cycle that undermines team performance. ?In spite of having some highly motivated young people with expertise, many of the members could not trust each other as they were afraid that someone will go ahead of the other; there was a jealousy factor in play.

So what are the ways in which teams can avoid the pitfalls which Team DIPTI encountered?

One of the most important element in any team is communication. Whether it is lack of trust, whether there is a conflict, whether there is lack of engagement, or whether there is a problem of approaching a problem together as a unit- all points to the critical role of communication. So, how do we promote team building and team effectiveness using the strategies of communication? Before that, let us get the rudimentary explanation of team building. Several literature suggests it as: Team building is an ongoing process that helps a work group evolve into a cohesive unit. The team members not only share expectations for accomplishing group tasks, but trust and support one another and respect one another's individual differences.?

With this explanation of team building in mind, it would be apt to look at the different important roles played by communication to help promote a cohesive unit. When there is open and flexible communication, there are possibilities of greater collaboration and cooperation amongst team members. Communication is important for improving trust and relationships among team members. It is also equally important for constructive conflict resolution and facilitates problem solving. Further, it is critical for facilitating greater engagement amongst team members.

In this backdrop of the significance of communication, it would be worthwhile to explore the need to integrate nonviolent communication in the team building process and to enhance team effectiveness.

Before we go further, let us look at the characteristics of a good team:

Clear objectives ? Roles for all members clearly understood ? Appreciation of each other’s qualities ? Openness of thoughts, beliefs and actions ? Trust among members ? Co-operation in team members ? Effective leadership ? Ability to deal with conflict ? Good communication ? Purpose of unity ? Shared goals and objectives ? Taking informed decisions

Here it would be pertinent to look at the whole canvas of nonviolent communication. Nonviolent communication is a holistic communication approach which according to Senior Gandhian entails the following:

To me nonviolent communication literacy would mean how our communication efforts should be nonviolent; how our ability and capacity to communicate not only with ourselves but with our family and society be nonviolent in all aspects and overall, how the entire process of communication whether between individuals, groups, communities and the world at large should be nonviolent in nature. This would entail deep understanding of the art and science of nonviolence and its centrality in all our daily actions. It’s not just verbal and nonverbal communication, nonviolent communication literacy would also include whether our thoughts and ideas are nonviolent or not. This would also mean how we can rid of our preconceived notions of individuals or groups with whom we want to communicate and stop evaluating them to suit our own ideas. More than often, we are attuned to think in terms of moralistic judgments which may be our own constructions. By developing deep understanding of the art and science of nonviolence and integrating it in our communication practices we could get over with biased and moralistic judgments; this in turn could contribute to emotional bridge building.

Further, the five-pillars of Gandhian nonviolence are also the pillars of nonviolent communication. These include:

1.?? Respect,

2.?? Understanding,

3.?? Acceptance,

4.?? Appreciation, and

5.?? Compassion.

Also, here let us look at the different elements of nonviolent communication:

a)?? Nonviolent Communication means complete lack of violence in the way we communicate with others.

b)? Importance of nonviolent intrapersonal communication

c)?? Use of appropriate and positive language

d)? Avoiding stereotypes in our communication efforts

e)?? Avoid moralistic judgments

f)??? Avoid negative evaluative language

g)? Role of mutual respect in communication

h)? The power of empathy

i)???? Strong belief in the power of compassion

j)??? Connecting with needs of others

k)?? Importance of openness flexibility in our communication

l)???? Practicing active listening skills

m) Expressing gratitude

In light of the above different perspectives on nonviolent communication and its elements, we will realize how integration of its values and elements will help in a positive and healthy ecosystem in team. It will help in the encouragement of positive thoughts and ideas amongst team members. Also, when use of nonviolent communication becomes the norm, there is less stress and encouragement of patience and calmness even in difficult and challenging situations. ?

As we see from the explanation of nonviolent communication and the inter-linking of its different elements, individuals practicing will develop vital skills in construction conflict resolution and mediation. This will encourage a problem-solving approach in the team. Further, there would be encouragement of thoughts, beliefs and positive actions among team members. When we use nonviolent communication as the norm of interactions in teams, there is not only respect for each other’s point of views but also an evolution of a culture of recognition and positive appreciation. This definitely is an important way in which we can improve team effectiveness.

Having underlined the essence of integrating nonviolent communication in team building exercises and enhancing team, it would be pertinent to look at how teams can improve their effectiveness if the team leaders follow the model of servant leadership. We know servant leadership as a philosophy and practice that emphasizes the ethical and moral responsibility of leaders to serve the needs, interests, and well-being of their followers and stakeholders. By putting others first, servant leaders foster a culture of trust, collaboration, and empowerment that can lead to positive outcomes for individuals, teams, and organizations.

When the leadership in a team adopts the servant leadership style, we find teams have higher engagement amongst team members. Those in leadership position adopting the nonviolent communication principles and the model of servant leadership ensure creation of a sense of belonging, purpose and ownership by listening actively to the feedback of other team members. Further, all team members are involved in the decision making and support their growth and development.

Promotion of servant leadership in teams helps foster a culture of respect, diversity and bring all together by valuing the contributions of all members, give credence to the perspectives of all, and strengths of each team members are respected.

Teamwork is essential for solving complex problems, adapting to change, and achieving shared goals. So integration of the servant leadership along with a nonviolent communication ecosystem is a powerful strategy in this direction. Further, there is a greater synergy of team members.

?Finally, use of nonviolent communication and team work using the servant leadership model can help in enhanced well-being of the team members. There will be elements of emotional, psychological and physical support amongst those is part of the team which can help every member deal with difficult situations. There is encouragement of work-life balance, self-care, and personal growth besides team members getting diverse opportunities for learning and development.

To conclude, it is critical to promote an ecosystem of nonviolent communication and encourage leaders to adopt the model of servant leadership to enhance team effectiveness and well-being of team members.?



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