Why Non-Executive Directors need to be more Coach and less Executive!
One of the common themes – indeed perhaps the most common -?I find?from Board Effectiveness Reviews is the increasing amount of detail that the Board has to deal with.?This is especially the case for financial services regulated companies where Board papers frequently top 1000 pages (yes you did read that correctly!).??But it also exists elsewhere – indeed about the only time I saw about the right balance for Board paper detail was for a brewery (read into that what you will!)
There is often an interesting split in opinion from Directors about the level of detail Boards require: the NEDs will complain about how much data (rather than information)?they are asked to read often at short notice while the Executive Team will say they are being asked to produce more and more papers for the Board thereby becoming little more than a paper producing machine.?
It is an important issue to tackle because, of course, producing Board papers should only be a small part of what the Executive Team is there to do – implementation of the Board’s decisions is the principal objective.?I have seen Boards where the papers look pristine with whizzy charts and diagrams and without a typo to be seen – they look good enough to have been professionally published.??But at what cost??At the cost of time of course.?And before long it will onto the next round of Board and Committee meetings when the whole paper producing cycle happens again.?Spending time producing those perfect papers has robbed the Executive of the time to implement decisions, they very thing they should be doing.?No Company will be remembered for the quality or detail of its Board papers but rather for what decisions it has made and implemented.?Don’t get me wrong the quality of papers is important but it is not the overriding factor the Board must focus on.
The critical question to ask is why do some Boards want so much detail often even if they say they don’t??From my experience working with Boards and Excos I believe to a large extent this is due to the way we look at the role of the Board as a whole.?NEDs are there to provide oversight and?challenge (hopefully constructive of course!) the Executive.?However, the NEDs along with the Executive Directors are ultimately responsible for the Company and feel they must be in a position to know what is going on often to a minute level of detail.?Executives too often play to this: they use the Board as a forum to report to rather than one to use as a sounding board (excuse the pun!).?Knowing what has happened over the intervening period is, of course, very important both because it provides context but also it allows the Board and particularly the NEDs to fulfil their duties of oversight and responsibility.?However, frequently the level of data the NED wants simply feeds the detail machine.?And becoming more immersed in the operational detail has the danger of turning the NEDs into quasi Executives something nobody wants if we are to maintain the true independence of NEDS.?
Equally the Executives rise to the call to provide this detail and the Board becomes a forum to report to rather than one that should discuss, guide and debate.??The Board becomes little more than an approving body (one of its roles granted but not the only one, not even the most important one).?For example, it is not uncommon to see very small amounts of spend having to go to the Board tying up their time in operational detail rather than focusing on more material matters.??Again, this runs the risk of turning NEDs into quasi Executives thereby prejudicing independence.
So how do we resolve this??Well, for a start NEDS need to be less Executive and more coach!?What do I mean by this??In coaching, as any seasoned practitioner will tell you, the aim of the coach is not to provide detailed answers but to ask powerful questions to allow a client to resolve their own challenges.?It’s powerful because the coach and client are equal (thinking) partners but it is the client who ultimately finds their own solution,???How more effective would a Board become if the Executives used it more as a forum to bring ideas and proposals not dominated by detailed presentations but by a (very) few simple propositions inviting the NEDs to ask some powerful questions and let the Executives reflect???The focus would be on the discussion and debate not the presentation (and whether the second sentence of the fifth paragraph should end with a full stop or a colon!?Alright I am being facetious but you get the picture).????
It is also debatable how much detail any Director can take?and so having short, crisp papers is likely to focus the mind?- and the debate – much more.?This hopefully leads to more effective decision making.?In his Report The 12 Elements of Independent Judgement for a UK Board: A Guide for Directors Sir Andrew Likierman cited the Bank of England and Amazon as Boards where there was a recommended limit of six pages for a Board paper.?It is rare indeed to see Board papers so concise and in part this is due to the fact that it is often much harder to write a crisp report – Mark Twain’s quote “I didn't have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote you a long one” can be applied equally to Board Reports!?The Bank of England’s guidance on writing effective Board papers, also cite by Likierman, is a must for all presenters to Board meetings:?Use your judgement to make clear recommendations; be concise and keep to six pages of content; identify the reader and write for them, using the right format; write in plain English and jargon free.
But back to coaching!?Why is a coaching approach a better one (rather than diving into the detail)??
So if you are a NED just about to plan for your next Board meeting ask yourself whether you really need all that detail and reporting of what has gone on in the past (which you can’t change) or whether you will allow your attention to focus on the meeting and the discussion, making a careful and considered contribution but, even more importantly, listening more to what others have to say.?You may be pleasantly surprised by the results!
Happily Retired!!
2 年Great article Ian.
Organisation Mindset & Culture Change Consultant
2 年Thank you Ian W. - now a dispiriting picture forms - of Board as report generator and Board as audience, with not enough time for it to inquire into the report recommendations before it’s on to the next carefully crafted paper. And hours of more than one pair of eyes reviewing those drafts late at night before finally confident to release them to serve their purpose. Liberating to be the NED who is welcomed as the listener and challenger!
Director | Management Consultancy | Executive Coach | Board Adviser | NED development | Business Transformation & Risk
2 年Great article Ian - there's no doubt that increasingly firms are valuing the coaching, mentoring and challenging approach you describe from their NEDs. I spend a lot of time with the prospective and actual NEDs I coach helping them to consider how to step back from their 'expertise' and their executive approach and to see what's really going on. It's also clear that Executives really value advice, coaching and support from their NEDs, especially true of the CEO/Chair relationship. Of course, this is made difficult because of the Director liabilities of NEDs which prompts them often to dive too deep. A complex role for people with emotional intelligence and coaching skills.
Customer-centric excellence for housing associations, charities and consultants
2 年Excellent piece Ian W. and it definitely resonated with my experience. The boards I am on are luckily not burdened with excessive paper but the quality of discussion can definitely be improved and the idea of coaching introduced.