Why no-code should be your strategy for 2020
Tal Daskal
CEO & Co-Founder at EasySend | Leading Digital Transformation in Insurance and Financial Services
According to our findings, European insurers are leaving over 12 Billion Euros to maintain manual and paper-based processes.
Let it sink for a second.
Just imagine what you could achieve with a fully digital onboarding, policy renewal or claims handling process that doesn’t involve paper or PDFs?
With all the talk of digital transformation, you would think that leaving the paper and manual processes is no longer a challenge. After all, everyone agrees that digital transformation is no longer optional.
But in practice, leaving the paper and manual processes behind is proving to be extremely difficult. Insurance carriers who attempt to digitize all their workflows with code end up in expensive multi-year core transformation programs that don’t deliver agility and innovation, but instead introduce new legacy and maintenance challenges.
Recently, enterprise-grade no-code solutions have been gaining popularity. The no-code revolution is here, and it means that the time and cost of building enterprise-grade apps will soon drop by a factor of ten.
The problem of the manual and paper-based processes in insurance is overwhelming. Don’t believe me? Read our Digital Transformation in Europe report!
What you’ll find in this report?
- How many papers and PDF forms do European insurers maintain?
- What is the Digital Maturity Quotient and why it matters
- The ROI of digitizing paper and PDF forms in insurance
- The operational costs associated with paper forms and PDFs
- An often overlooked method to digitize paper and PDF forms across the enterprise
- How no-code platforms are changing the pace of digital transformation in insurance
How does your company stack up? Get the report here