Tyler Davidson-Joyner MIEP
Strategic Partnerships Manager @ The Skills Network | Employability & Skills | Commercial Development
Day 1 & 2 Mess It All Up
Day 1: When people join a network marketing company and change their Facebook bio to ‘Business Mentor’ that very same day. Look, people go and do 5 year degrees and studying to get that title.
Day 2: When people join a network marketing company and on day two they put up a status saying ‘so grateful that I get to build an income on my phone, from home or anywhere in the world, I have so much freedom’
Look - with all due respect - this is the exact reason why some people get put of this incredible industry before they fully understand what it is ! Because of industry ruiners that do things like this through a lack of patience and over stating results !
Day 1 - you’ve made no money and taught no one else how to make money so how can you possibly be a ‘business mentor’ ? I fully understand why professionals get annoyed when they see this !
Day 2 - again, your still at your job, you aren’t free yet and you certainly can not just ‘work from your phone’ on the beach ! (This will come over time if you grind your face off and help others)
This industry is absolutely unbelievable when done right ! I’ve been apart of it for almost 5 years now and I still wouldn’t call myself a pro as I’ve still loads to learn ! When you first start you will be more real and get better results by saying ‘I’ve just started my own part time business by partnering with _______ as I’ve used there products / services and there incredible and I want to share with others as I know it will benefit them ! I’m doing his because ___________ my goals are __________ and I would love to help others achieve there goals too ! Literally something like that would appeal to people more rather than you making out that you’ve earned 50K in your first day when everyone just looks at you and thinks - what a kn*b !