Why Need A Sales Page?

Why Need A Sales Page?

It’s a no-brainer that as a business you should have an online presence, whether that be through social media or a website. It’s important that you have a common meeting ground for your clients and future clients to go to where they can find out what you have to offer and if they are the right match - but what about a sales page?

This can be a term many of us have heard before and many of us have no idea what it’s really even used for. With that in mind, let’s dive into why you might need a sales page and what it can do for your business:

01. You’re rolling out a new offer

The main goal of a sales page is to convert its visitors into paying clients. If you have recently launched a new offer or service that you want to showcase, a sales page is a perfect way to do that. It speaks directly about what it is you are offering, how you can solve your client's problem, the outcomes, and where to purchase. Keep in mind, because of all this, your sales pages need to be extra convincing. Don’t forget to add in any testimonials you have as well as multiple CTAs.

02. Your offering is too detailed for your website

If what you have to offer is extremely detailed (ex. multiple steps, dates, deadlines, payments, etc.) you’ll want to create a separate space for that. This will make it easier for your clients to home in on the message you are trying to get across while not being distracted by everything else on your website.

This is also a good place to increase the awareness of your offering. For example, if a home goods business is launching their new tabletop compost bin, they should probably go into great detail about what composting is, why it is good for the environment, how it works, and why you should be first in line to purchase. If you need the time and space to educate your clients on what you’re selling, a sales page is a great place to do that.

03. Your offering requires a lot of client commitment

More commitment means more details to give to your clients. Think about this, if an instructor is launching a 6-week online course, there will be lots of information about that 6-week period that will need to be translated to the buyer. There could be a virtual meeting schedule, assignments, online resources, payment schedule, etc. This is all valuable information that you don’t want to get lost on your website.

04. Your offering requires little commitment or is low cost

Alternatively, your offering could require very little from your clients and could even be at a low price point. It could be a mini course that only requires the purchase of the online material and that’s it! This is the space for you to get to the point and make the sale. It’s also a perfect place for your warm clients who were waiting for your new offering to drop.

The great thing about a sales page is that it can really cater to any new offering you may have. They can either come in short-form or long-form. As long as it is designed strategically it will accomplish the common goal of converting its visitors into paying clients.

Are you in need of a sales page? If so, follow this link to fill out our inquiry form and schedule your free discovery call today:?www.launchandco.com/work-with-us?


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