Why there is a need of Advertising?
Jeyaganesh Karthi Sundararaj Pandian
HR & Digital Marketing Trainee | MBA in Marketing & HR
I have a wonderful product to the people which can save time, money and enhances the energy of the people which is made in an organic manner. But there is no sales. What's the use of creating the product after you have a made a market research by doing this.
What would be the lack of that ?
The answer would be the need of brand association and visibility of the target audience. Segmenting them for the right set of audience is a crucial factor which can make the people to see your product.
You have to analyze the pain points of the audience so that you can able to demonstrate the things that are happening as pain points which can create an awareness of the brand.
Brand association is one of the most important which can create awareness of the product and also associate the people based on the age factors.
Not only there should be the good advertising but ensuring the product whether it is being available in the market.
People always try to get the product when it is advertised either in Radio, TV and Internet.
Ensuring the good supply chain management of the product is needed for the success of the product.
Before advertising check the availability of the product. If there is an ample amount of the product to be saleable then your product can create a good impression.
Psychology of the color over the product plays a vital role in sales. When we make the product and advertising it, coloring over the product will attract the consumer or they can reject the product.
Making the people aware of the product and keeping them alive towards the product which can create a good number of sales
Giving the fake promises in the products you are selling can create negative effect on the product and it will demolish the name of the company.
Knowledge of the brand can be known through an advertising. This creates a good consumption over the brand and can generate the revenue for the product.
Advertising over the brand needs a good tag line which will relevant to the target audience. Reaching out the target audience needs an analyze over the market segmentation.
Advertising should deliver the brand name and also about solving the problem which is relevant to the target audience.
Advertising should be sharp and crisp within the timeline and should make the people register the brand.
The idea of any advertisement is to make the people aware over the brand which can create a good sales significantly.
There may be different medium of advertisement but how we make the advertisement and what for we are doing does it engaging audience.
Is it time to be a personal brand ? Are we fit to be personal brand ?
So these are some of the supplement questions which can create a craft over the brand.
How the advertisement influences the consumer either in a positive or a negative way ?
Where the consumer stands according to the brand ?
How the brand influences them ?
We can track the impact over the advertisement and the product how far it has reached with the help of the analytical data especially in internet marketing (Digital Marketing)
It's a time to leverage the product digitally so as to create an awareness over the people who spend their time on internet.
Building a brand isn't easy. Once you build the brand then the sales will becomes easier.
They are playing prominent roles in selling the product. Moreover they have to ethical in selling the product. This is one of the requests that I have done through this newsletter. More than giving their content in various domains like education, social, entertainment etc.., they have to conscious in delivering the right content since it will affect directly to their audience as well.