Why Native Video Advertising Should Be Every Business New Content Marketing Strategy For 2016. #business #contentmarketing

Why Native Video Advertising Should Be Every Business New Content Marketing Strategy For 2016. #business #contentmarketing

If you have been living under a rock for the past 2 1/2 years there is a new marketing term coined ” Native Advertising” .

Essentially Native Advertising is: ” A type of advertising, usually online but feasibly elsewhere, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. ” <= Obviously Wikipedia definition is now being created by robots, so I will give you the human definition of what native advertising is.  

“Native Advertising is simply any form of advertising sales content that is made to believe it’s a normal piece of editorial content on a website.” Whew! Wikipedia made that harder to understand than it should be.  

Nevertheless Native Advertising is now a piece of many companies marketing strategies. *Hint Hint for those who know how to use it properly* more than that later.

In the past 5 Years Content marketing has taken a dramatic turn for the best with the massive influx of social media sites and the human desired to be entertained, because of this it has created a MASSIVE Hole for content to be consumed not on a daily basis but an HOURLY!!

It’s scarey how much content we are consuming on a daily basis, If you think I am lying take a second and think back, how many videos did I watch today on facebook? How many articles I read, Heck you’re reading this piece of content now.

That shows your underline desire to consume. As human being if we don’t consume energy we will die, it’s one of the proverbial stances on life. In order for one to survive another has to be consumed.

That being said in our avid quest for knowledge Like Indiana Jones our job to consumer is similar, We are driven by the quest of the unknown, To prove in theory that those things which are said to be unattainable aren’t,

To prove that the cat video you probably just watch recently was in fact not a Mind controlling tool used by the Government ruled by cats to hypnotise you to go out and buy more cats at the animal shelter, and slowly enslave the human population.

” Seriously look it up it’s true!….. Please don’t it’s not true.” That being said we are brought back to our main topic. How Native ads video is a content marketing strategy that your company should be using in the distant light year of 2016 and beyond!

Enter Native Video Advertising

 Firstly like break down what is Native Ads Video first, But wait a second before we do here is my shameless plug,

” If your company is interesting in learning how to developed incredible Content Marketing Strategies for your business and creating brand awareness through the different forms of social media channels. Reach out to me at [email protected] or you can fill out my questionnaire form to see if we could work together by CLICK HERE.

 Ok since we get that shameless plug out of the way let’s begin.

The break down to Native Video Advertising or for those who are Perfectionist / OCD Native Advertising Video’s . The terminology of what native advertising is was broken down for you earlier.

” Use the human version it’s better than Evil Robot Wikipedia.Version.”  That being said its time to bring in some statistics . The consumption of Video on social media is a staggering.

Hubspot Writer  Lindsay Kolowich | @lkolo25  Did an incredible Infographic on the Rise of Video & Video Consumption. Honestly I really couldn’t have said it better. here is the infographic for your viewing pleasure.



Ok that being said you have a vast understanding of how effective adding videos to your content marketing strategy is. Honestly in this day and aged video consumption is slowly phasing out text ads consumption. In the e-commerce sphere of marketing, Video advertising of products are seeing almost a  35% increase in sales.

While  a pretty picture can make you intrigue about a product, Actually seeing the product in action is what make people buy and when consumers buy they inturn activate a term i coined ” Social Prominence Factor ?”  *Hint Hint it’s registered term…. No it’s not but I should! one day… maybe”   but here is a real tip for E-commerce businesses.

“1. Create a visually appealing video of your Product/Product’s in action

  2. Place the video on the product page. You should be using Video Ads  { this           create congruence if you’re using Video advertising.}

3. As a user Add to cart and or checkout to purchase the product, Ask them to share the video on their social media profile / communities.

4. Hint* Make sure to watermark your video.* This is how you as an e-commerce business not only get a further reach of your product being seen, but in hindsight it will help you save tons of money on advertising and reach those consumers who might not

A. Be in your current targeted audience

B. Re engaging an audience who are on the fence with buying your product and seeing a friend or family member sharing your video might be the push they need to get over the hurdle.

C. someone who dropped off at the checkout process it’s a great Retargeting tactic to have the video being retargeting back to them to remind them how great of a product you have, Also If possible get a previous buyer to use a video testimonial with the item I have personally seen almost a 75% increase return sales for my clients using retargeted video testimonials . “

Here is another shameless plug, if your company is interesting in learning how to developed incredible Content Marketing Strategies for your business and creating brand awareness through the different forms of  social media channels,

Reach out to me at [email protected] or you can fill out my questionnaire form to see if we would be a good fit simply CLICK HERE.

Now that we’re back to our regular scheduled advertising educational program let’s continue.  The step by step systematic guide to creating Native Video Advertising . First things first you need CONTENT and not any Content but ENGAGING CONTENT.

Many businesses , companies , entrepreneurs, community leaders , vice president’s , girl scout leaders, crossing guards, Lifeguards and middle school football captains are constantly failing at this aspect when in reality it’s the easiest aspect to create. Here’s how :

Your Content Should Never Be ABOUT YOU!! whoa but how am I going to sell my 1 of a kind incredible product or service if I don’t countless talk about myself? But how will they know that’s it’s my company that make the best spatular known to man that has a non stick surface.

If you are a business that haven’t realize it by now, Consumer DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. consumers are selfish, hurtful , distant individuals who only care about finding the best discount or even free version of a product,

Consumer are known to make business pay hundreds of thousands of  needless dollars in Advertising just to have them leave your website without buying anything, or even saying hello, Oh the nerve of them. In reality there is a major disconnect going on with your marketing material and attracting the right consumer.

Firstly whatever product you are selling should be a content driven experience that speaks directly to your consumer needs . The best way to create this type of content is ….. To know who your consumer is and what are their pain points!!  

I am astonished by the amount of companies I interact with on a daily basis that do not know who their perfect Avatar ( consumer ) is! Whats even more amazing is the simply fact on the Ungodly amount of advertising spending These companies are needlessly shelling out on a daily basis.

It’s been proven the best way to sell to someone is to sell to their emotional needs.  You are tapping into a person’s pain or desire points in their minds and it’s the reason why the industries of ” Health , Wealth , Relationships.” Will always be top consumer marketing industries no matter what recession state the world is in.

So that being said creating content that specifically address your consumer pain points is the perfect content to curate  in your Native Advertising Video Strategy.  Now that we establish what type of content to create how do we begin to formulate a content strategy with it .

Remember in the beginning when i gave you the human version to what Native Advertising is? Good if you probably forget here it is again. ”  Native Advertising is simply any form of advertising sales content that is made to believe it’s a normal piece of editorial content on a website.”  Good since we have re-establish that, Here is how you begin to create your Native Video Ads Content Strategy.

Firstly you must know what traffic platform you are advertising on and you must understand its user’s. You cannot have a disconnect between platform and video if you do you will never connect with your right customer and you will be spending needless advertising dollars.

In order for this to work perfectly you must first understand what is the best platform for you to advertising on. For example. You cannot advertise a children’s toyset Native Video Ads On CNN, or BusinessInsider.

There is way too many disconnect between platform and your targeted users, But sadly this is the same advertising methodology many companies are currently using which is why there are billions of dollars in wasted advertising spend yearly.

Secondly you need to research who visit or frequent the advertising platform..

My producer has signaled that we are out of time today, but stay tuned for Part 2 Of Native Video Ads, see you next time on the same Native Video Advertising Place ,Same Native Video Advertising Channel.


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Josh Mulrine

?? Award-Winning Cinematographer | ?? Fine Jewellery Advisor

9 年

Awesome info graphics


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