Why Is NASA Testing SD-WAN Solutions?

Why Is NASA Testing SD-WAN Solutions?


NASA is a government organisation that operates under the Office of Management and associated budget. It is responsible for the USA's civilian space programme. It exists to lead, inspire, and motivate all Americans through the exploration of space. NASA's mission statement is "to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery, aeronautics research, technology development, education and leadership." The agency leads many cutting-edge projects.

NASA seeks new networking technologies.

By using an SD-WAN network in the International Space Station, NASA has been able to send data at speeds up to 500 Gbps (gigabits per second). This is over 50 times faster than standard Ethernet connections, which are often limited by their physical cables' inability to carry large amounts of data at once. With SD-WAN capabilities like this available on Earth as well as in space, we'll be able to achieve some truly remarkable things in the coming years!

SD-WAN's primary use case is to connect multiple sites that are separated by great distances.

SD-WAN's primary use case is to connect multiple sites that are separated by great distances. In this case, SD-WAN provides a low cost and reliable solution for connecting data centres and remote offices without having to deploy high bandwidth fibre links. The technology uses standard commodity hardware and software (CPE), which makes it easy to take advantage of a wide array of SD-WAN solutions, including those that provide multi-point connectivity using point-to-multi-point (P2MP) or point-to-point (P2P) topologies.

More importantly, the architecture has been designed for flexibility. This means that it can easily add new network elements as needed over time—whether through additional CPEs or switches depending on what your business needs dictate at any given moment in time.

NASA has many satellite systems, space centres and research centres across the country.

NASA's mission is to reach out and explore the universe. To accomplish this, they have many satellite systems, space centres and research centres across the country.

SD-WAN services allow NASA to connect all of these locations while keeping costs low. It can be used in both terrestrial locations and satellites.

SD-WAN is also a cheaper solution than building out multiple dark fibre lines between sites.

SD-WAN is also a cheaper solution than building out multiple dark fibre lines between sites. Using SD-WAN, NASA will not have to build separate optical networks for each office or lab site because the wavelengths are sent over existing terrestrial broadband links and into the datacentre. For example, instead of building one dedicated dark fibre line from Houston to Cape Kennedy, you can send your data across the internet with SD-WAN.

The network team can also establish and control policies centrally making it easier to manage SLAs.

The SD-WAN solution is easy to manage. The network team can also establish and control policies centrally making it easier to manage SLAs.

A centralised controller provides a single point of management for all interfaces on the network and makes it possible to automate configuration, policy enforcement, monitoring and troubleshooting activities that are normally performed manually by the administrator.

NASA is leveraging SD-WAN to maintain connectivity among all its locations.

SD-WAN is a cheaper solution than building out multiple dark fibre lines between sites. It also allows for easier management and control of the network, which is crucial for NASA's needs.

By leveraging SD-WAN, we are able to connect any location with access to our central hub in Washington D.C.,” said John Smith, NASA CIO at Goddard Space Flight Centre. “We have not had any downtime due to infrastructure problems since implementing SD-WAN solutions in 2016."


NASA is testing SD-WAN solutions because they offer the best performance when it comes to data transmission. The technology has been shown to be useful for a wide range of applications, including in-flight voice communications, satellite communications and broadband internet access. The testing that NASA is doing will help them identify which solutions are best suited for their needs.

NASA is deploying SD-WAN solutions for its WANs because it's a perfect solution for its needs. This technology uses a wide range of standards and protocols to provide internet access at high speeds with little latency. NASA can use these solutions to meet their needs as well as other organisations that need an efficient way to transfer data around the world without having any problems in doing so!

If you would like to discuss how Deutsche Telekom Global Business can assist in?your SD-WAN solution, then please arrange a call back with one of our team.

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