Why My Wife Doesn't Trust Me Anymore*
Todd Cherches
CEO, Leadership & Executive Coach at BigBlueGumball. TEDx speaker. Author of “VisuaLeadership.” MG 100 Coaches.
*When it Comes To Bugs.
Let me explain…
Early last Saturday morning I was awoken by the blood-curdling sound of my wife screaming from the other room. Still half-asleep and half-dressed I bolted out of bed in a panic yelling, “What happened!? What happened!?”
“There’s a giant roach in the bathroom!!! It’s so disgusting! It’s like six inches long – and it just ran behind the sink! You have to kill it!”
So I raced back into the bedroom to get my glasses, grabbed a rolled up New Yorker magazine (after quickly checking to make sure I was done reading it), opened the bathroom door, slammed it behind me, and prepared for battle.
After multiple attempts of swiping and missing (and, yes, I must admit, yelling and cursing), I finally crushed this hideous beast -- which was the size of a two-pound lobster -- and flushed its remains down the toilet. (Alright, in all honesty, it wasn’t that big, but it was sizable. And it was really, really disgusting.)
With that Kafkaesque horror story now over, I crawled back into bed with the intention of picking up where I left off, to get a couple more hours of sleep.
But just as I was about to doze off, my wife came in, sat down on the bed next to me, tapped me on the shoulder, and asked:
“Did you really kill it…or are you just lying to me again?”
Not fully awake or coherent, and after the exhaustion of my traumatic bug-battle --?combined with this now, second, rude awakening?-- I was like, “What? What are you talking about???”
At which point I remembered – and burst out laughing from the recollection of -- the one and only time I've lied to my wife in our ten-plus years of marriage:
It was back in 2007 and we had just moved into our new apartment. Having just sat down to dinner, we were both jolted out of our seats in horror by the sight of a gigantic, disgusting roach (is there any other kind in NYC?) that had come crawling out of a still-open hole in the floorboard where we just had some construction work done.
After many attempts of?swiping and slamming at it with?a rolled-up newspaper, I finally yelled, "Got him!",?gathered up the dead roach in a paper towel, and made a huge show of crumbling it up and tossing it into the kitchen trash can.
My wife’s elated response, “My hero!”
Only, the truth is: I didn't get?him. After much chasing and swatting and missing, my tiny tormentor?had darted and dashed and evaded me, eventually scurrying back into the hole in the wall from whence he came. But because I just wanted to finish my dinner, I triumphantly faked a declaration of victory, and sat back down to eat. Done.
Only it was far from done...as the nightmare was just beginning.
For, five minutes later, after settling back in to finish our dinner, my wife shrieks, “Oh my god – there’s another one!!!”
Uh oh. This was a literal “Moment of Truth”: Do I confess that I had failed miserably in my Battle of the Roach and, in so doing, lose my newly-acquired “hero” status in the eyes of my new wife...or do I continue my charade of having killed the previous roach…which would then lead my wife to think we had a large-scale infestation problem on our hands in our new apartment…in which case we would have no other choice but to pack our bags and move out?
The bottom line: Do I tell the truth…or was I now?in what Seinfeld would label a “must-lie situation”?
So I made the decision: I would come clean and tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
And I made the promise – to myself and to my wife – to never lie to her about anything ever again.
A Few Leadership Lessons From This "Bug's Life" Tale
So what lessons can we take from this episode that we can apply not only to our personal?relationships, but to the world of business and leadership?as well??
In short, when you lie about anything -- no matter how big or small – that’s it: You are now, from this day forth, branded “a liar.” That is now your reputation. For, once you plant a seed of doubt in someone’s mind, that seed never goes away.
Luckily for me, my wife now only?distrusts me when it comes to bugs. However, in the eyes of others less trusting, everything you say thereafter may be subject to questioning and doubt.
Sadly, in this “post-truth” world we’re currently living in – of fake news, falsified data, and “alternative facts” – it is more important than ever?to be viewed as a person of integrity, honesty, credibility, and trust. For, once you lose people’s trust, that’s it…your reputation, and your personal brand, is shot. And once you lose your label of trustworthiness, it is almost impossible to get it back. I am reminded of the?saying (author unknown) that “The truth doesn’t cost anything; but a lie could cost you everything.”
So what can we do to be seen as one of those rare (in this day of age) people of integrity, honesty, credibility, and trust? Here are a few simple tips and guidelines to keep in mind:
And, lastly, remember that one little lie about one little (ok, gigantic and hideous) insect could potentially continue to haunt you – and may “bug” the person you lied to – for the rest of your life...and theirs.
*For more on this important topic of building trust, please see my post entitled “For a Leader, Is It More Important To Be Liked, Admired, Respected, or Trusted?” featuring my Hierarchy of Followership model.
*AND...both of the above pieces are featured in my book, "VisuaLeadership: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and in Life"!
Great story, significant meaning! Thanks Todd Cherches !
Small Business | Business owner | Strategy | Human Capital | Benefits | Leadership
8 年Funny story Todd!
HR Operations | Process Improvement & Change Management | Learning & Development | Talent Acquisition
8 年Not the picture I wanted to see on my morning commute...but extremely entertaining (I audibly chuckled, people stared) and as always great take aways!