Why My Website from Hell Was Embarrassing
My Website from Hell
It was not only embarrassing but it was totally bad for business. Confessions of a web designer.
My confession and I hope you'll forgive me as I was in website hell. And yes, I am a web designer and know I make my clients look awesome - except my company for a while as I did have a website from hell.
Note: I have since launched my new site, but the old one was just old, dated and well, bad, bad, bad and just stunk.
Whenever I told people at networking events that I was going to create a new website but had not started it, they would make excuses for me: oh it’s the cobbler’s kid not getting his/her own shoes. And yeah, for a while, that was it. After a while, it just felt darn overwhelming and then I understood as a web designer why my clients normally take so long to give me items that I need for their new website. And I felt empathy.
And haven't you looked at sites that web designers have created for themselves only to think: Really? Do they think I want them to make my website for me?
But for me, how in the world was I going to do my own website? What are/were the ramifications of having that website from hell?
Here’s an email I received from a customer before we launched their site:
Jo, we need to get the site up as soon as possible. We are about to lose some business because the customer checked out our current website and the old website only has our old services. When can we launch?
The problem was they hadn’t responded to emails or texts nor given me everything that I had asked for and the consequence of not having a website that had all their new services was about to prevent them from up-selling to a current client. The customer was looking at hiring someone else instead of them. And I as a web designer can only lead my clients so far. I can’t take them by their ears and pull them to do things – nor would I ever, by the way. But I was no better.
I also put off doing my new website even though I had the following negative things occur:
- Not convert as many visitors when I used to get LOTS of customers from it before
- Had old services listed that had nothing to do with what I currently offer
- Not blog because I was so darn embarrassed about having anyone visit my website from hell
- Not promote or repurpose any blogs, because if someone did contact me, I’d have to tell them I no longer offer certain services
- Quit being on social media totally and that is how I started my company – by providing social media services and training
I really was embarrassed - shamefully so. And I now wonder how I was able to just do my previous websites.
So, here’s what I committed to and what you can do if you are stuck like me on any project:
- By all means, be gentle on yourself.
- Don’t be mean and say hurtful things about yourself or your company.
- Remember that everything will work out as it is supposed to.
- Take tiny steps and give yourself huge kudos for any step towards your new website or other projects.
- Give yourself a launch deadline – yeah we’ve heard that one before. But it will help you to schedule your project.
- Make a project list that includes what it’s going to take for your website and break each step down into smaller steps.
- Work backward from your launch deadline.
- If you network, keep networking because that old darn, ugly website ain’t (yes I know improper English) going to get you any new customers – or a few that accidentally land on your sad website.
And the biggie:
Write down what it would feel like to have your new website. How would you feel as a business owner? What would happen? Would you get more customers? Would you feel pretty darn powerful and proud of your business? How would you feel to show it off? Would it propel you to the proper degree of greatness? Would your website show that you deserve the title of “expert” in your field? And post that list where you can see it daily.
So, there’s a caveat to this story. I was ill for a while and did all I could for my health. I was forgiving of not getting everything done and it was the best decision because thankfully I sure am rocking my life now and feel much better, thank you very much.
What's it going to take to get over your NEW website tech overwhelm?
Get your copy of the 12 Step Web Design Checklist. I did everything wrong at first but learned and documented my steps and I'm sharing them with you.
Jo Guerra with Kick A Marketing is a WordPress web designer, certified SEO specialist, does rock star marketing consulting and writes copy that doesn’t suck-the-life out of prospects. She works with young-at-heart female prime time entrepreneurs. She does yoga, Pilates, hiking, takes hip hop and Zumba classes and is a health food aficionado.
The original article was published at Why My Website from Hell Was Embarrassing.