?? Why Is My Plan Not Working?
Kenzie Osborne
Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner | Founder of the Always Nourished Community | Culinary Expert | Corporate Nutrition @rxRecourse
This post is directly from my email list, sent every Wednesday! Sign up for weekly blog-post-style emails with recipes, tips, and inspiration at kenzieosborne.com/#footer
You’ve tried plan after plan…
And you KNOW that they DO work. A month in, you’re feeling great - weight is shedding off, you have more energy, and you’re feeling confident…
All is going GREAT…
Until life gets in the way…
By month 2, month 3, or month 6, something veers you off track…
You wonder…
Shouldn’t this be easy?
How are others doing this?
Why can’t I be like (insert “that” person’s name here..)…
The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that has a 80-90% fail rate. Trust me when I say, YOU are not the problem.
Imagine buying a bed that had a 80-90% chance of breaking in the middle of the night…
Would you buy it?
My guess (and my sincere hope... is no)
You see, the diet industry is smart.
I’d like to ask you a question…
When was the last time you lived through an entire WEEK that when 100% “to your plan”…
That is: nothing popped up, your schedule was exactly as you expected, you felt great for 7 days, you weren’t travelling/having to eat outside of the house, etc…
Can you think of one?
I personally cannot…
So - if your life isn’t a perfectly predictable schedule… why is it rational to expect you to follow a clear-cut meal plan schedule too?
Something is bound to go off track
But Kenzie… I know someone who followed a diet - and it worked for them - long term!
Yes.. those people exist.
Here are the differences...
So, again.. was it the specific diet that yielded their “success” or was it their inner self and discovery that pushed them forwards?
Sustainable change requires a few “ingredients”
This is WHY I Created the Always Nourished Approach…
I’d like you to take a moment today to respond comment on this article with an experience you have had in the past…
Your Task: Describe a time in your life that you adapted to a new (or challenging) scenario and it allowed you to thrive. How did you adapt? What tools did you use? (I will be sharing my story with my email list next week - sign up at kenzieosborne.com/#footer)
Would You Like to Learn More About Adapting, and Shifting from Blame & Judgement to Kindness and Curiosity?
YES - I want to learn more!
This June (Thursday June 27th at 7:30pm EST), I am hosting a workshop titled “How to Adapt with Ease (For Sustainable Results!)”
YES - and I want to start learning now!
Let’s hop on a call (no obligation, completely free - I’d love to help you). Book your FREE consult here >>