Why is Musgard unique??
Kirill Minyaev
DeFi & Ton Expert | Leading Blockchain Development & Security Auditing | Building TMA | CEO @ Defimoon
Why is Musgard unique?
Musgard offers an engaging gaming experience with a transparent and exciting token distribution system. Players know in advance when a new era starts, and by completing the specific requirements, they have a chance to be selected by a randomizer, with 25% of qualified players winning tokens.
And don’t worry if you don’t win in one era—you’ll automatically be entered into the next! Plus, if you’ve won at least once, you’re guaranteed an airdrop in future eras, as long as you meet the new requirements.
Start playing today! Our token is already available on Ston.fi and will soon be up for auction. Share the excitement with your friends and get ready for the next era!
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