Why Motivational Speaking Fails to Help in Achieving Success in Many Cases for Many People

Many people attend some motivation sessions and invite motivational speakers to their companies, organisations and events. Many others read motivational books and listen to motivational audios but without much progress or change. Then they end up thinking that motivation does not work and motivational speakers are useless. In fact, there are many people who get into motivational speaking but without an idea on how motivation works and how best to deliver motivational speaking and motivational talks. They end up blowing it all up and leading people, their audiences down the rabbit hole, chasing hot air. Here are some of the big mistakes that both the motivator and motivated make.

Mistakes by the Motivators or Motivational Speakers

Many motivational speakers think motivation is about telling people that they can do these great amazing things and even doing the impossible. They think it all about telling their audiences or their to be motivated that they can climb Mt Everest or they can achieve any goal they want. Here are some specific key ideas they try to communicate;

  1. You can be anything that you want to be
  2. You can move mountains
  3. All you need is just believe and you will do it
  4. All you need is to set your mind to it and you can achieve it
  5. Do this or do not do this
  6. If so and so did it, then you can also do it
  7. Think like this or like that
  8. Have this or that

Many also think the best way to motivate people is by quoting from as many motivational books or sources as possible; name dropping the big people in the motivation and self help industry such as Jim Rohn, John Maxwell, Malcom Gladwell, Seth Godin, Jim Collins, Stephen R. Covey, Napoleon Hill, Albert Einstein and so on. These people, instead of focusing on the people they aim to help with motivation, focus on themselves and spend more effort try to show and prove that they have read a lot and they know a lot about the gurus and influencers in motivation and knowledge. They throw what they get from their gurus at their audiences without any processes and putting it into context, leading to serious misleading of their targets or failing to help them become motivated.

A second serious mistake some motivational speakers and motivation experts make is focusing largely on what their audiences or their to-be-motivated must do or must not do. For example, they can tell their audience to "think big" or "visualise" or "overcome fear" but they never then give the same people practical solutions on HOW to think big, or how to visualise or how to overcome the fear.

Third, while the term motivational speaking is so entrenched in society that changing it will be difficult, motivation itself is a science and people get motivated by themselves. Motivational speakers do not directly motivate people; they try to trigger the mental processes that cause one to motivate oneself. In other words, people motivate themselves.

In fact, people can really be taught exactly how they get motivated and how to motivate themselves without external help. First they can taught their motivation strategies and then how to trigger self-motivation in terms when they have to get motivated to do or stop doing something at will.

Motivational speaking is in fact more of inspirational speaking meant to inspire people. Inspiration often triggers motivation.

Another way to look at it is that in many cases, inspired people seek motivation. It is difficult to help trigger the motivation of people who are not inspired.

Last, many motivational speakers do not tell their audiences or targets that motivation is important but not everything. Apart from motivation people also need other things to achieve their goals. People can easily get motivated but then get stuck if they do not know how to do what they are motivated or if they lack other resources they need. For example, a person motivated to start a business gets stuck immediately without a formula to use or process to follow.

Mistakes That Those Being Motivated Make

Many people attend motivational sessions and seek out the help of motivational speakers. They really get motivated and promise themselves they are doing to get into action and do whatever they are motivated to do. Most, sadly, realise that within hours and days after attending a powerful motivational session, they slide back into their routine ways and never follow through.

  1. Motivation does not last!
  2. Motivation is not everything that you need to achieve success.
  3. Motivation requires immediate follow through with some practical action
  4. Assess the motivational messages against reality. For example, how practical is it to be anything that you want to be?

Motivation is only one of the other things you need to succeed. However, to make it, you need a full package. Make sure you seek out the full package or motivation will disappoint you.

What else do you need besides motivation to achieve any goal or solve any problem?

[email protected] +263-77-444-74-38



Environmental Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)的更多文章

