Why most leadership training isn't working
Training your leaders to lead themselves, and then lead others is a challenge faced by all businesses and one of the main problems I see companies making again and again is the short term event based workshop.
The 1 or 2 day workshop is tempting for leaders facing the logistical ease vs learning effectiveness challenge. The temptation to bring in an expert or coach to their teams for a short and intense period of training so that they can get back to the day job and implement what they've learned is very real in today's fast pace.
We're really busy so haven't really got time but let's invest in the people and we'll benefit from the results is misguided, short term and inaccurate thinking, and mostly leads to frustration and a waste of important time, energy and money.
There are many reasons why this approach is not working.
Behavioural change takes time and is based on the formation of new, and transformation of old habits. A Mckinsey and Co survey shows that learners retain as little as 10% of information gained in training situations after as little as a week Study
Behavioural change is a journey of learning. it requires a number of steps and opportunities not facilitated in the 1 or 2 day event based workshop:
So, you can see that the event based workshop doesn't allow this.
Here's what I've discovered is required from coaching thousands of leaders in the British Army, Business and Sport that you can use to think about your own leadership training.
In a world where everyone wants everything now, leadership training is not something that should be viewed as a series of events or workshops, it is a real life journey requiring structure, evidence based content delivered by leaders who have real life experience of leading others and being a part of real teams.
If you'd like to understand how I can support this journey for you and your company, get in touch at [email protected] and discover our highly engineered, and scientifically validated High Performance Leadership Accelerator.