This is why most of the Businesses can’t see positive ROI from Facebook

This is why most of the Businesses can’t see positive ROI from Facebook

Social Media Marketing works as a swiss knife for Small Businesses, one of the most beneficial ways for the brands to reach customer in a more targeted way than ever. Brands can sell stuff directly to a potential customers, reach people who might be interested in their products. It was never this easier for businesses to market their products or raise awareness specifically Facebook. However new research has shown that SMEs or small brands are facing problems in getting positive return on their investments, only 24% of them are able to get successful returns on their investment on Social Media. We think these are the reasons why most of businesses are failing to register good returns.

Not Putting in enough time-

More than 70% of small businesses are spending lot less time marketing on Social Media than Medium Enterprises. More than half of these businesses only post around 2-3 times on Facebook every month and no bonding activities with their fans. Small Businesses need to understand that the only way to gain the benefits of Social Media is to invest time and be there for the fans and followers for regular updates and be there for any questions. 

Lack of Strategy-

Most of the Brands regardless of their size sometimes fail to reap the benefits they get by running a facebook page. Social Media Strategy is much more than just posting links, text and images on the page. You need to identify goals what you want from your social media campaigns and which Social Media Platform would help you most in achieving your goals. It is also important to set up a content plan and devise an advertising budget around it to extend the reach. These basic tasks will help you form a firm strategy for your Social Media which will in turn optimize your ROI and you would be able to measure your performance more efficiently.

Overdoing Social Media

Many small businesses are keen on new platforms coming up every day and end up creating accounts on them only to abandon every Social Media Platform after few days because of too much maintenance. Take Pinterest for example- When first launched everyone wanted to be on it as it was giving opportunity for brands to showcase their products to people interested in it, it was very specific but it did not work with most of the Brands and Businesses. You need to vet a platform before deciding to use it for your brand. You need to understand what platform gives you the access to your potential customer base. Like Faceboook and LinkedIn might work for a service based company however Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat might not. Similarly a content platform might use facebook and Twitter effectively but mght not be able to attract fans on LinkedIn or Instagram. Focusing on fewer platforms but sticking to a strategy would give you better results than be at all the platforms and focus on nothing because of too much work.

Ignoring the Advertising Game- 

In the past Faceboook was the best bet for businesses to reach masses and convert in to quality traffic towards their website- without spending a dime on advertising. However these days the organic visibility of a business page on facebook is almost zero and there is no way that you can reach your target audience without having an advertising budget dedicated to facebook. 

Now I am not saying that you need to spend thousands of Dollars on Social Media Paid Advertising to gain a high ROI but even spending around 5$ everyday on Facebook Marketing can make huge difference. Rotate your ads, understand the locations, keep a diversified campaign and you would be able to see positive results within days. 

Social Media marketing can give you better results if Properly Managed.

If you need any help with your Business's Social Media Strategy or Marketing Plan then mail us today on i[email protected] or visit us at for a free analysis.


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