What are the best practices for processing incomplete data?
Incomplete data is a common challenge in data analytics, as it can affect the quality, reliability, and validity of the analysis and insights. Incomplete data means that some values are missing, unknown, or inconsistent in the data set, which can be caused by various reasons, such as human errors, technical issues, or data collection limitations. How can you process incomplete data effectively and avoid potential pitfalls? Here are some best practices to follow.
Ajibola A.LinkedIn Top Voice??//Data Analyst// Educator//Business Analyst//Financial Market Analyst
Tushar PatilData Science | Data Engineering | Management | GCP | Lifelong Learner in pursuit of Data Alchemy
Janvi Saddi MS, CSM?, CSPO?Actively Seeking Full-Time Opportunities | Agile Mindset | SU'24 | Ex Optum | Ex Kantar | Adaptive | Problem Solver |…1 个答复