Why Mortgage Managers Need to Put More Focus on Team Communication
High-level communication is crucial if you want your team to thrive; and managers play a key role in facilitating that communication among team members. The foundation needs to be set from the beginning, and it also needs strengthening as the team grows and changes. While every mortgage manager might agree that strong team communication is important, not everyone knows how to tell if it’s successful. If you’re leading a team, and you want to bring their communication skills to the next level, here are some ideas to consider:
Set the Precedent
As a leader, it’s up to you to set the precedent for your team. Your words and actions directly demonstrate how the team should respond in specific situations, along with the communication level you expect. This is essentially, leading by example. If you want your team members to maintain open communication with each other and their clients, show them what that looks like. If you want them to feel comfortable coming to you with a problem, make that perfectly clear. If something goes wrong, be open about it with your team so they’ll do the same with you. Whatever you want communication to look like with your team members, you need to personify that as their leader.
Prioritize Individual Connection
Yes, you’re managing a team, but you’re also managing the individuals that make up the team. Prioritizing connection with each individual member of the team is key. This means building rapport through friendly exchanges in the office. It also means making the space for one-on-one meetings where you can discuss individual goals and challenges. When you make maintaining open communication with each member of your team a priority, you show them that you’re invested in their growth, you earn their respect and trust, and you create an environment in which your leadership will be most effective.
Help the Team Bond
In addition to your relationship with each employee, the relationships among your employees are also instrumental in your team’s overall success. The team needs to be able to work together harmoniously in order to deliver the best possible service. As a leader, you can support these connections by creating opportunities for better communication among your team members. For example, planning a team offsite is effective, as is encouraging everyone to participate in meetings.
When communication breaks down, everything else seems follow. And the inverse is also true; when communication occurs at the highest level, the entire team tends to operate as a well-oiled machine. Mortgage managers can step up to play an important role in developing team communication and maintenance, and the results will be well worth the time you put in.
If you’d like to talk more about any of these ideas, or if I can be of assistance in another way, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d be happy to block off some time to connect.