Why More Effort Isn't Always the Answer
A talented, hardworking leadership team seems unstoppable. So… what’s stopping yours???
Overachievers are hard-wired to put in more hours than everyone else. For years, we’ve watched non-stop activity result in lots of accomplishment and assume that’s the only solution.
While commendable, the natural (and learned) inclination to work harder and invest more time/energy can be counterproductive. More effort isn’t always the best way to grow. Here’s why.?
Diminishing Returns
We learned this concept as kids. Stuffing your face with Halloween candy is awesome… until it’s not. The problem is, you only realize it when you’re so sick you swear you’ll never look at another Big-League Chew.?
It’s the same for leaders. Long hours and excessive dedication lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and a loss of creativity. You are not a computer, and neither are those who work with you.?
Further, as technology allows us to put more on our plate, the idea of getting “caught up” is a thing of the past. Until we embrace this truth, we’ll continue to measure our (and our team’s) success based on the number of hours we jam into the week.
A Smarter Way to Grow
The good news is that you’ve got talented, driven leaders committed to growth. Now, it’s time to effectively harness their efforts so that you can maximize their potential. These simple tactics will help generate a little momentum.
Understand the why for each leader on your team. This is more than “where do you see yourself in 5 years” and less than a 32-page dissertation filled with Gantt charts.
Find a common purpose. This is similar to the Mission/Vision statement hanging on the wall in your board room.
Develop a compelling a scorecard. And yes, it’s got to be measurable.
Follow the proper cadence. Your meeting status update gatherings need to be scrapped and replaced with a better system.?
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