Why Monday?

Why Monday?

I recently explained to someone why I position certain career offerings on Mondays, and his eyes almost fell out of his head.

I didn’t think it was a big deal…but since he did, I’ll give you the skinny too.

I post most of my Recruiter buddies' Open Positions on my SuperStar Careers Facebook page on Monday…

I also offer job-hunting related webinars – like the: The 10 Commandments of Resume Writing: How to Write a Resume that Gets You the Interview one coming up on Monday, June 6th at 7:00 p.m. EST – BECAUSE THAT'S WHEN YOU SEEM TO NEED IT MOST.

If you’ve checked out my “new & improved” About Us page , you know that I have spent a lot of time on the “back end” of career sites (aka Applicant Tracking Systems).

One of the most interesting jobs I held was being the Product Manager for the “About Bank of America” website– the 17th most visited website in ALL of cyberspace at the time. That’s crazy traffic, right?... 

Anyway, since we’d all gotten Six Sigma-tized, we spent a lot of time analyzing data. Funny thing…when we measured the analytics on my Career site, there were off-the-chart volume spikes…on Mondays.

We put on our Spock ears, because we didn’t think that was logical…

Wouldn’t people job hunt on the weekends, when they had more free time?....

So we held some focus groups to do a Vulcan Mind Meld and found out what was going on.

People told us they were so miserable at work that they spent the weekend recuperating from the job, letting off steam and generally doing anything they could to avoid thinking about their work Hell.

Then when Monday rolled around, they’d drag themselves out of bad, return to the office, realize they were still in their work nightmare, and start applying for jobs.

We also validated that with other HR professionals at other companies. Monday’s the day that Job Seekers seriously seek.

Which is why I do my best to give you extra love, hope, inspiring Tweets and SuperStar resources on Mondays. 

Live long and prosper!

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Ready To Speed Up Your Job Search?...

If it's taking too long to find your next job, it may be that you're using outdated resume techniques.

To learn how to create a modern “OMG! Call them in for an interview NOW!” resume that tells YOUR professional story, take my on-demand online classResumes for a Richer Life: Stand Out from the Crowd. #PayWhatYouCan

Give me 1 hour and I’ll show you how to create a resume that gets you the interview without having to rewrite your resume for every job you’re interested in.

As a BONUS, you’ll also learn to create a compelling cover letter that’ll have them at Hello.

I'm looking forward to helping you fall back in love with your career!


Dr. Mohammad Azam Khan

Healthcare, Governance and Management Organiser

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