Why Moby.Read Outperforms Running Records and DIBELS

Why Moby.Read Outperforms Running Records and DIBELS

Moby.Read offers several advantages over traditional assessments like Running Records and DIBELS:

  1. Automation and Accuracy: Moby.Read is fully automated, reducing human error and providing a 95% accuracy rate in measuring key reading skills.
  2. Comprehensive Data: It assesses not just fluency, but also comprehension, accuracy, and expression, offering a deeper understanding of a student's reading abilities.
  3. Real-Time Reporting: Moby.Read provides instant data and feedback, enabling timely interventions and tailored instruction.
  4. Voice Recordings: Allow students, teachers and parents to hear the student’s oral reading over time.
  5. Efficiency: In just 10 minutes an entire class can complete a Benchmark or Progress Monitoring Assessment. Teachers save valuable time with Moby.Read, focusing more on instruction rather than manual assessments.

Embrace Moby.Read for a more efficient and insightful approach to literacy development.

For more information on how Moby.Read can benefit your school, visit www.lennections.com/moby-read

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