Why Minitab is Not Recommended
Minitab is no longer recommended by Lean Six Sigma Users

Why Minitab is Not Recommended

Minitab for 20 Years gave Master Black Belts free Licenses so they would create Curriculums, Videos, Demos, and Influence our Students using their product. Many MBB's did the work of updating their curriculums, Now Minitab requires you to buy their licenses.

Minitab Reviews

What about all those data files you had in previous versions?

You have to pay $1,610 to convert those files now.

What about the beta testing you did for Minitab?

No, you pay.

What about the book you wrote on Minitab?


What about the customer you brought them?

Pay, oh and they raised their prices so pay more.

What about the fact that there is NO Lean tools in Minitab?

Oh we have a separate offering you can buy for that.

Statistical Software Options

Many spend too much time teaching students Minitab and statistical analysis and most of you know that the majority of the time the root cause is found at the gemba, talking to the operators, and listing to the customer. We don't spend weeks teaching them financial analysis using Tableau or some other financial tool, excel works for that analysis, and lower cost and simpler options exists for most data analysis.

We always told students, you don't need to be a statistician with Lean Six Sigma but at least 2 of the 4 weeks in Black Belt training is covering stats. It's time to Pareto. We have options with other tools today. Minitab is no longer a trusted partner in Lean Six Sigma. They started out as a low-cost solution at Penn State and it worked 20 years ago. But $1,610 for a 1 year license for a tool the students do not use every day, is too much

Did you Know Minitab removed all of you that partnered with them from their Website? Even though you listed Minitab on your website? Why?

Wait, what? ... Oh you thought you were listed right - here go find your partnership on the list No, they removed you last year.

Is it because they don't want everyone to know that they are paying partners to refer Minitab to their clients?

Minitab Scam

Time to bring Integrity back to Lean Six Sigma and end this Minitab scheme

Here what other Thought Leaders, Customers, Master Black Belts, Authors, and Practitioners have to say:

Michel Baudin
"I was never much of a Minitab user. Minitab lost my confidence when it gave me a standard deviation estimate for a data set with a single point."

Michel Baudin goes on to say,

"With clients, I used Excel because they did; for my own use, R.
Minitab is in a class of products with a rich but finite menu of tools.
In R, no matter what you want to do with data, someone has developed a package for it. Of course, the quality varies and it’s on you to check it by, if you can’t find a good package to do what you want, you can code your own."

Michel Baudin goes on to share:

"CRAN (https://cran.r-project.org) is where you download R and many R packages. You find more on GIT, but the ones on CRAN are vetted for things like the existence of documentation. I use R through R-studio (RStudio.com)."
Steve Alvarez
"This is great. I thought I was alone. Besides being too expensive, the software changes supposedly based on novice users completely disabled the power of Minitab. It's interface is horrible now and it's organized in a way that makes analytics inefficient. They never asked the real experts what was needed and it shows."
AirDevil Reddit
"Had a training course teacher rave about Minitab and how awesome it is. Haven't used it since: Excel can do everything I need for the data we use"
Erondi Lopes
"Once you finish your analysis in Minitab, you do what? Integrate with a Dashboard? ...With an API?... Load it in your industrial application maybe?... The answer is: you can't. Modern data analysis is an open - and many times license-free - world."

Erondi Lopes goes on to ask:

"Am I the only one seeing an ethical issue? Promoting something should be based on technical aspects, not on privileges for MBBs or any other group. It's like doctors recommending drugs because they got free pens."
Forrest Breyfogle
"I have promoted Minitab for years. I gave Minitab my VOC input about their pricing, policy changes, etc., which went on deaf ears. This lack of customer interest has negatively impacted my loyalty with Minitab."

Forrest Breyfogle goes on to share:

"I have devoted much effort to convert the Minitab spreadsheets in my books to an format Excel. Because of this, these data sets can be used by Excel and other statistical analysis programs.  In the long run, it has been good that Minitab forced me to do this - not so good for Minitab but that is their problem."

Take the Master Black Belt Poll (Vote) Comment and let your voices be heard) Keep it professional and not emotional - Thank You to Free Speech

Minitab Review
Adam L Bowden - Productivity Coach
"I made my opinion known with Minitab UK and Minitab USA and neither seemed to care.
After 25 plus years of using, teaching and promoting it I have stopped.
Removing the support for consultants is a bad business move from my perspective."

Adam L Bowden - Productivity Coach goes on to say,

"If you look at it from a net promoter score perspective, I used to be a total promoter, but no longer. If you look at it from a Kano perspective, taking away something that had been free for their trainers is a big no no.
Perhaps a Lean Six Sigma person can advise what’s going wrong with their business model ... do you know any one?
George Hawke
"Adam, I’ve been an avid supported of Minitab for over 15 years. The new license terms and costs in my opinion are greed."
International Standard for Lean Six Sigma
"Instructors and curriculum developers have invested years of effort building Minitab into training, only to have to redo that every year when Minitab changes their product but doesn't allow previous files to be opened, or change the menu's. It was a free ride for Minitab to be able to get thousands of Master Black Belts to promote their tools in their Lean Six Sigma Training. Now they are selecting a new solutions, that are a lower cost, less complex, and more Lean."
Peter Morland
"Steven Bonacorsi Thanks, you hit the point.... there is lean and then there is Six Sigma... Minitab doesn’t do Lean!"
Phil Skinner
"100% agree Steve. While delivering training I was always having to tell my students that Minitab will fix that on the next release only to find, not only was it not addressed, but new problems surfaced."

Phil Skinner goes on to say:

"Thanks for making, in what many may see as, a bold move, but what option was there and maintain creditability? Kudos!"
 John Ballis
"Minitab is the death of a lot of lean journeys. It enables bad behaviors and stops people from participating some black belts use the data to hurt good employees."

?? John Ballis ??Lean Samurai goes on to say:

"Lastly, management assumes the data is good because it is required to be used as a master black belt. What are the key graphs management wants to see from a project and do them in excel?"
ADRIANA (Lic. Adriana Aleman) ALEMAN
"Bueno, es el momento de cambiar, México necesita una solución de menor costo"
"Well, it's time to change, Mexico needs a lower-cost solution"
Bruno Rafael Santos
"I only know Minitab from a very old statistics book I have. I am surprised it is still being used by the industry.

Bruno Rafael Santos goes on to say

"During my graduation days, we used Statistica and BioStat a lot. Now I use R exclusively."
Leslie Martin
"AMEN! Over the course of the last year we have transitioned our materials away from Minitab. Minitab should be ashamed of the way they treated their consultants/external salesforce!"
Paul Attridge
"It is a topical point as l retired early from JDE recently but considered l might do some occasional training as a contractor. Having taught 100s of people in the last 15yrs or so, all of whom were instructed in Minitab, l then approached Minitab about moving v16 (which l purchased the perpetual license for) from my old laptop to my new one they said it was unsupported and could not do it and l would have to buy the latest version if l still wanted to use it...l explained my situation and highlighted the multi nationals l had run training in and they offered me an educators license for a monthly fee."

Paul Attridge goes on to say:

"To this point l had used Minitab for 0ver 17 years and been an ambassador during that time but they do not seem to have any way of valuing or rewarding that kind of brand loyalty.
I was very disappointed to say the least"
Edgerton Coble
"Fully agree. Thanks to GE, at least in the US, many companies think Six Sigma will save their company by saving money.
So they hire a MBB, buy a few Minitab licenses, and think magic will happen in the background."

Edgerton Coble goes on to share:

"What’s worse is that even with this approach, leadership is often unwilling to learn any of the statistical measures such a CpK. I recently had one analysis where the CpK was approaching zero and my manager started arguing with me that the results didn’t look bad.
I have rarely seen situations where Minitab is used on a regular basis. Most companies, in the beginning of their journey still have trouble articulating their problem numerically."
Herb Robbins
Jumping to JMP and Excel based software
I toggle between Sigma XL and QI Macros, both a solid investment and practical for the GB / BB users who use Excel daily.

Herb Robbins goes on to say,

"Mistake Minitab, especially with Excel based software and add-ons at a fraction of the cost. Not sure what Minitab was thinking. I have been directing large and small clients away from Minitab. I told them this would happen."
Patti Gander
"I moved to SigmaXL several years ago"
Steven Whites
"The true answer starts with a good understanding of what you need.. Several good options, including Excel, are discussed in this post and worth considering.
A good friend recommended JMP to me many years ago (thanks Dave!). They used JMP in a LSS program and thought it was better suited to their needs than Minitab. Jumped right in and have found it very useful, especially as an exploratory data analysis (EDA) tool alongside Python and R. The open source tools get better every year, but JMP complements them nicely with extensive EDA capabilities."
Colin Henry
"JMP by SAS continually improves and gets better with every release. I highly recommend them."
karl Bates
"Also a very expensive software for anyone ... I haven’t used it for years just because it’s not value for money."
Costel Durduc-Roibu
"I prefer QI Macros"
Mark Hancocks
"Up to recently I was a member of the Minitab consultancy programme. So sad that Minitab has abandoned the Lean Six Sigma group who helped them achieve some of the growth they enjoyed in our market. I will certainly give these a try."
Kristine Hejna
"I help promote change and process improvement. We can do better than Minitab. I don't care if they give away training licenses or not."
Minitab Views
Steven Bonacorsi, CLSSMBB
"I am updating all my materials and I am writing Minitab completely out. To make curriculum designers pay for the licenses that we received for free for over 20 years, where we created training on their product, then during the Covid-19 crisis they are going to increase customer pricing and make the promoters of their product pay. adds a new low."

Steven Bonacorsi goes on to share,

"Minitab historically would give Master Black Belts, Teachers, Authors, and Consultants who were creating content using Minitab a free license, this was an annual renewal program that existed for more than 20 years."
"Then during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, not only did Minitab end that program, they then raised their prices. There reasons was that they were being more customer focused. What a crock. What they did was damage forever their relationships with those that supported them, so much that we invested years of effort creating materials with their software. No More of that!"

Minitab will no longer be the software of choice for the Lean Six Sigma community.

Sandra Harry, EMBB
"The entire globe is in financial crisis so it is not the time to increase costs to the customers that support you. In fact most of us have discounted so customers can continue to purchase in light of financial circumstances.
Minitab is no longer customer focused and it will not end good for them. This survey shows the damage they have done!"
Gokhan Sarpkaya
"Long live JMP or @Risk!"
S?ndulescu George
"I used MINITAB starting with version 14.
Last two years I am disappointed of not savings projects to be opened with previous versions. Also the price policy was wrong. It is a pity for the software because it is good. If the policy will continues like this, customers will turn to other alternatives such as Sigma XL."
Svetlana Gorbulev
"I am in Green Belt Training and just learned there is a built in statistical feature in Excel called "Analysis ToolPak" that is free. You go to File > Options >Add In > Select Go at the end > Then Check "Analysis Toolpak" then you fill find the tools added to your Data Menu.
This is FREE while Minitab is very expensive"
Travis Smith
"As a Six Sigma Master Black Belt, I built many of the tools, that are in the Analysis ToolPak, in separate spreadsheets and it allows you to plug in the data and away you go. I had to do this because the company that I worked for cut the licenses for Minitab because it was so expensive."
Muhammed ?zcan
"In the field for statistical analysis, there are some other good tools, such qs-STAT from Q-DAS which I used for many years in person."
Dumidu Ranaweera
"Minitab have got their pricing strategy completely wrong. I would say the current pricing strategy is insensitive! Especially in a time of a global pandemic. Maybe the company is struggling financially. Certainly not the way to move forward."

Dumidu Ranaweera (Lean Six Sigma Executive Master Black Belt) CEMBB goes on to say:

"Most of our clients have started switching to Excel-based applications and open source applications like R & Python"
Tami StCyr
"Minitab is like using a bulldozer to weed your garden. Its too much, too expensive, too complicated, and BTW where are the Lean tool in Minitab?"
Derek Smith
"I’ve been a long time user and promoter of Minitab and paid for a license last year for work I was doing with my business. However, I have not renewed. Bottom line: it’s too expensive and no subscription flexibility."
Stuart Cox
"Excel + QI Macros = "Value Added" Outcomes"
Mark Sun
"I definitely prefer JMP as well, had a much better connection with a previous role that I had for the price of the program."
Ranjitha Anand
"Statistical software is no longer a new market. There are many new products and open sources available out there."

Ranjitha Anand Goes on to say:

"Minitab cannot simply function like it exists in a 'Seller's' market and offer 'premium pricing'. The market has already been disrupted.
Minitab should rework on their pricing and offer reasonable rates if they wish to remain as a 'most-preferred' product in the market."
Eric Jennings
"R is most excellent!"
Remy Schott
"R has some great packages. Just a greater learning curve. But yes it is a great too"
Chris Halley
"SPC for Excel will do everything you need for GB/BB and only costs 20% as much..."
Andrew START
"DataLyzer are not new to SPC software but the granddaddy of the industry."

Andrew START goes on to share:

"If you'd like to see the power of DataLyzer, send an email to [email protected] and I'll send you a 30 minute presentation of our SPC solution, including advanced data collection, monitoring, reporting, analytical capability and much, much more"
Milk and Honey OPEX consultant
"That’s correct, Six Sigma by it self a strategy for cost reduction with best results, but not with such high cost which defeats the purpose. I am personally happy with excel application which is simple and superb"
Dr. Heather Johnson
"I used Minitab and Statsgraphics in my Master Program but in the real world most people only know Minitab. Statsgraphics has features that Minitab can only dream of having.

Dr. Heather Johnson, DM, MSQM, PMP, ASQ CQA Goes on to say,

"I am not being paid by Statsgraphics to say this just my own observations and my excellent statistical analysis professor at Eastern Michigan University. He taught us to use Excel in an extreme way to do our statistical work because he said that is what our clients would use. He was correct on that observation!"
Nassim Abed
"To me the biggest downside of Minitab is its price tag that is simply too high for many."

Nassim Abed goes on to say:

"I find SimgaXL an excellent value for money especially for learning purposes and as always for ad hoc analysis on small data. Once datasets start going in the tens of megabytes or when running the analytics becomes recurring and too time consuming for a human then Excel starts to show its ugly limitations and one is advised to apply code instead."
"Minitab is not user-friendly. Start up developed need based Statistical software's duly validated for its programmes are being used. This is economical for single as well as multi users."
James Joseph Waskiel
"The tool follows the process, never the process follows the tool"
Gerald Taylor
"Interesting comments. In another language, Minitab has just entrenched itself as a "sustaining" product. In my opinion, the US is saturated with lean professionals, black belts, MBBs, and Sensei's. Price increases for Minitab could be on the rise due to the proliferation of certification training in universities and the related steep discounts. Effectively, they are doing the dirty work of Units by pricing private practitioners out of the market."
Wade Harper
"I agree its time to change"
Kathryn McIver,
"My concerns with promoting is more than accessibility for MBBs. I want to see Minitab moving towards more accessible for all instead of less. I don’t teach Minitab because it’s the Cadillac of statistical software and how many Cadillacs do you see compared with economy sedans."
Ray Martineau
"Why pay thousands of dollars annually for a complicated tool, when the majority of time you can find your root cause by simply going to the gemba?"
Minitab Grinds my Gears
Patrick Pressoir
"I had no idea about the free license. I honestly avoided using (and definitely did not promote the use of) Minitab in my training material and courses because most companies don’t have it and should be able to get by with tools they use every day, otherwise it’s just adding friction to adoption of a continuous improvement culture."

Patrick Pressoir, PMP, goes on to say:

"If Minitab changes their licensing model, that’s their decision. They will have to live with the outcome."
Alan Leduc
"Minitab would not be where they are had it not been for Dr. Mikel J. Harry and Richard Schroeder putting them on the map with their clients during the deployment of Six Sigma. In SSMI's training there are over 1,000 mentions of Minitab. We had extensive discussions with them and they treated us just like the rest of you. There was an unwillingness to compromise and an unappreciation of both SSMI's historical and current contributions."

Alan Leduc Goes on to say

"How can we promote a single product any longer when they are treating not just us, but our clients so poorly. We are in the process of modifying our training materials to move away from Minitab."
Michael Connell
"I agree - it's time to challenged the status quo again"
Richard Powers

Richard Powers Shares his experience with Minitab

I started with Minitab v2 back in 1997 and always kept my personal version updated for consulting and stopped at Minitab v17. Then, in 2019, a hard drive failed and was replaced with new laptop. Contacted Minitab and could no longer download that version. They wanted me to buy another upgrade.
Howard Miller
"I’m surprise it lasted this long..."
Steve Borris
"I stopped using it many years ago.
I missed it a bit but got by."
Jan-Willem van den Bergh
"I tend to say goodbye to the classical frequentist approach on which Minitab is based. Because this view on the real world gives precise answers to wrong questions. My alternative for complex problem solving in an industrial production environment is to ask strategic convergent questions, use elimination tactics together with simple graphical tools and physical laws (note: variation of machines is not a function of random chance!)."

Jan-Willem van den Bergh Goes on to say:

"In the unlikely event that I have to go the probabilistic route, I prefer Bayesian statistics (JASP), because it gives the probability of hypotheses for the observed data. Moreover, posteriors can be updated as soon as new data become avaliable. As far as I am concerned, the best option in the field of probabilistic analyses is the Causal Discovery platform of Inguo, which I highly recommend. See: https://www.inguo.io"
Marc Schaeffers
"Should we not discuss what the requirements are. I hear R, Python, Excel etc etc. It all depends on the requirement and capabilities of your organization. What are you looking for and then find the appropriate tool. If you are looking for a simple analysis of data Excel or Excel based tools might be perfect. If you are looking for an integrated real time SPC solution and maybe need to expand in the future to collect data automatically from CMM or PLC integrated with for example FMEA or automatically create COAs then a system like DataLyzer is more suitable."

Marc Schaeffers goes on to say:

"If you are a black belt and you have to do DOE studies then Minitab or JMP might be perfect. If you need behaviour charts, training and multi vari and don t want to spend a lot of money then we recommend to use SPC Wizard. So it all depends on requirements and resources....
Recommendation for a different approach
It is not statistics or LSS. It is statistics and LSS and Big Data and AI and financial information.
The six sigma people and manufacturing people are not always talking the same language. We should embrace new technology and use the best of all worlds.
Big data offers us the possibility to collect data every second and store it. But big data is not always suited to be used on the shop floor at the operator so we need to aggregate this data and show meaningful control charts. At the same time we need to record downtimes, performance and quality (OEE). In case of problems we use big data to analyse to the second what happened and apply LSS tools to find the root cause. We need these tools because machines are getting more complex (your car cannot be serviced anymore without possibility to read the electronics). To finish, we need to use financial simulation to see the impact of changes. For example what is the financial result of running 5% slower if that leads to 10% quality improvement and of course there needs to be a feedback loop between production and design (APQP).
Wishful thinking? All the above is already fully operational so only thing remaining is Train, train, train. (Deming)"
Caleb Klaman
"What Lean tools did Minitab bring to the table? For Lean Six Sigma Practitioners we can do better than Minitab!"
Robert Klutt
"Minitab doesn't promote itself as LSS software and it's overkill for 99% of LSS projects. It just seemed to become the default SPC software solution in the LSS community for some reason. SigmaXL is a great solution that's more robust than Excel but significantly cheaper than Minitab. Really intuitive for Excel users as well. Cynthia Cumby"

Steven Bonacorsi Adds

"Minitab actually does have a product they call "Minitab Engage" that they they are trying to sell it as a separate product to buy, that they claim is Lean Six Sigma, but I am sure you would conclude that its not really lean. Just because they added a VSM doesn't make it Lean"
Dmaine Harris
"What Lean Tools Did Minitab bring to the table? What customers did Minitab listen too? Minitab is not Lean Six Sigma so its best we cut ties with them in out Lean Six Sigma programs. They are a Tool (literally), an expensive Tool at that, and a tool that does not make the process improve."
Naresh Sharma
"Once an iconic, now the opportunities elsewhere surged ahead...when the high tide comes, every one has to raise their game, to stay afloat!!"
Sanford Gordon
"Well after reading all the comments it's clear everybody enjoyed the free ride and now that Minitab is actually charging for the value mind you when it was free nobody complained about the product and its capabilities."

Sanford Gordon goes on to say:

"Everybody else in the world is gone to a subscription base to manage a consistent revenue stream but when it's done to people on the other side at the professional level it's humorous to see their shock." #Kettle #Karma
Allie (Cooper) Piccoli
"This has certainly stirred up a hornets nest but I am actually enjoying the dialogue. I do think statistical analysis packages have a place with LSS...more with six sigma than lean though. I think it is a matter of matching tool complexity to problem complexity. If I can solve a problem with gemba, fishbones, and simple excel charts like time series and Pareto then there is no need to have a stat package to perform DOEs and regressions. However, many problems do require more analytics to get to the elusive root causes that are buried in the data.
I would not throw the baby out with the bath water. Minitab is the easiest package to demonstrate statistical concepts from, in my opinion. The explanations, GUIs, and help screens are easier to navigate than R and JMP. I hope we can agree that statistical software packages are needed for more complex problems but we can have choice in what “brand” we want to use and pay for."

Steven Bonacorsi goes on to add:

"Very true. When we first started Lean Six Sigma we used Minitab because it was what we used when we did six sigma (It's always been that way - thinking), then when optioned stated showing up and clients stated to demand lower cost or varied features (Simulation, Modeling, SPC, etc...) then we would tell them sure you can do that but.... because we developed Minitab into our Lean Six Sigma Training and it will take a lot of effort to rewrite all that, it would be easier for you to just get that package too. Plus we would add, its free for students to use in training. but then after the training, the belts were stuck with the inability and knowhow to use other options and so it was back to what was familiar and now here we are back to (It's always been that way - thinking). Time to step out of our comfort zones, look around, and see what's the best fit tool for the job. #minitab has become, to many, the only hammer in their toolbox."

William Arthur
"What is recommended by Lean Six Sigma Groups? I personally use “QIMacros” by “KnowWare”"
Alexander Kurm
"Hi everyone! Thanks for all the interest in the tools...I've had a lot of interest so I'm just popping the link right in here for you. Click here and it'll bring you to the excel based tools"
Kevin Harrison
"Would love to have a look and compare with Minitab, thanks."
Cathy Lawson
"This is fantastic. Thanks Steven Bonacorsi for letting me know. Thanks Alexander Kurm
Minitab should not have broke the deals they had with the Lean Six Sigma community"
Ani Khandekar
"Great way to give back in kind to LSS community. Thank you Alexander Kurm!"
Lee Fig
"Days of expensive bespoke Lean 6 stats tools are long gone."
Michelle Brown
"Goodbye Minitab and Hello #Excel"
Camille Jones
"Thank you for sharing these tools!
Minitab is so costly!"
Minitab Price Gauging
Arvind Y. Narayanamurthy
"Love this...it's very economical to have so many Six Sigma tools in excel...thank you."
Gert-Han van Hunnik
"?? Steven Bonacorsi ??I can only agree!"
William Fuller
"My next license is likely to be JMP; and then only if my clients demand it. Many of my colleagues are quite satisfied and successful with minimalist Excel add-ons, which seems to be a lean approach."
Arthur Martin
"I want help smaller companies with their Lean Six Sigma journey. Minitab is too expensive for small companies. Training them in hypothesis testing using Minitab is not of much use."
Carlo Bonato
"Agree! Please suggest me other statistical software! "
Scott Leek
"Agreed. RStudio is open source."
Timothy M. Ewing
"Recomiendo QI MACROS"
Sergey Glukhov
"I love JMP, but it is very expensive. QIMacros is also wonderful. Regarding price/capabilities ratio in is absolute champion. Jay Arthur QIMacros developer resolves any problems and gives advice at a snap. Regarding Lean Six Sigma projects most software is overloaded. In SixSigma 3.0 version that our Association Six Sigma promotes we included a concept of tools standard interfaces. Every statistics software package should provide a uniform interface for statistical tools to be used in Six Sigma projects. Six Sigma specialist should be saved from complexity of using different statistics software packages. More on SixSigma3.0 you can read here"
Jay Arthur
"I often talk to companies that have many Minitab licenses, but no one using them. It doesn't matter how much your software costs if no one uses it because it's too complex.
Minitab is overkill for Green Belts. And sustaining improvement using control charts makes Minitab too expensive. How do we make "no belts" successful?"

Jay Arthur goes on to share:

"With our new Improvement Project Wizard QIMacros, I think we've grown beyond Minitab. We have many Lean templates - Value Stream Maps, etc."
Blanca Padrino
"Yes, MINITAB is not a good listener. I had a bad experience with license expiration 3 years ago. Actually, I use SIGMAXL is an excellent option and more affordable."
Hugues Henault
"Thanks Steven, I use QI Macros and SigmaXL"
Demetrios Venetis
"Not cool Minitab time for new Leadership over there - your software started out at Penn State as a low cost solution and now you have lost your way"
Mike Carnell
"Just to add some historical context to this discussion that is probably irrelevant to the point of the post but it was mentioned earlier. We began consulting with Allied Signal in 1995 on their SS deployment. Most of us were from Motorola. We used Minitab there because people in the Seguin, Texas facility attended Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State) and we could get the students version for around $150 (that number may be off some since we are back over 40 years to the Motorola days). When we began at Allied most software companies really didn't want to be bothered with us except one. Minitab.
Minitab did hire a woman named Carol Clousuer (spelling?) to create a training department and she worked unbelievably hard to understand the needs of the Six Sigma deployments in the 1990's. Over the years we have had great service from people such as Jennifer Atlas, Jeff Ozarski, Chris Peret, Joel Smith, etc. There is a long list of people and I apologize if I missed anyone.
Minitab has over the years aligned itself with the SS industry and has done very well for itself. I am not saying we, as an industry owe anything. They profited and that is how this works. That is your pay. Just a clarification."

Mike Carnell goes on to share:

"I do not understand how anyone can make some blanket recommendation. There are a lot of factors that affect recommendations. Personally I prefer to not recommend a particular software unless there is a specific technical reason. We have never been a software consultant. We have a list and the client makes their own choice. On the front end of a deployment I know I will need IT support on virtually every project. The last thing I need is to alienate them by choosing their software for them. I have never made it a secret that I truly enjoy doing business with a company called Moresteam. They have a product called Engine Room and another product called Process Playground. Certainly a product to consider with a very long history of customer satisfaction. When you look at software for a deployment it needs to be from the customer not from the consultant."
Don F. Wilson
"Mike, Thanks for acknowledging the endless support Minitab has given us over the years and the consultant’s duty to make life easier and more in line with the customer’s needs."
Richard Schroeder
"#Excel Lean Six Sigma tools to replace the expensive #Minitab Kudos Alexander Kurm #leansixsigma
Heads up to all my Lean Six Sigma process improvement colleagues!
For the last couple of years, I’ve been sharing an amazing excel-based alternative to Minitab and other statistical software so that Lean Six Sigma practitioners don’t have to pay huge $$ for statistical tools
I’ve seen many excel based statistical tools and these are by far THE BEST and most intuitive
If you’re interested in trying out some easy-to-use and FREE Excel based Six Sigma process analysis tools (e.g. control charts, capability analysis etc..), just follow the steps below to get them
Step 1) Please take a moment to Like or Share this post to help share the love!
Step 2) Click this link to access the tools and enjoy!"
Gabor Szabo
"I developed an Excel-based tool for MSA featuring a Multi-Vari and a Range Chart. The tool is completely free to download, along with a comprehensive eBook on MSA intended to challenge conventional and promote critical thinking when it comes to MSA. Feel free to take a look at these resources"
Franck Strub
"I fully agree. Personally I developed my own DMAIC Suite of Excel tools to teach lean six sigma and complete projects. Let me know if you are interested! Thanks"
Learn More here
Amit Kumar (Jha)
"My view is different. I really like the product and it’s simpler to use than other products that offers the same data interpretation. However, Minitab also needs to make its output more dynamic and powerful. Expectations from analysis has changed and Minitab is yet to offer few of those. Wake up call."
Randy Schrum
"Minitab is a train when you need a car"
Reagan Pannell
"Adobe, Microsoft etc. all manage to change their models, but Minitab did not ... so very glad to hear others are following suit."
Miguel Martínez La Rosa
"In Peru, Minitab is too expensive and students need a lower price. Minitab gave me a free license to create my Lean Six Sigma material in Peru, and I did that, then they broke the agreement and forced me to pay for the license, so I'm angry, that's not right."
Attila Dobai
"I’m not sure what you’re using as a replacement, but I switched to Python years ago and have never regretted it. The Anaconda package is especially well suited for #leansixsigma."

Attila Dobai goes on to say:

"The division of labor in LSS does seem to be a mess. I’m blessed to be a decent analyst and data scientist, but most LSS folks should be working with an analyst or ML person and a statistician rather than relying on software."

Steven Bonacorsi added:

"Yes ditto with other SME's like Financial Reps. We need to do cost benefit analysis and other financials but you don't see us spending a week of training to turn the belt into some Financial analyst nor investing in some Financial software like Tableau, LaborIQ, SAP Analytics Cloud, etc..), no, most use excel. So why should we limit ourselves to some statistical software like Minitab. If you want to use it, fine, but it should not be consuming our training curriculums nor influencing our clients we train with that software bias just because its in the instructors comfort zone. "
Mark Hoffmann
"If you want to pay $50 for a cup of coffee, go by $$$$$ Minitab ,or JMP if you want to pay $.25 (8x less) for a coffee, go by SigmaXL, if you want to a free coffee, go get R. Its best to give the customers choices and not narrow those because the Instructor has been bribed by Minitab to include in their curriculum and then after the instructor does that, #Minitab reneges and pulls the free license away. Meanwhile the student only learned the one software in training, their student license expires and now they have to pay thousands every year to for a license and software they use periodically because they did not know they had options, Kudos to International Standard for Lean Six Sigma (ISLSS) for leading the discussion towards integrity, away from the bias, and away from excessive tools like Minitab. The world has changed and we have options now."
Chad Bareither
"Minitab does not a Black Belt make..."
Forrest J. M.
"Most unpopular comment, here goes. You should do the same with six sigma for most of the reasons listed regarding Minitab."

Forrest J. M. goes on to suggest:

"The issue I have seen is the mixing of different methodologies especially six sigma is that it really does confuse and confound the process improvement landscape within most companies. Lean, as simple as it is, is often difficult to grasp. Add on statistical analysis and boom, you've lost more than 80% of employees. It has its uses especially in highly technical and or chemical engineering companies but in my experience it's a 20% ...or less of the time solution to something that can be dealt with by using poke yoke, and other Lean concepts. Simple and effective is always better in my experience."
John Allwood
"I think certifications for continuous improvement skills is sort if a been there done that thing at this point. Go forth in the world and use them to succeed in whatever position you take next."
Dan Blakely

Dan Blakely Shares:

"Totally agree about concepts and this is the way we have always trained. We start at high level to see the big picture and then move down to specifics. Too many times people get lost in thinking I have to use this or that tool without understanding what the tool is or its correct use."
Naomi Mordecai-Roush
"I agree, time to change"
Mitchell Offord
"Keep things simple so people understand what the output says at first glance. There are simpler tools out there"
Didier Dumont
"I agree that 90% of problems are solved with a Gemba but for high complexity problems Statistics are required to find the big X's and Minitab is a very good tool for that and fact based. In other way I fully agree that Minitab is too expensive."
Andreas Riess
"I think Minitab needs more feedback from the users. Who was merchandising Minitab for free the last years? The trainers using Minitab in the training. Now trainers do not get a free license anymore. Minitab killed the sales system. Good luck. Let‘s search for alternatives, there are more than enough out there."
Carlo Russo
"?? I support the decision - this was a bad policy by Minitab"
Carlos Conejo
"Minitab is too expensive - there are better cost options for students and in many cases better featured. No Lean in Minitab, No SPC in #minitab, can't open files from previous versions."
Pawan Preet Singh
"True , I agree"
Pete Marshall
"JMP has smashed Minitab for years. I have absolutely no clue why JMP isn’t the go to platform for all Lean Six Sigma analytics. It’s the best data mining tool for the price on the planet"
Dr. R. Scott Bonney
Responses seem unanimous.
"1. Minitab is good software... but has completely priced itself out of the market
2. SigmaXL is "good enough" for most needs... and an order of magnitude cheaper
3. There is no escaping Big Data... and neither SigmaXL nor Minitab are currently equipped to handle the tidal wave"

Dr. R. Scott Bonney goes on to say

"4. I love Minitab... it's been my personal go-to for quick analysis and data visualization for over 25 years... but it's now gone from all my curricula and I can't recommend it to clients due to its cost and capability constraints
Does that pretty much sum it up for everyone?"

Dr. R. Scott Bonney goes on to say:

You're quite right. Most projects do NOT need Minitab... or SigmaXL... or complex statistics... or any statistics at all. The soft skills -- bringing people together to think right, to see clearly, to share a vision, to break constraints together, eliminate waste together, simplify, share good ideas, try things out, make mistakes, forgive, and try again -- the soft skills... THESE are the hard skills. No software package can do that. And if you do find a project that can benefit from some stats? Awesome... go use the software that makes the most sense for you. But please, don't pretend one size fits all, and don't pretend your choice of a technology will make or break your team's effectiveness. It's the mind of the master that makes the tool, not the other way around."
Robert Cameron
"I agree with this assessment. Might need to try SigmaXL"

Now there are many of you that still love your Minitab and that is cool, no one is trying to control you, have at it. So for you we leave you with "The Minitab Song" - Enjoy

Please share your 2-cents in our Master Black Belt Survey, or comment below.

You can also follow the conversation on the International Standard for Lean Six Sigma (ISLSS)

Minitab doesn't think that our voice into the market is as strong as theirs, so I posted a screenshot of just 1 of our +600 pages that has over a 650,000+ views per month.

International Standard for Lean Six Sigma (ISLSS)

You can also join the conversation in our Lean Six Sigma Group which just passed +745,000 members. you can click here to join if you are not a member https://www.dhirubhai.net/groups/37987/

We also invite Minitab to comment should they have any productive thoughts to share.

Follow the Lean Six Sigma Page where this topic is featured

You can follow ISLSS on Twitter here

This Article is also Featured in the Process Improvement Consultants Group you can click here to join if you are not a member https://www.dhirubhai.net/groups/4183003/

Recommend on the Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Group, you can click here to join if you are not a member https://www.dhirubhai.net/groups/4182978/

Follow the Lean Six Sigma Group on Facebook here

Francisco González

Ingeniero Industrial | Gestión de Calidad | Business Intelligence & Data Analytics

2 年

I totally agree with you. I stopped using Minitab because I purchased a "perpetual" licence that cost me more than $1500 and, in a Windows Update, it stopped working. When I reached Minitab for a solution, they told me to buy a new license in order to continue using it. Since then, I transitioned to other alternatives.

Samir Shah

Regulatory Affairs for Digital Health, Combination Products, and Medical Devices

2 年

I don't do statistics much anymore, but I had Mintab 17 on my personal computer from a free license they gave me years ago for beta testing and even having an article written about my work with Mintab. For 2 years, I've had Mintab 17 on the same computer. It had previously moved across a few computers, and each time,.I properly deactivated it. Today, in 2022, on Minitab 17, it says it can't run because it is locked on another computer. It says the license is tampered. I left a message for customer support. Ive also looked at my backups and don't see any changes to files. I last used it 3 months ago on this computer. Really disappointed on this.

David Hampton

Partner at Advanced Analytics Solutions LLP

3 年

Thanks for creating this thread Steven. I'll add my anger and frustration to the mix. And I remember the great support we used to get from Minitab. I only use it now when the client demands it. I would love to buy a perpetual license for Minitab 19 because my Minitab 17 is starting to look old and I'm damned if I am going to pay an annual fee for something increasingly rarely used. Just FYI, at advancedanalyticssolutions.co.uk we sell a Data Analysis Toolkit that does everything a Green Belt or Black Belt needs (graphs, statistical analysis including advanced tools like ANOVA, MLR, DOE as well as GR&R and AAA). £180 a pop. I'll admit, it is not for Lean and not for Big Data but it gets the job done for Six SIgma and our clients love it.

Kevin Lehigh

Chief Consultant LTS, Inc.; Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt; Transformation Consultant

3 年

I agree. I had two copies of Minitab v17 and 18 I had paid for; all I wanted to do was transfer one to a different laptop and the other to a desktop. Minitab said no; I would have to pay $3220 for the privledge. I am done with them forever. I use R, Python and will give QIMacros a try in the future in order to help those Belts that need something beyond what Excel can deliver by itself.


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