Why Microinverter is future
In Poland in last year government make big changes in Fire Safety law, for installation bigger than 6,5 kWp need to be install some DC power shutdown units.
As one of the leading companies providing photovoltaic solutions, Tsun is pleased with the changes introduced, so it is necessary to formulate regulations. These changes will standardize the market and improve the safety of all photovoltaic installations in Poland. At Tsun, we use #Tsun #Microinverter safety technology. This means that each module connected to inverter will not generate a voltage greater than 60 V DC. The regulations are particularly strict for companies that provide installations based on string inverters. In inverters, modules on the roof are connected in series, which means that the voltage can reach up to 1,000 volts. Unfortunately, due to the low price of this solution, most installations still use string inverters in Poland.
However, we always focus on quality and fire safety. We assume that these changes will increase the installation price based on string inverters.
To ensure the complete safety of string inverter-based installations, that is, to disconnect high voltage from the string, an optimizer must be used for each panel. They must also have a quick shutdown function (or other method of reducing the voltage on each individual module). For investors, this is a high additional cost. This problem does not occur in installations that use #Microinverter.
Tsun Microinverter:https://www.tsun-ess.com/tsol-m
1.Max. DC Voltage 60V, Safety;
3. Warrenty 12 years;
Nicole Zou
Sales Director
Email Address: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +86 13266758588
#rapidshutdown #NEC2020 #NEC2017 #NEC #modulelevelpowerelectronics #MLPE #Shutdown #FIREFIGHTERSAFETY #Tsun #SwitchtoSafety #Firefighter #SafetySwitches #FirefighterSafetySwitches #PanelLevelFirefighterSafetySwitch #rapidshutdownrequirement #fireprotection #StringLevelFirefighterSafetySwitches #FireRaptor #DCpowershutdown #microinverter