Three questions that I saw asked on a podcast... three questions that I think we all can benefit from asking.
Question One is "how are you doing things to grow your business?"
Second one is "why are you doing them the way you are?"
Third one is "Is there a better way to do things?"
I thought about these myself, and they really are eye opening if you think through them and answer honestly. I thought about not just my personal business, but about the mortgage industry and peers. The big eye opener was that the biggest answer brought forth a huge concern... "why are you doing things the way you are" led to the answer "because that is how we have always done it.".
So what are the answers that you give to the first two? I think that there will be a lot that come back to "that is how I have done it for years." But the answer to number 3 is the most important one, and I think 100% of us can do things better than we do today. I reached out to the podcast speaker, and asked what questions he would ask to go to the next step. His answer...
Great questions as well. Questions that can help all of us if we answer them. So I hope they help you.