Why is mental flexibility your superpower
Why is mental flexibility your superpower: The Power Within Training

Why is mental flexibility your superpower

When you think about flexibility, your mind flicks to whether you can do the splits or not ……..but there's way more to it than that.


Mental flexibility is more important than ever right now, and here's why.


Businesses are facing an ever-changing landscape.


The state of the economy is impacting costs and finances on all fronts.?

The fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact our businesses; many people now favour remote working, over time in the office, competition to market your services and attract customers is as fierce as ever, and none of this is easy to manage as a business leader.


Keeping up is now more critical than ever.


In the energy sectors, energy transition is at the forefront of all plans, but many business owners and leaders simply aren't keeping up with the requirements this brings.


In the construction industry, a digital revolution is leaving many companies behind.




No, not because they don't have the technical know-how to achieve the changes required.?

But because many of the people involved in the required transition don't have the mental flexibility and need to embrace and thrive in the face of change.

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

-- Charles Darwin


I believe mental flexibility is one of the most important skills we can master in today's business world.


And I also believe we can all become more mentally flexible just by taking the time to learn how to take control of our dominant thoughts and beliefs around change.


When we need to learn a new technical skill, we train and practice it until we master it. Working on our mindset is no different.?

We can train ourselves to think differently and practice using new mindset tools. Yet, so few people put the required energy and investment into this aspect of developing their mindset.


Ironically, it is the one thing that could transform the way we lead through change, transition and the overall success of their business.


"Flexibility is a learned mental skill. In today's dynamic world, your effectiveness as a professional depends on your readiness to adjust quickly to the moments of need or opportunity, adversity, and change."?

― Jennifer Touma.


Mental (cognitive) flexibility is centred around our adaptability and willingness to shift our thought patterns to respond to situations in less fixed ways (Motivational Intelligence or MQ).


We all have our preferred ways of dealing with things, and different strategies we've used for years, perhaps even with some success.


But as the world around us and our businesses change at an alarming pace, most of these strategies will quickly become outdated and ineffective.


Continuing to approach our new challenges with our old way of thinking won't work.


Being regimented in our approach, regardless of the circumstances, is not an effective way of running our business.?


When we have a fixed mindset, we believe we are limited to a fixed set of abilities and talents. But that leaves us no room to grow and learn.


We must learn to be more flexible in how we think about challenges, more flexible in the solutions we find and more flexible in managing our self-development.


That's where a growth mindset comes in - when individuals believe they can improve their abilities, intelligence and talents through their efforts.?


"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship."?

- Louisa May Alcott.


One thing I know for sure is that we can all learn; we can all adapt, improve and grow.


But most people need support to achieve this.


And that's precisely what The Power Within provides to our clients.

Our world-first Leading With Motivational Intelligence (MQ) Executive Diploma teaches you to develop a growth mindset and improve your mental flexibility to help you manage challenges, thrive during periods of change and take advantage of opportunities.


Evolve as a leader in an executive education program that reinvigorates and ramps up your professional journey and creates a complete game in leadership and management.

Be part of our one-of-a-kind MQ approach to leadership development and personal growth.

The Motivational Intelligence Executive Program (LWMQEP) builds off the passion and perspective of our trainers, participants, and environment to help you evolve on a personal level, drive change on an organisational level, and make a difference in the world at large.?

With a research-based learning model, our curriculum, materials, and perspectives evolve with societal shifts and global events to ensure you're ready for any and every challenge your organisation faces.?

  • Enhance mindset and behaviours to expand presence as an impactful leader and Explore fresh ways of thinking
  • Understand the critical principles of effective leadership
  • Construct a personal leadership narrative to set actionable goals
  • Discover exciting new directions.?
  • Build a business network and maintain authentic relationships that will last a lifetime.?


For entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and leaders looking to advance, evolve or uncover "what's next," Leading With Motivational Intelligence or MQ" is forward-thinking, forward-moving, future-proof management and executive education experience.?

We curate diverse groups of executive leaders and business owners that harness the inspirational and motivational power of shared knowledge (mastermind process), cross-industry insight, and life experience.?

These skills mean we are giving ourselves the best possible chance of successfully navigating our business towards achieving our goals.

Click the link below to learn more about how we can help you achieve your desired business success.


James Fleming

The Power Within Training,

The Motivational Intelligence Company

[email protected]

#motivationintelligence, #mentoring #business #growth, #thepowerwithintraining, #traininganddevelopment, #energytransition, #construction, #leadershipdevelopment, #thecompletegame


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