Tanya Mann Rennick
Emotional Recalibration To Therapeutically Empower You Through Life's Toughest Challenges
This question can be disguised in so many ways, but it always means the same thing.
I'm sure you'd like to know the answer.
Clients come to see me for all different kinds of reasons. It could be that he or she is having professional issues, like wanting to be more assertive, or communicate more confidently. It could be that he or she is having personal issues, like overcoming the end of a relationship. While it’s true that everyone’s story is unique, there is an astounding commonality among them. In the end, it doesn’t matter how successful or not we think we are, all of us, every single last one of us, are human; with very basic needs...
I just want to get to the question...
It is actually quite simple, but it isn’t easy. If you listen very carefully to what someone says, and the way they say it, you will often pick up little clues. If you pay attention to the things they don’t say, you will pick up even more. If you watch body language, you will start to see things. If you notice breathing, you will be in tune. If you can observe changes in skin tone, eye focus, small repetitive motions, too subtle for most people, you will get insights.
Yes, but what’s the pattern interrupt question?
Holding space and staying with a client takes full trust in each other. It also takes enormous amounts of what I like to call Band Width. I don’t know if that just means really concentrating hard. In truth, it means accessing academic knowledge and calling on life experience. Most importantly, it means allowing the powerful flow of feminine intuition. It’s a strange kind of knowing, of accessing, which cannot be explained. Women were burned at the stake for less.
Anyway, how do you know when to get to the question?
So I’m assuming now you see, that slowing down a little bit and taking time to examine a situation, or let’s say in this instance, the question; “Why me? Why not me?” It got you wondering all the way down to here as to what the answer might be. I never promised you an answer*
I was just looking for HOW you were asking the question.
*(which reminded me of that 1970 hit, by Lynn Anderson, Rose Garden) sorry. Not sorry. Here's the link to make up for it https://youtu.be/KXHsWBKKNbI?si=14kO_m_MUrlSx4hC
I help you recalibrate your emotions so that you can have better business and personal relationships
I use psycho education, meditation, visualisation both in and out of trance and, where legal, plant medicine
Tanya x
Telepathy is not my thing, so if you would like to know more about how I can help you, you are welcome to book a call with me https://calendly.com/tanyamannrennick/30min
Senior Children's Residential Care Worker
8 个月I'm taking a 'me' day today and having looked at my cards and after reading this piece I'll meditate on the question later. My curiosity is piqued! I know I often get in my own way but I'd be interested to see if I can find out why. Thank you. Sending love.xxx