Why Me GOD? Book 3 Overcoming Negative Thoughts and Finding My Life Purpose Book 4 Define Purpose
D. Harold Greene, CCMT, CDLT, CWRMT
Certified Digital Literacy Master Trainer (CDLMT)
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Exerts are from
Why Me God? Book 3
Perseverance, Challenges & Overcoming Negative Thoughts
Overcome Negative Thoughts
? If you think negatively about a situation, decide that you won’t give up even if the worst happens.?
? Prove yourself to be a tough opponent. You are a winner.
? Accept yourself and be comfortable in who you are. You can’t be perfect, but neither can anyone else.
? Help someone. Shift the focus away from yourself and do good to others.?
? Take a nap so that you will wake up with a fresh mind.
? Read an inspiring book. Spiritual books often do well.
? Go out and appreciate the beauty of the world around you.
? Sing a cheerful song.
? Make yourself comfortable with failure.
Failure is the steppingstone to success, so don’t be afraid to fail.
? Have realistic expectation.
Accept the fact that people could make mistakes since nobody is perfect.
? Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. —?Ambrose Redmoon
? When there is no wind ... ROW!—?Latin Proverb
? One of the secrets of life is to make steppingstones out of stumbling blocks. —?Jack Penn
Next Week
Book 4
Moving on in Tough Times
?Moving on in Tough Times
?Affirmations to Move on in Tough
?9 Keys to Overcoming Difficult Times.
Exerts are from
Finding My Life Purpose
Book 4 Define Purpose
Define Purpose
If you want to learn how to define purpose, you need to identify the essential qualities of a purpose filled life.?
Every person’s purpose is different, but the essential qualities of a purpose filled life are always the same.?
??Those qualities are balance, fulfillment & talents.
??A person who is living their purpose always lives a life of balance.
? If you can discover these things in your own life you can begin to define your life purpose.?
How to Find and Define My Life Purpose?
There are two parts to Purpose: Being and Doing.?
( 1 ) Being dictates who you are. It's your identity.
( 2 ) Doing dictates what you've been called and designed to do.
So Here is the Definition of Purpose:
When you find a role where you do what you love to do and use what you're great at doing to become a solution to problems that you feel called to fix.
That's where you will find your purpose.
Next Week
Book 4
Finding Your Sweet Spot
It's that one sweet spot where these 4 things intersect: