Why Me??!! (again)

Why Me??!! (again)

Happy Tuesday NOOOOOOT! Let's face it, most of us would rather it was still BH Monday. We can put on our 'brave faces' and bounce into the office pretending that we don't care that half the workforce are on their holibobs but we do don't we. Most of us also did the Lottery over the weekend and none of us won that either did we!! It's all pretty depressing! On that note (and to while away some of my time today) I've decided to write a little article selling my wares.

I'm coming across quite a few new Rec2Recs who are now operating in both the UK and International market. I'm also coming across agencies who advertise their clients very specifically. Obviously we'd rather NOT have competition (in that ideal world which sadly doesn't exist) but we accept times change. There are some great adverts out there selling you the dream but one of the reasons I think we still get the numbers of referrals we do/candidates generally come to us first, is that we've been in the market for YEARS and know it extremely well. Many of our Clients were candidates so who better to prep you than the agency who placed these people years ago and who also supported those who set up their own businesses. Someone recently told me that I was in his phone as 'Recruitment Mom'. I'm not sure if I should flattered or not..

We were established nearly 20 years ago when there were no more than a handful of Rec2Recs. It was 'easy money' then as everyone was looking for Recruiters who could add value to their businesses and there were always plenty of Recruiters available for us to take our pick of. There's no doubt the market has changed hugely. Yes there are still loads of jobs out there but finding a good Recruiter who is happy to sell, doesn't want internal and hasn't had a great deal of movement on their CV isn't easy (I've nothing against internal btw, it's just not what we do). I'm sure most recruiters who have been in the industry for as long as I have will say the same thing..they work twice as hard (despite the technology we now have that we didn't have back then) to achieve the required results.

DON'T move unless you really need to. You really don't want movement on your CV unless it's absolutely essential. I've spoken to two fabulous candidates in the last month and I advised both to stay put (through gritted teeth granted but it was the right thing to do). They had a few concerns at work and with our support saw that it made sense to resolve those issues as they were by no means insurmountable. We are genuinely about the long term. If we advertise a Client or their role it's because we believe they can offer you a great longterm opportunity. Plus if you do resign, get a counter offer and stay, your  card is often marked and your loyalty questionned.

Come to us first please. If we don't find you your perfect role within 2 weeks then by all means widen your search but with nearly 20 years behind us in Rec2Rec we really do know the market in a way that a business with say 5 years can't possibly know. Yes they will pick up jobs but generally they won't have the same breadth of relationships that a business with serious longevity in the industry will have. Candidates are in short supply right now so you can expect to be sold the dream. Be careful. There are amazing businesses out there but sadly there are also businesses offering Rec2Recs 25% fees who also operate a revolving door policy and will hire/fire in a second if they have any doubts once you start. We want you to join a business that offers longevity - noone should be playing 'russian roulette' with your career. It takes time to build your desk so telling you (once you start) that you are expected to bill in month 1 isn't on in my book!

Have a good week and if you are looking for some advice please Call/Text/WhatsApp me 24/7 on 07970 840061 email [email protected]




