Why Marketing Security is The Next Big Thing
Eric Vardon
2 x Exit, Technologist, Serial Entrepreneur, Investor, Advisor, Biohacker and Sport/Health Nut.
I’d like to tell you a story. Amazon Web Services (You may use it, in fact) went down for four hours in 2017. No big deal, right?
Perhaps for some. However, S&P companies experienced a loss of $150 million and U.S. financial services lost $160 million.
Do you know how it happened? A single employee entered the wrong command while trying to fix a bug and shut down a large number of AWS servers instead. Yeah, one guy.
It’s a good lesson that human errors can and will happen in business.
However, there’s a new way to prevent them from happening and causing damage. It’s called marketing security and it’s the next big thing for marketers.
Here’s why.
Human errors cost U.S. businesses $18.2 billion
We all make mistakes. All it takes is hitting the wrong button on a keyword and you’ve turned off that Adwords campaign. Now you have to explain to the client why they aren’t getting any traffic.
Furthermore, it’s been found that human error—specifically data loss—results in $18.2 billion in lost revenue for U.S. companies. While accidents happen, they can be prevented, too.
That’s where marketing security solutions come into the picture. They take care of identifying small mistakes we make all of the time: not publishing content, setting Facebook Ad budgets too high, etc. You are alerted in real-time when these errors happen to address them instantly.
62% of businesses experienced social engineering attacks in 2018
Marketing security isn’t just about securing ad dollars, marketing performance, and peace of mind. It also allows you to keep your entire company safe as you find your groove and scale. After all, you want to be able to enjoy and focus on growth instead of worrying it will all come tumbling down.
62% of companies were victims of phishing and similar attacks in 2018. Many times it isn’t viruses or malware that’s the threat; it’s rogue users, unauthorized access, etc. While you could sit at a computer waiting for bad guys to show up, there’s a better approach.
The AI that powers marketing security scans for all types of vulnerabilities and suspicious behavior with anomaly detection. Marketers can tend to work as usual while the software runs in the background. Get an alert? Solve the problem and get back to working on urgent tasks.
We spend too much time on the mundane
Testing, optimizing, finding bugs. The list goes on. We wear many hats as marketers and that means many performing tasks every day. Nonetheless, sometimes they distract from bigger projects. Have you ever felt small tasks took away from something more important? We’ve all been there.
It’s also why marketing security is going to be so impactful. Marketers need to put their finite energy and time into what matters: big projects, launching campaigns, and creating new products.
Computers do some things better than humans: crunching numbers, analyzing, etc. Humans, on the other hand, excel at creative and empathetic work. Marketing security empowers both to focus on their strong points while saving us our much needed time.
Marketers deserve to work with peace of mind. Don’t you think? That’s why marketing security is going to be one of the most underrated verticals to invest in. Heck, who doesn’t want to save time, money, and energy while boosting performance?
That’s what inspired the development of Morphio: the world’s first marketing security software. Want to see what it can do for your business? Try Morphio today for free.