Why Marketing Fails at Small and Medium-Sized Companies
Managing Partner at Highlander Consulting Inc. | B2B Marketing Communications Professional with 20+ Years Experience
There are two reasons why marketing fails most often at small- and medium-sized firms. Either or both of these failings may apply to your situation:
You view marketing as business triage.?Your company uses a collection of tactics (often labeled as a “marketing campaign”)?only?in response to a problem; typically involving the loss of a key client, or decline in revenue. When business is good, little or no time is invested in marketing. When business (inevitably) takes a dip, only then does marketing becomes a priority.
You expect marketing to deliver immediate results.?Either because your company always views marketing on a “cause & effect” tactical basis, or because marketing triage must be applied quickly to revive an ailing company, the marketing function is given insufficient time to produce tangible results. It’s no surprise that marketing professionals have the shortest tenure of any corporate function.
The hard truth is that very few business owners either understand the marketing function, or have the discipline to design, implement, measure and adhere to a consistent marketing approach that builds brand equity and market engagement over a sustained period.
To establish the infrastructure and internal culture necessary for the marketing discipline to succeed, we offer the following simple strategy:
Most importantly – with apologies to Glengarry Glen Ross – firms must commit to:
…for the discipline to be effective. Otherwise, the traditional short-term, hair-on-fire approach to business development will keep your company from ever reaching its full potential, regardless of its quality or reputation.