Why many high income earners are left with little money in the end
The lives of the rich and famous evoke so much envy and admiration that the tragedy of mismanaged wealth remains unknown. They are a small minority living a privileged life, and their problems do not invite the attention they deserve. The curse of too much money, some would say. Or perhaps the problem of too little trustworthy help to manage the money. The errors are many.
First, the high stakes of earning too high an income are not well evaluated. A sportsman going through a patch of underperformance will find that selection risks increase, endorsements drop, and auction bids go lower. One flop at the box office will set back the entire crew from producer, director, actors to all others associated with the film. Election losses, business failures, market crashes, and other such high risk events wipe off a significant portion of the stash of the uber-wealthy.
Many high income earners deploy quirky strategies to manage risks. While some focus on their profession and performance and work with the understanding that the good times won’t last forever, many delve into crafting an image of grandiosity, power, invincibility and charisma. Stars engage managers to oil the PR machine to drive revenues; politicians develop power bases that almost cement an empire for them to rule; sportsmen feed fans tidbits of their quirks and tricks, to build an aura of invincibility.
To an outsider, practices such as naming films based on numerological connotations or releasing them on auspicious dates seem like naive ways to manage risk. But the high income world thrives on notions of luck and fortune. From stones worn on rings, to colour of clothing to the location of the office, superstitions thrive as this group tries to ring fence its income from the evil eye. We need science in this area. We need the economic courage that buys into a failed real estate project to flip it around, rather than abandon it for years as a symbol of bad luck.
Second, high income earners suffer the curse of poor money management strategies guided as tax planning. Many will buy benami properties, stash wealth in jewels, hide money in risky offshore structures and choose investments that will hide their wealth from the taxman.
Unaccounted income is often invested perilously. Big ticket investments are common and made with little regard for viability, but with the urgency to hide wealth, even if it means breaking the law. Large tracts of farmland are held by nouveau agriculturists, on whose death the hangers on turn rich overnight. Such a collosal waste of hard earned money. There are cultural issues also at play.
Many believe their wealth puts them above law and they can buy their way out of problems. The lack of ethical structures in business ventures of several film personalities, sportsmen, politicians and businessmen is not seen as immoral. There is no social stricturing either. It is almost as if anything goes as long as one is wealthy and powerful. We need more clean, professional and well structured enterprises created by the wealthy, so it inspires others.
Third, wealth attracts parasitical associations but high income earners ignore the perils of these hangers on. Worse, they cultivate them for want of anyone else to trust. These associates are relatives or friends, who take advantage of the high income earner, who loses control to them. Either the star earners know too little other than their own trade, or do not have the time and energy to make decisions about their wealth.
Fourth, allocation of income to current expenses, for furthering professional skills, and for the future of the high income earners and their family, is not taken strategically. When there is too much to go around, the distinction between essential and luxury is wiped away. Owning palatial homes and cars; dressing in expensive clothes and jewellery; cultivating expensive habits with respect to entertainment, food and travel are all par for the course.
Careless spending, useless assets, and unsustainable lifestyles have done in many high-income high-risk earners. Many simply do not know what to do with the stash they earn and end up with poor choices. What can they do better?
First, there is tremendous merit it keeping all earnings above board, accounting for them and paying taxes. Accounted wealth can be held, managed, and transferred with greater ease, flexibility and care.
Second, creating an asset pool that will generate income and be insulated from the risk of the income earner’s main profession is necessary. The focus should be on high quality assets that will grow in value.
Third, investing in professional assistance for keeping records, staying within legal boundaries, ensuring that paperwork and taxes are clean, creating legal and viable wealth structures are all critical. Only a permissive earner allows crooks to twist and turn how the money is kept and accounted.
Fourth, allocating time periodically to review and understand how the money is being managed is also critical. It is as important as the focus on health, appearances, and networking for which many professionals find the time and the best talent to work for them. It is not necessary for a high income earning artiste or sportsman to master the management of money. But making sure that sound principles are the basis of how their money will be managed; that good quality professionals are in charge; and that transactions are always above board, are imperative.
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