Why Managing Your Brain Matters and How it Improves Your Wellbeing Your Leadership, Managerial, Entrepreneurial, and Career Success, Performance
Environmental Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)
?Professional Speaker?Consultant, Trainer and Teacher in Strategy, Planning, Performance, Problem-Solving & Solutions?H2O?Waste?Climate, Pollution, Environment ?SDGs ?Leadership?Entrepreneurship/Busimness/Marketing/Sales
I am not sure whether this is out of ignorance or a deliberate effort by some global powerful so that they can control human beings, but I don’t understand why humans are never plainly told that their brains are so critically important that they deserve a place in parts of the body that we give special attention to such as our heart, teeth and the general body exterior that we give so much attention including keeping it clean and healthy. We buy soap, tooth paste, tooth brush even shoe polish for our shoes; but what do we do specifically for our brain? Nothing! We only start thinking seriously about our brain only when it is diseased. Even psychology, which is related to the brain, is made a special subject for the few why? Why when thinking and emotions are the core of human life, performance and experience?
When I talk about managing your brain, I am not talking about being neuroscientist or a brain surgeon. No! I am talking about knowing how the brain works in terms of thinking, emotions and producing the kind of performance and results that it produces and how we can consciously improve both its performance and the results that it produces for us as individuals, teams, organisations and society.
By now I am sure you know that the human brain, complex and powerful as it is, has some flaws, some of the brains major flaws, especially in decision-making and in how it responds to information and situations. Traditional formal education has help to an extent to reduce the errors but it has not eliminated them. Even the most educated professor’s brain still operates as a normal brain especially outside the professors’ domain of knowledge. A normal brain does not make accurate decisions and responses most of the time; it loves short-cuts and generalisations and causes to have many biases and errors. This it does mostly below our conscious awareness and we often know or become aware of the errors from the results; that is after the cat is already out of the bag.
Trust me, in many many cases we fail to solve problems or achieve goals that are within our reach not because they are impossible or hard but simply because our brain is not thinking properly about it. Very often the processes are fast and below the radar and we are not even aware that it all about how our brain is thinking about it.
Conscious management of the brain is very important but people ignore it. Yet we all know that we produce our results through a combination of thinking and emotions and knowledge and experience only help us to think and function better and not to replace thinking.
Thinking is done by the human brain, your brain, my brain.
Many people make some effort at thinking management or managed thinking and this is a good starting point. But thinking management is like training to drive. You can be a very good driver for that matter, but it is even more important to make sure that the car you drive is well managed. You can manage the car only if you know and understand how it works! This is the same with your brain. Managing your brain is strategic thinking management! The better you manage your brain, the better it performs and the more effective you become in managing your thinking and emotions and hence the brain’s overall performance and performance in specific tasks and areas.
Here is a simple brain management process for you?
1. Become aware that managing your brain is important
2. Be 100% serious about starting to manage your brain
3. Get knowledge on how the human brain works especially in thinking, emotions, managing information, decision-making and general performance and results production
4. Understand and know how your own brain works-Every brain has some similar characteristics with other brains but it also has its own uniqueness. This is why two brain’s rare do exactly the same thing as the same time unless there is first some communication.
5. Get and use specific strategies for managing your brain and its functionalities and processes.
6. Practice managing your brain through exercises such as deliberate change of focus, giving yourself special time for focused thinking and special physical activities and exercises
7. Apply specific strategies and techniques to specific work related tasks
8. Try some brain reprogramming exercises and get help if you are not familiar.
Managing your brain is extremely importance because it gives you many benefits including
1. Better mental and emotional well being
2. Higher mental performance
3. Reduction is bad decision-making
4. Increase in good decision-making
5. Better relationships
6. Better academic results
7. Reduction in the rate of brain aging
Take a brain management course! You can start with a basic introduction course of 2 hour per week for six weeks.
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?Simon Bere 2023
1 年This is a brilliant article sir. Keep up the great work