Why lunchtimes are so good
I'm on the verge now of selling out my lunchtime sessions
with only 3-5 places left which is pretty amazing and it will
go to a waiting list once they are gone
Why? I don't oversell my programmes, I chose a number
I was most comfortable with and set it as my target, any
more than that and I'll lose track of what everyone is doing
Whether you come to me or exercise elsewhere, this post
is for you as I cover the benefits of lunchtime exercise
There was a time when I had double the members I have
now and I didn't like it, each person has individual
programmes to work on and I like to chase clients up if
I haven't seen them that week. So now I prefer to have
six in a session with three running each day
So what can lunchtime exercise do for you? I asked
my clients and this is what they told me...
It fits in easily to their day
They don't have to go home and make dinner then
try to get to the gym later, all they have to do is turn
up at lunch
They have children
They need to be home by a certain time, probably
picking them up from nursery or school, doing it in
their lunch break doesn't interfere with that
They take a lunch break
No more sitting at their desk, eating a sandwich
and working at the same or being pestered to do
things. They're not at their desk therefore are
taking a proper break
They save money
Some say they used to spend their lunch hour going
around the shops, buying things they don't need
as a way of treating themselves for working hard
They are losing weight and becoming stronger
Let's not forget the real reason for exercising at
lunchtime, you start to look better and feel better
Their afternoon productivity soars
Taking a proper break, switching your mind off for
thirty minutes and increased energy all means
that when you get back to your desk you are so
much more focused to deal with work
Mood improves
Come in at lunchtime in a bad mood and leave
a half hour later in a good mood. Yes it's a
benefit of exercise but you can also blow off steam
chatting to the other girls
I'm not just saying I only have a few places left as
some kind of marketing trick, I really do only have
a handful of places left
So if you're on the fence, get off it and email me now
for a two week trial
Come and be part of something that is more than
exercise, it's a family, it's fun and the group will help
you push yourself more than any gym or on your
p.s. the evening session won't be far behind in
selling out, so if that suits you better, get in touch
Carolyne is the owner of Fit Strong Females with a Studio in Glasgow City Centre and an Online Membership Site and also a Food, Success and Food Blogger and Writer. You can contact her at [email protected] or find more information at fitstrongfemales.com