Why Low Employee Engagement and Inconsistent Productivity Persist – And How to Turn It Around
Linda Scott
High Performance Executive and Leadership Coach | Certified Chair? of Advisory Boards - Driving strategic alignment, governance and growth for forward-thinking organisations.
Struggling with low employee engagement and inconsistent productivity in your organisation?
You’re noticing missed deadlines, miscommunication, or lack of accountability and ownership in your team’s work. These are the signs that your team isn’t being led to reach their full potential.?
No matter how skilled they are, without proper guidance and self-leadership, their performance will plateau, and the organisation will struggle to maintain momentum.
But you know what? You’re not alone.
Many leaders want their teams to perform at their best but often miss the crucial factor that drives real results - effective guidance through mentoring and coaching.
Guidance through mentoring drives real results
The truth is, we leaders should invest and focus on guiding our people.
When you shift your focus from simply managing tasks to empowering your team with self-leadership and showing them how to set and achieve success through your mentoring, you unlock higher engagement, collaboration, and productivity.?
Top-performing organisations know this. In fact, 71% of Fortune 500 companies offer mentoring and coaching programs to their employees because they understand the power of guidance in driving long-term success.
But how does? guidance drive success?
Coaching and mentoring are not magic wands that automatically create success. To be effective, coaching and mentoring require effort, commitment, specific skills, attitudes, and structure from both the mentor and the mentee.?
Success happens when both parties take responsibility for making it work.
Ingredient #1: What Makes A Good Mentor?
You, as their mentor, must have the disposition and desire to develop other people.?
It requires your willingness to reflect and share your own experiences, including your failures.?
You’ve been where they are, experienced what they’re going through, and understand how they feel. You’ve walked in their shoes, faced the challenges, and come out the other side.
Your values, beliefs and standards resonate with them.
Ingredient #2: The Mentee
Your mentee needs to be:
Ingredient #3: The Relationship
It’s a joint venture that requires you and your mentee’s active participation.?
To create and sustain a successful guiding relationship, here are a few simple best practices you can adopt:
2. Get To Know Each Other
A mentoring relationship is like any other relationship—it takes time to develop. And like other relationships, it will grow faster and stronger if both parties take time to get to know each other as?people.
Don’t dive head first into career problem solving and advising. Build trust by learning about each other!
3. Set The Expectations and Agenda
Be clear about the purpose and focus of the mentoring. Both parties should articulate what they hope to get out of the experience.
Mentoring is one of the most important thing you can do to increase team engagement and productivity, It takes time and commitment, but it is well worth the effort.
If you found this helpful and want to learn more about how we can incorporate the right strategies to develop your team's performance and organisation’s culture to reach greater heights, here are 4 ways I can help: