????Why Love Trumps Doing for Next Level Prosperity.
For years I felt that life just kept giving me a kicking.
What I didn't know was I was being lovingly kicked to learn what I most wanted to know.
Whether you'd love 'next level prosperity' in whatever form or are just fed up being kicked, I hope you find value in this week's article.
Prosperity is personal.
We each have our own definition or ideal. There's no right or wrong.
I’d suggest being happy and fulfilled is a common denominator and that time and money freedom for what we love would feature for most of us too.
The question is, are we?'prospering' as we'd personally love to?
Because if not, all we may need to KNOW is one thing. The prosperity we'd love cannot be realised by what we do ‘out there’….
If we’re not firstly being prosperous 'within’ ourself.
Thankfully, prosperity - as we’d love it - is within everyones' power to experience.
Let’s dive in...
We live in a world in which 'doing' continues to be idolised and believed in.
Do this, be this, have this.
Do this, have this, be happy and fulfilled.
Do. Have. Be.
Q: Why do we continue to fall for it?
A: Because we believe it.
Q: Why do we believe it?
A: Because we’ve forgotten.
We’ve forgotten how we create our experience in the mind.
And so we believe we need to be a human doing in order to be a human being.
We've been sold on believing?doing is key.
? Do the strategy, work hard, be successful.
? Do more sales calls, sell more, earn more, be wealthy.
? Eat less, exercise more, be in shape.
? Read more books, know more, be more successful.
? Reprogram your mind, manifest more wealth and abundance.
? Do this, have this... Be enough... Be happy.
It may make sense but?how’s this working out for most of us?
Errr…… I’d say it’s not.
It may fit with what we believe…
But, I’d suggest that 15% of adults in the UK on anti-depressants (albeit some for physical pain) would be one indicator it's really NOT working.
With another being that despite all we know and do, perhaps only 1% or 2% of all people are living as they’d Love in respect of their health, wealth, abundance, relationships, time freedom, fulfilment and happiness.
I specifically include happiness because there are plenty of objectively successful people who are not happy...
Many are anxious, depressed or miserable and if we're not happy, are we prosperous?
But if we set 'prosperity' and its root cause aside for a moment...
What if our challenge is with the ‘doing’ itself?
What if I believe I know what to do and know how to do it BUT...
I just can’t get myself to do it?
Or what if I'm doing what I believe I need to do but I'm still not getting the results?
Why the Gap?
And what Do I Do about it?
DO I need to DO my habits or DO my mindset or DO Being more focused and disciplined?
Is life and business really a game of DO BE DO BE DO ???? ?? ?? ?? ??
Or would I be BE better to KNOW what actually moves me (or any of us) to do or not do anything?
Why DO we really choose to DO the biscuits or cake over the apple when we’re aiming to BE in better shape?
Why DO I now write this sentence or this email versus DOING another one or not DOING one at all?
Why DO we meditate or DO yoga or DO going for a run or get out of bed when we DO?
Instead of DOING the sofa, TV and a big bag of Doritos?
What the ‘flip’ is it that determines what moves us to do or not do?
Or to think and feel and decide some things instead of thinking, feeling or deciding something else?
Who or what determines our sales growth or how much we earn?
Is it some outside force? Is it the market, a politician, my clients, my marketing skills or the business I'm in?
Or something else?
Might we BE so much better equipped to fulfil our dreams and prosper if school taught us the answer?
Instead of teaching us out of knowing it?
Educate ... from Latin 'Educo' ... meaning to educe, to draw out from, to develop from within.
It doesn't mean to put into!
And what if personal development and mindset actually taught us what we really want to KNOW instead of telling us what we need to DO or improve or fix..
What if we demanded....
"PLEASE DO NOT tell me what I need to do to get the outcomes I want... I can get all that from a book."
"Instead, please just RE-MEMBER me with what I really need to KNOW."
Might this be a more beneficial education?
Or what if we knew the answer to this next question?......(which ties to last week' article).
Why do some people win when others who DO the same things and are just as talented, don’t?
If I count both hard cash and opportunity cost, I'm not ashamed to tell you it cost me £ millions to learn the super simple answer to this question!
Not to mention many thousands of hours over almost 3 decades and a significant impact on my mental wellbeing.
But here it is in a sentence…
ALL our doing - 100% of it - including doing Doritos on the sofa vs. doing the gym - follows who and what I AM conscious of Being and what I AM therefore assuming… right NOW in this moment.
And this is the only thing we are free to choose. We have no freewill beyond this.
All doing follows being.
But it's not even what we DO that counts!
It's the assumptions and beliefs we hold that ultimately lead our results.
Success is clearly not a copy and paste on doing and knowing how to do it!
If we aspire to new levels of prosperity or different outcomes...
But who we’re conscious of being and what we're therefore assuming and believing continues to remain aligned with our circumstances or thoughts and feelings about them...
We’re going to become or stay stuck.
No matter what we DO.
Doing from a state of lack won't rescue us from lack!
It can't
We can’t outperform our awareness of Being.
The game cannot be won when we attempt to play... DO BE DO BE DO.?????????? ??????
It's won only when we play it - consciously - BE DO BE DO BE.????? ?????? ????
Doing to get unstuck whilst being conscious of being stuck leads full circle.
We may ‘do’ lots of thinking, hoping and doing but not much changes…
Until WE ‘do’...
Because the change that leads all change is a shift in who we’re conscious of Being.
But this is not about needing to Do to Be!!
That just keeps us on the Do Be hamster wheel.
There’s no process or technique for shifting who we’re aware of being.
It’s the pathless path.
We can shift instantly within ourself.
Right here and now.
We’re shifting all the time anyway - mostly unconsciously, mostly in response to our own reflections.
Or because we make the mistake of believing our thoughts are true!
When it comes to who we’re being, we tend to oscillate around a 'default' setting.
Most of us are 'Being' aligned with what’s familiar to us.
We're being relative to circumstances.
Even when we may not be comfortable with our experience.
Even when the effects - such as our business growth, income, bank balance or health and wellbeing - are a far cry from what we'd love.
Even when the effects include us DOING certain addictive behaviours to escape the discomfort whilst producing more of the unwanted effects!
Even when we’re DOING all we know to try and create change.
And yes, we can push and do and attempt to go against nature with more striving and fixing and controlling and all that stuff….
But the consequences can be and are often severe.
?? Tiredness = unnatural.
?? Anxiety = unnatural
?? Depression = unnatural
?? Frustration = unnatural
?? Disease in the body = unnatural
?? Not fulfilling our authentic vision and desires = unnatural.
?? Not being happy and fulfilled = unnatural.
?? Have > Do > Be = not possible although we can believe it is.
Doing is automatic. Having is automatic.
Doing TV, sofa and Doritos is automatic.
Doing double the income and working half the time is automatic.
Fulfilment of who we're being is automatic.
We’re always Being moved to automatically Do and Have relative to who we’re conscious of being.
Be have.
There's really no doing to be done - we're being done through according to our self-concept and our inner state of being.
Human Being leads Human Doing.
And we are free to choose.
We can experience patterns of what's familiar or unwanted whilst striving to get to our next level prosperity - however we may define this for ourself.
Or we can enjoy next level prosperity doing what we love FROM being who we love!?
I AM is always the Leader.... in our business and lives.
We don't get results which correspond with what we do, we get results which correspond with who we are conscious of Being.
So I AM wanting always gets us …. more wanting….. but just not the having!
At least not until our self-concept and assumptions shift.
Be (Do) Have.
What's natural is to consciously align with what we'd Love vs. pushing against our nature and striving for it.
It's the way of the courageous.
Meaning to be led by the heart and not by the mind.
And, when we KNOW the Law of Being means our results are always consistent with what we're unified with, it's a no-brainer to Love ourself more.
Because only then can we truly prosper as we'd Love to.
Next level awareness for next level results without the striving.