Why “Logo Makers” and “Logo Creator” are Just Garbage?

Why “Logo Makers” and “Logo Creator” are Just Garbage?

“I am going to build a palace now. Of course, I saved money on logo design.”

~ Said Penny Pitcher.

Oh, congrats! Finally, you are going to build a palace of your dreams. Good luck with that. (Two minutes silence for you.)

Little do you know, after a year, you’ll return here to read this blog and understand where you went wrong.

Better safe than sorry! Instead of skimming it, read every bit of it to save your business from a huge loss.

Let me ask you something…

When you are in need to shed some extra pounds or build muscles, where do you go?

Without any second thought, you run to a fitness coach. But may I ask why?

When you have everything available on YouTube, why do you even think of finding a trainer for yourself?

It’s because you take your health seriously, and you just can’t compromise on it. You want to look good and feel best.

You know that the trainer will guide you as he has the needed knowledge. You understand that a trainer knows how to plan according to your body type. You rely on your coach, follow their advice hence end up achieving your goal.

Mate, hear me out!

Kudos to you for taking your health into account. But what about your business and goals related to it?

Is your business secondary or tertiary for you?

I know I have established an awkward silence between us, but that’s okay….

Human beings have a common problem of concentrating on the results. But sorry, this shouldn’t be the only thing.

When you chase the process, you get your desired results.

Talk about chasing the process, the logo is your first ladder. It’s unrealistic to expect to reach your final destination unless your foundation is strong.

Your logo is the walking talking advocate of your unwavering commitment and dedication.

I always say, do the right thing even if it demands effort from your side. Do it, and you’ll thank me later.

Today, if you commit to make your brand a priority, and get a brand identity that makes you a lead magnet, then I am giving you my word. Two things will happen.

  • Your customers will become insomniac as FOMO won’t let them sleep, and they will try to get your services/product before their next-door neighbor.
  • Your competitors will suffer insomnia as your brand positioning will give them sheer hard time.

Now, I am not asking you to rely on this chit-chat. Let’s talk on practical ground. Stick to it and understand why every logo maker and logo creator is nothing but garbage.

1. Logo makers ruin your brand image

It’s more like getting expired coffee when you have an opportunity to get Dalgona.

Tell me something: Imagine, you have to meet a crucial client. How will you go? Appropriately dressed up or in your pj’s?

I don’t even need to state the answer. You’ll go the extra mile to seal the deal. Talk about your business, how can you even think of being careless when it comes to your brand identity?

Logo makers and logo creators end up ruining your brand image. The unprofessional look kills the essence of your brand; hence the message turns into ashes.

Trust me; all these logo makers convey this silent message to your customers,

“If their logo is worst, how can you even think that their services/products will be good?”

In the end, you end up losing your customer, yet get one step closer to the palace. I am talking about the castle you are trying to build with the money you saved by using free logo generator.

2. You go behind the bars – Copyright issues ahead!

Copyright issues ahead

Do you want to shut down your business right after opening it?

I’m sorry. If it’s not the case, why are you even heading towards free logo generators?

Not scaring you, but sharing the fact. You can do massive damage to yourself by getting into penalties. The legal war is sheer fierce, and you can’t win it without any evidence.

A friend of mine is a penny pitcher. He used a free logo generator and landed himself into the double-trouble of copyright issues.

Quite sad, he hurt his reputation; the competitor sued him for copying the logo. Though he never copied it as the so-called free logo generator did the job.

I don’t want to see you in the zone abyss where the darkness prevails, and you end up losing your dreams.

Before using a logo, you need to make sure that it isn’t being used by anyone else. Moreover, it’s essential to have a know-how of how to get it legally registered.

Instead of getting into this mess, invest in a customized logo design that saves you from all the legal battles.

3. There is nothing like “FREE.”

Guilty of loving freebies…

Who isn’t?

But wait! When it comes to business, I take every minute detail into account. As I said before, I do the right thing, even if it seems hard.

The word “free” is pretty enticing, and as a human, the temptation won’t stop. Talk about so-called free logo generators, do you think they are free?

Come on! Those logo generators and logo makers are not free. There is a hidden curtain of charges you don’t know about.

Let me share some real-time screenshots. (P.S: You too can try)

I went to a free logo maker website to get a brand identity. I put the name and the industry.

Nothing Like Free

Oh wow! It gave me too many options (P.S: These logos can get me into legal battle) I chose one and hit “Add.”

Hidden Locks

How generous! My logo got ready, and they asked me to share my email address and find the logo in my inbox soon.

Can you see what was being promoted as “FREE” wasn’t actually “Free?”

Logo is Finished

WHAT A HEARTBREAK! This is what I received!

Hidden Locks

Tell me, how is it free?

If I have to pay for such a logo that lacks originality and can get me into a legal battle, is there sanity in even paying for it?

I am leaving you here with “Food for thought.”

4. Run-of-the-mill templates

When you go out to shop, don’t you search for the best thing in the store?

You want to get the best thing for yourself. How can you imagine that your customers won’t feel the same?

Akin to you, your customers want to get the best of everything. If the face of your brand isn’t up to the mark, will they even consider you?

You gotta be kidding if you think they will.

This is why I say it’s better to invest in something that gives you a good return. Logo generators offer you a thousand of different concepts. But do you even know they offer the same to every other person?

If you decide to stand out amid the crowd, why are you even running towards the templates that every other person is opting for?

Run-of-the-mill templates give you nothing but disappointment. There is no room for customization, and you can’t tweak it as per your wish. It’s like a toxic relationship that you want to end, but still, you are not letting go.

The unflattering logo is next to fusty antiperspirant that sends people away. Nobody even feels like to talk to you.

Remember that customer loyalty, and customer trust is more than just the millennials buzzwords. 

If you want your customers to trust you, you need to give them a reason to. Little you are aware; a well-thought-out logo can do the job right.

5. No personal touch – emptiness rules

Your end-user is a human, not a robot.

If you keep this point as the core of everything you do, trust me, your brand’s fortune will change for good.

Though artificial intelligence is booming, still we can’t omit the human element.

We are hard-wired to build emotional ties with things and people that appeal to us. Don’t think of your logo merely a symbol that represents your brand. Take it as a human figure that builds emotional ties with people.

People stop when they resonate with something. Talk about logo generators; no humans are making the logos. Bots are doing that.

Now, tell me, do you think a bot can understand your brand well instead of a designer that knows the art of creating brand identities that build emotional ties?

I feel sorry for those who think that a free logo generator can do the job right. With a heavy heart, I am saying, if you don’t know about emotional ties, you can’t get to the stage of customer loyalty.

If logo generators were enough for the world, digital artisans wouldn’t be there.

6. You become part of the crowd

Customers want to get the real feel; rest is just noise to them.

Logo creators suck the soul out of your brand’s message and make you the part of the crowd. When you go to the party, don’t you feel like stealing the show?

From your dress to your fragrance, everything is always on point as you want to look different. The same should be your business goal. You aim to stand out in the market, but this is next to impossible if you use a pre-made brand identity.

Logo generators don’t offer you room for innovation. Moreover, you lack the design sense, as well. Hence you end up making a logo that makes you crowd’s companion. Your brand’s individuality gets lost, and all you receive is a hopeless PNG.

See, again I’d say it’s your decision what you want for your business. When your brand is a priority, you will never think about a logo generator. The rest is your call.

7. Pre-made logos never support your branding efforts

I am just thinking…

If it doesn’t even look good and fails to convey your brand’s message, how can a pre-made logo support your branding efforts?

See it this way: Ever seen a Jenga? It’s all about foundation and balance. When the foundation isn’t right, your tower falls.

Ever seen a Jenga

Your logo is that foundation. And the tower you are trying to build is your branding. The foundation is weak. Hence your tower won’t survive. Eventually, your brand will fall.

This is why it is sheer insanity to get a pre-made logo and expect it to do wonders for your branding efforts. Remember that your logo appears everywhere; from your website to the business card you hand over to your client, it stays as a part of you. Therefore, get one you are proud to hold and hand over.

8. Logo makers embarrass you in the long run

Alright. Even, for now, you are doing well with a run-of-the-mill logo design. The point is, for how long you will survive like this?

When you expand your business, when you build a huge clientele, it’s embarrassing to use a brand identity you aren’t proud of.

Instead of getting embarrassed in the long run, it’s better to tweak your mistakes and get a logo design you are proud of.

9. Logo generators often convey the wrong message

All the penny pitchers hear me out!

Your no design sense will sink you. I remember one of my friends ended up opening and shutting down his business within four months as he didn’t get enough customers.

He started meal making business for people with diabetes. When he was doing it all on word-of-mouth, it was good. The day he made his so-called free logo, customers started going far away.

The question is, why?

It is because he used an ample amount of white color in his logo that usually depicts sugar content. Now, talk about diabetics; they aren’t allowed to consume it.

The message that the logo gave ruined everything, and he started losing the business.

Learning from other’s mistakes is better than making new ones. Don’t fall into the trap of logo generators that vanish your brand and don’t even mourn on your loss.

What could possibly happen if you use a free logo generator?

Let me share some interesting tweets I came across:

nah Love I'm Good , go Away Tweet

The girl is so embarrassed about the logo that she doesn’t even want to be tagged there. Try to understand the sentiments of people. Do you want them to interact with a logo that makes them feel disgusted?

Look at another one. This is very direct!

Online Sleuth, Rank: Enlisted Tweet

Perhaps, he is talking about the Baseball team. Whatever it is, I call it a moment of embarrassment for these brands.

If you are still so inclined towards using a free logo generator, know that these tweets will be about you someday.

Please don’t buy a bucket full of embarrassing tweets.

This is hilarious! The person is talking about a brand that previously owned the worst logo. Now, they are coming up with another one. But it seems like people are not entirely happy with it…

Big Top 1 Tweet

It’s a wrap

On a lighter note:

“Be an Apple in the world full of oranges.”

Your logo dictates your future. Giving your dream in the hand of bots don’t make sense.

Logo generators and logo makers are good for those who don’t want to keep their businesses and thinking to start something for fun.

Your brand is a serious affair. Don’t leave it at the mercy of logo generators as they are garbage. Think beyond limits, don’t get confined in the walls of a penny pitcher.

I have given you a good dose of a reality check. Having known the facts, you won’t even get an inch closer to those digital garbage bags. (You know what I mean.)

Originally Published at Fullstop360.com/blog.


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