Why Local Media Matters and Can Lead to National Recognition
Jeff Weisbein
Entrepreneur, AI + tech PR, connecting the #MiamiTech startup ecosystem.
Just like all politics is local, almost all good public relations starts there too. Winning the hearts and minds of your community is often a sign of great things ahead, and in PR, that starts with capturing the attention of local media.
Local coverage can be a glide path to greater visibility and opportunities with national and international outlets. This approach unfolds with what can be perceived as a building blocks strategy, whereby securing local media coverage acts as the foundational stone leading to broader media exposure.
Local media holds intrinsic value as a way to verify a company or product within its community, which is a crucial stepping stone towards national attention. It helps in laying the groundwork for credibility and establishing a reputation that can later be leveraged when engaging with larger media networks. PR is like climbing a ladder, and the first step should almost always be with local outlets who have a stake in the community.
How to Secure Local Media
Being noticed by local media and eventually landing earned media coverage requires a combination of strategic pitching and relationship building. Initiating relationships with local journalists by being engaged with their work and demonstrating your expertise in certain areas can help. But more important than that is finding the right pitch—the best story to tell that audience. PR firms like Hype Lab can help.
Once you secure your first local news story, the process does not end. Instead, it tends to catalyze a cascading effect that results in more local appearances and down the line, larger stories that often reference these earlier mentions. This raises a company or founder’s profile, not just within media circles, but also in the business world, where these local stories establish the perception of authority—and prospective business partners are often enticed by the ability of a firm that has secured this coverage to get them in the news as well.
Local vs. National Media
To be clear, the contrasts between local and national media PR and the benefits each offer are significant. Local media generally offers a more intimate and community-focused reach, often exploring stories that resonate on a smaller scale and are centered around people and familiar institutions. In contrast, national media is geared toward a much broader audience and tends to focus on stories that touch on more widespread themes and social trends. However, success in local PR can directly influence the scale of attention from national outlets by providing a proven track record of public interest and engagement, as well as a compelling protagonist for a story on a larger trend.
In addition, one of the most significant benefits of local media is building a solid reputation at home. For businesses, this can manifest as increased foot traffic and stronger community ties, whereas for individuals or leaders, it could transform into becoming a go-to expert for media commentary and being welcomed into influential and potentially profitable circles. The credibility earned from local success stories can be channeled to attract national attention, dramatically increasing reach and influence.
Charity begins at home, and in most cases, so should your media strategy. Focusing first on local and regional outlets? places individuals and brands at a strategic advantage in eventually reaching national media. This is how to begin the snowball effect of turning local media into more prominent opportunities, leading to higher impact, larger rewards and a much bigger presence in the public consciousness. That’s what PR is about, and this is what can happen when local media takes center stage.
Entrepreneur, AI + tech PR, connecting the #MiamiTech startup ecosystem.
1 个月do you have a local media strategy?