Why Linkedin?
Lee Monk Communications Coach

Why Linkedin?

Why Linkedin?

Linkedin is the only internet platform that you need to be on. Instagram, Facebook and Reddit are great but they are mainly for entertainment. You can make a lot of money by being an Instagram influencer, but this requires a lot of work, the market is saturated, and you may not get back the investment of time that you put into the project.

However, Linkedin will push and promote active users. If you post 1-2 quality posts or polls every day and one well-written article every week, Linkedin will start to push your posts to users that you are not even connected with. You won’t make any money, but you are investing in your future success. There is an old expression:

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”.?

BUT, if you know things and you know people, you are guaranteed success. Linkedin is THE place to show what you know and to connect with people who could be a great help in the future.?

If you have a great network that actively engages with you; Linkedin will love you.

?If you have a great Linkedin profile, you stand out from the crowd. If you are a company, stop publishing on your company intranet. Put everything on Linkedin. Get your employees to engage on your posts there: Great for SEO :)

An active and dynamic Linkedin profile will always pay off in the end for individuals, groups and companies.?

Increasing your Linkedin activity may just increase the? quality and quantity of your connections. Well, that, by itself, is a positive thing for you.

Before, you could only connect with people at the same professional level as you, or people rejected your requests to connect. But, after some optimization and quality content posting, you get CEOs and Linkedin thought leaders (called “voices” on Linkedin) following you and engaging with your posts. This creates a virtuous circle of engagement and exposure of your profile. If you want? to get 1,000 impressions of a post on facebook or Instagram, you would probably need to pay for the platform to push your post into feeds. On Linkedin, you can get 1,000 impressions (and quality posts/engagement from other Linkedin users) quite easily. Connections and content are the gateway. Through these connections and quality content posts, you may be invited to speak at an event, or even offered a job that you didn’t apply for: At least once a week, I get an invitation to apply for a job, or an invitation to collaborate/meet for a coffee. These are mostly from people I have never met or chatted with. But, becuae of my Linkedin presence and good "karma" with Linked in, I pop up in their searches and feeds way more than other candidates/persons of interest.

People always think of Linkedin as a way to “advertise” ourselves for jobs. Most of us (including me!) only start updating our Linkedin profiles when we are thinking about changing jobs. However, a dynamic and engaging Linkedin profile that functions as a blog or diary of your work at your current company will help you stand out from the crowd; within your organization and in the wider online community. People within your own organization will recognize your talent to communicate, and ....when/if it comes to the time where you want a different job or change of career; your profile is already highly valued by Linkedin. Linkedin will push your profile to recruiters a lot more than people who have inactive and boring profiles.

Posting my experiences and knowledge is something I have committed to this year: I am going to share and post a lot more, just for the joy of being part of a great community. Linkedin is overwhelmingly positive as a community.

Think of your niche, expertise, or just something you like to talk about professionally. Open a google doc. Write 4-5 short articles every week. They do not need to be great quality or long, Just give it a go!

Build a stockpile of articles and posts that are written and ready to go. Set a reminder on your calendar and post 1-2 every day.

Do not use chat GPT or Linkedin built in AI writing tools. They make your writing sound very inauthentic. Publish 1-3 articles a week on Linkedin and at least 1 post every day.

Directly send the article to a few friends that you know will help you out. Ask your friends to comment, repost and share. You only need about ten people to comment and repost to get the attention of the Linked algorithm. Also, send the article to some contacts that have a “high value” Linkedin profile. High profile Linkedin profiles are “voices”, or they could be experts, groups or profiles with a lot of posts and engagement. Send them a nice message with a link to your Linkedin article: “Hi Vicky, I just wrote an article about _____. As an expert in the field, I would really appreciate it if you could read it and drop a quick comment on the article. Let me know if I can ever return the favor in any way. Have a great day :)”

Linkedin articles have more design options than just a regular post. They look GREAT! And, you can highlight them in your “featured” section on your profile.?

Guide for Linkedin Articles: Publish articles on LinkedIn | LinkedIn Help

Featured Section Guide: Featured Section on Your Profile - FAQs | LinkedIn Help

Next, Linkedin will teach you how to create a better profile. And, many other skills. Linkedin has its own learning platform: https://www.dhirubhai.net/learning/

Once you complete a course, you can show this course on your profile. They have courses ranging from optimizing your Linkedin profile to Crisis Management, Public Speaking to technical skills such as Python and AutoCAD.?

You can try it for a month for free. Find a couple of days or a week where you have some free time. Register for your free month trial and just do as many courses as you can! They are good quality courses and the certificates look great on your Linkedin profile.?

This is why Linkedin is the only platform you need to be on. Don’t delay. Think of an article title or post and just go for it!! Start typing now :)

Absolutely, staying active on LinkedIn is key to unlocking professional opportunities. As Albert Einstein once said - The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Embracing new strategies, like optimizing your LinkedIn for #CRO, can lead to success. Keep innovating! ????



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