Why Linkedin Is Important For Students
Amber Sharrma
Performance Marketer | Crafting ROI-Driven Social Media & SEO Solutions | Turning Digital Presence into Business Growth | Author
LinkedIn is a Social Network similar to Facebook for Professionals.
Although it primarily serves as a social network for professionals, there are many benefits that students can also benefit from using LinkedIn. While Facebook has caught the attention of teenagers on social media, LinkedIn offers some serious benefits for networking and professional grooming.
Many high school students document their school year on social networks such as Facebook, where they fill in pages with hilarious photos and comments about their teenage antics.
Experts recommend high school students take their social networks more seriously and network with professional networks like LinkedIn. With the current economic recession on the market and pandemic like COVID-19, finding a job is harder than ever, and there is nothing more you can do to make your presence felt as you enter your studies, but remember that students can also expand their networks by interacting with professional networking sites like LinkedIn. Graduation and networking are both important and difficult.
One of the fastest gains of a LinkedIn account is sharpening your profile and building professional contacts. If you are a student or recent graduate, you may not understand the point of a professional social network. It is hard to stand out in the labour market when so many other graduates are trying to do the same.
If you exist on LinkedIn, encourage your fellow human beings to make their presence felt on the platform. If you are not yet available on LinkedIn, I would recommend that you create your profile and develop your online presence on one of the best professional networking platforms on the web. Please share this article with those who do not find LinkedIn useful to students and let them know what they need.
Think of your LinkedIn profile as your professional brand shared with the world. It is your identity, your company, your university, your colleagues and people you want to keep in touch with during the transition from student to professional.
A LinkedIn account allows companies to easily find you and find the information you want to find. Interviews can be nerve-wracking but you can do your own research on LinkedIn if you have an account so you can enter your interview as prepared as possible.
Having a LinkedIn account as a student proves that you are committed to a career. If you're a college student and you think LinkedIn isn't for you, you're making a big mistake in your career.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other Social networks may not offer you the career opportunities that LinkedIn offers. While other social networks rely on status updates and artistic contributions, LinkedIn is a career centre. It is a place where employees can create career profiles, network with gurus in specific industries and find employment.
In your own profile, with your own resume and work history, you can upload to other people, interact with others and sign up for courses based on specific skills relevant to your chosen career path.
One of the biggest advantages that LinkedIn offers to students and job seekers is that they can visit the pages of their target employers. LinkedIn has adopted a few of the new features called CheckIn, Story, Live Video, Reactions & Pronunciations makes it easy for people to attend job fairs, sign up with potential employers, share their achievements, react to posts and link potential hiring managers to LinkedIn applicants profiles. LinkedIn also gives you the opportunity to connect with professionals around the world.
I don't have LinkedIn spokespeople telling me that the company is cooking something for young jobseekers, but I have reason to believe that such a plan might work.
Maria Stein, head of career services at Northeastern University, told Forbes that "College students with LinkedIn accounts can show prospective employers that they are a few steps closer to finding a good job." Teenagers need a leg up in their job search if they're looking for a career straight after high school or a part-time job to pay their college bills. For Genella Minot, you no longer have to fill out a profile - you can align yourself with the millions of students looking for work who will compete with you in the future.
If you are interested in finding a job, you can benefit from networking via social media and websites. Parents can help their students find internships and jobs by connecting them with people they already know.
When you create your professional profile on LinkedIn, you can set up email notifications to receive notifications about recommended jobs. LinkedIn users search and apply without leaving the site and use the platform to explore companies and the industry as a whole. By visiting the pages of your target employer, you research the whereabouts of the company, the recruitment process and what people say about the company.
This type of business research on LinkedIn will always stay one step ahead of your competition and increase your employability. Another important factor is that you should be active on LinkedIn. Patel points out that everyone should create a LinkedIn profile for their next career move to prepare for the move.
In your profile, you will find links to apply for jobs and to synchronize your skills. Apart from that, LinkedIn has a few other factors that distinguish it from other job search platforms.
This includes what you are studying, what motivates you to volunteer, and what research or doctoral theses you are doing. The professional network you have at your disposal allows you to take a closer look at the companies you are applying to.
There is a lot you can put on your LinkedIn profile, but this podcast summary focuses on the minimal things you need to set up if you want to use LinkedIn as a powerful branding and networking tool.
Recruiters and others try to connect on LinkedIn to reach people from;