Why Lead Generation is key for your Real Estate business
The CEO Partner
We help Implement and maintain systems and processes that result in predictable and measurable outcomes
Imagine your agents get consistent requests to sell or show a house…
Imagine your conference room is booked 3 days out of the week every month for closing meetings…
Consistent requests for showings that result in closings would be a profitable brokerage!
How does this become a possibility for your brokerage?
The answer is in Lead Generation, which is key to your digital business strategy.
There are two types of Leads: Free and Paid.
The first one will help you build brand awareness for your brand and grow your list through free services you will give to future potential clients. Paid ones, on the other side, will come mainly from ads or through paid services.
Creating a lead magnet to collect new leads is something that you should strategically implement to gain new potential customers.
How do you do this?
Ask yourself who your potential client is and what pain point you are trying to solve for them or what information they want to get from you: the solution will be in a free pdf or ebook, as to say, your lead magnet. In exchange, you will gain new emails (so, new leads) to add to your newsletter.
Generating online leads in the real estate industry can be highly competitive, that is why is important to differentiate yourself from other businesses.
Having updated social media profiles is not enough anymore in the digital world, indeed, having automated posts is key for an optimal marketing strategy. Planning ahead can give you time and insights into your audience and what they want from you. Consider opening a TikTok account as well, in which you can show in a more personal and realistic way your listing. Luxury houses create engagement for your page, and for your brand as well so that you can attract new potential buyers: as a matter of fact, 73% of homeowners prefer realtors who promote their offerings through video.
Lead Generation softwares could also be a helpful tool for finding new leads in the real estate world. Companies like Marketer Leader, Bold Lead or Zillow Premier Agent are the top choices for you to find new clients and close deals.
Testing out new approaches in the digital world can be overwhelming, but with the right mix of traditional ways and new modern tools, you can create and develop a new system that will have you on the way to a new pipeline of leads taking you to the next level.
Once you have a system that generates leads it can be put on repeat and create predictability in your business.
At The CEO Partner, we are here to help you create New Revenue in your business by?
We are here to help you build a unique and effective Lead Generation strategy that converts your new leads into customers.
Book a New Revenue Session today to discuss how you can get started!