Why the law of attraction isn't working for manifesting your ideal partner or soulmate?

Why the law of attraction isn't working for manifesting your ideal partner or soulmate?

The law of attraction is the most powerful law which governs your life in every way whether you realize it or not. You might be thinking that the law of attraction is working with a certain specific person and you are the one who is not treated right by this powerful law which is completely wrong. The core fundamental concept of the law of attraction is "like attracts like" which means you have to be the person you desire to attract as per the law of attraction. The majority of people are unable to manifest their specific ideal partner because their vibrational energy contradicts with their relationship goals during the manifestation process. 

The internet is bombarded by the countless materials on the law of attraction where a very few materials are scripted by a professional law of attraction experts and the majority of them are misleading which is creating confusion in the majority of the readers. When you refer the right materials on the topic of the law of attraction and practice it being disciplined then the manifestation of your ideal partner or soulmate is guaranteed in the house of the Universe intelligence. You have to be consciously aware while going through the materials relating to the law of attraction because your relationship life is a very confidential matter of concern.

These are the core reasons for not manifesting your ideal partner or soulmate even though you have been practicing the law of attraction for so long.

1. You might have some unfinished business of your past relationship experiences:-

You might have been practicing the law of attraction for so long and you might have been giving your best possible effort to manifest your deserving life partner but you are unable to experience your ideal partner into your physical experience. The core reason behind being a spectator in the manifestation process is that you might be mentally and emotionally occupied by your past relationship issues during the manifestation process. When you get occupied by your past relationship issues during the manifestation process then you can't manifest your ideal partner despite your committed actions.

You should not work on your manifestation process if you are occupied by your past relationship issues rather you have to fix it first. You have to heal your wounded self completely then you can be in a perfect positive vibrational state to align with the universe intelligence for manifesting your ideal partner or soulmate into your physical experience. You need to understand that you always attract for who you are, not for what you desperately desire to attract as per the law of attraction.

2. You might be relying on this illogical fact "I want to see it in a physical form first to believe it"

It doesn't matter how many books or articles you have read and how many seminars you have attended, all it matters is how correctly you have understood the right working mechanism of the law of attraction. If you are looking for its physical demonstration to believe it then you can't be able to manifest your ideal partner at any cost, no matter for how long you wait for verifying your illogical concept. Actually, you have to believe in yourself that you deserve a destined version of your ideal partner then you can manifest them into your physical experience.

You have to see the outcome with your mind-sight and experience it emotionally then you can attract that specific person with similar positive vibes to your vortex. Suppose if you say once I manifest my ideal partner then I will not feel lonely instead of feeling content and complete now then you can't manifest a destined version of your ideal partner.

3. You might be looking for a magic pill of the manifestation process:-

You might have been reading countless books and attended countless seminars on the law of attraction for finding the exact magic pill for manifesting your ideal partner instead of taking action on the concepts you have regarding the working mechanism of the law of attraction. There is no such magic pill for manifesting your ideal partner or soulmate rather you have to harmonize your thought, emotion, and action to radiate positive vibes towards the Universe intelligence then you can attract a person with similar positive vibes to your vortex.

You need to understand the fact that like attracts like which means you need to be the person you desire to manifest as per the law of attraction. If you keep looking for the magic pill which can create a miracle in your relationship life then you are out of the manifestation league for sure. 

4. You might have a false understanding regarding the working mechanism of the law of attraction:-

You might have the belief that thought becomes things magically in the absence of emotion and action which might be the core reason for not manifesting your ideal partner or soulmate. If you believe that visualizing and affirming your thoughts relating to your relationship goals can work only then you are in an illusion. Your thoughts become things when you internalize it emotionally and take relevant action on your relationship goals by believing in yourself and trusting in the manifestation process of the universe intelligence.

The core concept of the law of attraction for manifesting your ideal partner is to become the person you desire to attract. Once you refer a right professional coach who has the best understanding regarding the working mechanism of the law of attraction then you can expand your awareness regarding its proper application for manifesting your ideal partner or soulmate.

5. You might be looking for a complete person without being yourself first.

When you keep looking for a complete person as per your stated traits or qualities without being yourself first then you can't be able to manifest your ideal partner or soulmate into your physical experience. You have to own the traits or qualities you desire to attract in your specific ideal partner then you can attract a person with similar positive vibes to your vortex as per the law of attraction.

Once you own the positive traits you desire to manifest in your ideal partner then you can radiate positive vibes towards the universe intelligence for attracting a person who can reflect your soul. You can't attract a destined version of your ideal partner by looking in the universe rather you can attract by being. Suppose if you desire to attract a loving and honest person then own these traits first to be magnetic during the manifestation process.

6. You might have some self-limiting beliefs.

The universe is always responding alike to the beliefs you hold from the core of your being during the manifestation process. Your self-limiting beliefs are the greatest blockage in the manifestation process which can keep you out of the manifestation league no matter how vividly you visualize your relationship goals. You need to understand the fact that your personality traits can script the personal reality of your life.

Suppose if you desire to attract your ideal partner and if you hold the belief that you are not good enough during the manifestation process then it won't work as per the law of attraction. You have to master over your self-limiting beliefs completely first then you can be the person you desire to attract to your vortex.

7. You might be so desperate regarding the outcome during the manifestation process:-

Your desperate attitude during the manifestation process can keep you out of the positive alignment with the Universe intelligence. You can't manifest your ideal partner overnight rather manifestation takes time and you need to have patience during the manifestation process. When you express your desperateness during the manifestation process then you start to radiate the negative vibes towards the Universe intelligence which can create a huge blockage in the manifestation process.

You have to harmonize your thought, emotion, and action in a positive manner while working on your relationship goals during the manifestation process which will help to remain in a positive alignment with the Universe intelligence.

8. You might be believing that vision board technique is enough to manifest your ideal partner.

The law of attraction is not about visualizing your vision board only for manifesting your ideal partner. You have to practice a series of techniques while practicing the law of attraction which are meditation technique, visualization technique, positive affirmation technique, nature alignment technique, building the best version of yourself technique, action-oriented approach for being among the pool of people and many more. Actually, nobody comes to your door to knock and propose you for marrying you rather you have to take action for being yourself among the pool of people.

In fact, your action is the root of the physical manifestation because the last 6 letters of "Attr-action" itself says "Action" which means you have to take action to attract your ideal partner into your physical experience. The majority of people are missing this step which is one of the core reason for not manifesting their deserving life partner even though they are practicing the vision board technique being persistent during the manifestation process.

9. You might be looking for perfection during the manifestation process.

When you practice the law of attraction with your right level of awareness, it doesn't mean you will manifest your ideal partner without any distractions during the manifestation process. You can't experience everything perfectly in the beginning phase of the manifestation process since you have to work on your mental state, emotional state, physical state, subconscious state, and spiritual state. Actually harmonizing your thought, emotion, and action in a positive manner takes time and you have to go through a series of distractions while working on this process.

If you quit yourself by experiencing distractions in the beginning then you are intentionally putting yourself out of the manifestation league. Suppose if your thoughts or emotions are controlled by your negative self-limiting beliefs, it doesn't mean you can't get over it rather you need to have a persistent effort and patience to master over it.

10. You might have self-doubt on the application of the law of attraction due to your past experiences:-

The law of attraction won't work if you practice it by holding a negative self-belief regarding the working mechanism of the law of attraction because of your negative past experience. The universe intelligence will not rectify your negative thought vibration created by your self-doubt rather it always responds alike. The law of attraction always works with 100% accuracy and you have to adjust your own self-doubt issues while practicing it for manifesting your ideal partner into your physical experience.

You need to understand the fact that if it didn't work in your past, it doesn't mean it won't work now. You have to have a self-diagnosis on your mental and emotional state of well being to know how you feel mentally and emotionally during the manifestation process which will help to fix your internal issues.

11. The concept of "law of attraction isn't working for me" itself is your negative belief.

When you practice the law of attraction with the belief "law of attraction isn't working for manifesting my ideal partner" on a regular basis then the universe will say "OK as you say" which means it won't work for you. The majority of people get tired of practicing it and start to hold this negative belief which is also the reason for not manifesting their ideal partner for so long.

The physical manifestation takes time and you have to believe in yourself as well as you have to trust in the manifestation process of the Universe intelligence during the manifestation process. You can't attract a positive outcome if you hold negative beliefs while practicing the law of attraction.

Note:- This is one of the highly read and the longest article on the internet regarding manifesting your ideal partner. It will definitely help to expand your awareness regarding the right working mechanism of the law of attraction for manifesting your ideal partner into your physical experience.

How to use the law of attraction for manifesting your ideal partner or soulmate in 15 action steps?----(Highly read article on LOA)

"Attracting A Specific Person" Book Is Available On Amazon.


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Dhiraj kumar Raj - Ziglar Certified的更多文章

