Why Latam?
Santiago de Chile

Why Latam?

Since we keep making efforts to develop the local presence of international brands in Latin America, people always makes me the same question, why Latam? And actually the answer is simple, why not?

Why not? if the Inter-American Development Bank (BID) says in its last inform that the fintech ecosystem in the region has experienced a fast growth based on the financial clients' needs? It looks like every day there are more and more people looking after new business with technological access and this has generated an increase of 112% of tech platforms between 2018 and 2021.

Why not? If the high demand has generated regulatory changes that help both companies and clients for financial inclusion.

Why not? If the internet penetration in the continent has grown more than 20% since 2015 and is avobe the global average

Why not? If we all receive every day questions and comments from our personal circles about the possibility of participating in digital services and platforms, showing the strong interest of the Latin people in being part and develop their personal economy by their own skills.

That is why, because we want a mature market that can take advantage of the new opportunities and have the knowledge to identify attractive offers and business. Because the need is already here, and by helping global companies to establish in the region we are collaborating with this growing ecosystem.

For those who want to know how being here:

For those who want to access the opportunities:

#outsourcing #latam #bpo #fintechfinance #fxtrading


